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[Adventure] A Chef's Request (DM:renau1g; judge: covaithe)

Walking Dad

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Nejs Radan, Half-Elf Ardent 1

Feeling that he needs to do something before the wand wielder can bring him down again, Nejs moves up to him, swinging his glaive not only to harm his body, but his confidence, too.


Move: to 1C
Standard: Demoralizing Strike (1d20+6=21, 1d10+4=12) on wand wielder.
hope it hits. If yes he also suffers -2 to all defenses until the end of Nejs next turn.

Aura 5: +3 damage on opportunity attacks, +2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Nejs Ragan
Perception: 11 Insight: 18 Low-light Vision
AC 16 Fortitude 14 Reflex 12 Will 15
Initiative: +2
Hit Points: 3 / 28 Bloodied: 14
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 0
Healing Surge:7 Surges per day: 7 / 10
At-Will Powers: Demoralizing Strike, Energizing Strike
Encounter Powers: Power Points: 0/2, Ardent Surge 0/2, Ardent Outrage, Virtuous Strike
Daily Powers: Implanted Suggestion

Condition: 1 failed death save.


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Mal Malenkirk

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Ghorgor is frustrated with trying to track down the tiny dragon and with evil wand guy staying out of reach of melee. He finally makes his decision on who is the most aggravating.

He dashes toward the flying evil wand man and then jumps, soaring into the air like a steel eagle and against all odds manages to batter his prey. He even lands gracefully in spite of a full plate and a shield.

-''Yeah. I did good.'' Ghorgor says smugly.

Move: to B3 with a high Jump
Athletic (1d20+7=22, 1d20+7=27)
Goliath roll twice and take best for climb and jump.

With this roll of 27, I gain an extra 5 feet. Ghorgor is 7'6'', by the rules it means he reaches exactly 10' high (in High Jump rules, add 1/3 to your height) so now I can reach 15' and that's without accounting for the weapon. I think I got him!

Iron Fist vs AC, gain resist 2 (1d20+7=21, 1d10+5=9)

And that should be a hit! Yes! Gain resist 2. Who dares wins!

PS: The dragon should be marked by Ghorgor.


First Post
Morko continues to struggle for life.

Fissure kneels by the guard who had defended them, though this was the place he was to guard. The dwarf required assistance, and Fissure did what he could. Whether it was providence or fate, the goliath managed to accidentally do exactly what was required, and the dwarf stabilized. Fissure then took cover behind the barrel, preparing his next move.

Calisto tries to attack again the wand man but this time, she then go hide behind a crate near her.

Feeling that he needs to do something before the wand wielder can bring him down again, Nejs leaps up to him, swinging his glaive not only to harm his body, but his confidence, too.

Ghorgor is frustrated with trying to track down the tiny dragon and with evil wand guy staying out of reach of melee. He finally makes his decision on who is the most aggravating.

He dashes toward the flying evil wand man and then jumps, soaring into the air like a steel eagle and against all odds manages to batter his prey. He even lands gracefully in spite of a full plate and a shield.

-''Yeah. I did good.'' Ghorgor says smugly.

The wizard cries out in pain, flying to the top of the landing, spins and fires more rays that drop Nejs again and nearly fell Ghorgor.

The dragon begins flying further away, it lands on the other landing and watches, seeing how things turn out.

[sblock=Enemies Unlocked Info]

Chillborn Zombies: Will is 14, AC is 19
Psuedodragon - AC is 17, Will is 14, Fort is 14
Wand - Will is 19, Ref is 18


Pseudo 410 - flies and total defense

Wand Man - attacks Nejs & Ghorgor -
vs ref; fire; vs fort; necrotic (1d20+10=22, 2d6+4=6, 1d20+10=21, 1d8+4=5) hits Nejs for 6, back to dying and Ghorgor for 3, weakened (sve ends)


Ghorgor - 3/35 - bloodied -
Callisto - 14/26 - Regen 2, +2 dam, Resist 10 fire and +2 att vs bloodied foes instead of +1, weakened (save ends)
Morko - -11/29 - prone, dying, unconscious, 2 failed death save
Fissure - 2/25 -
Wand - 8/102 - 15' up again, bloodied, -2 to defenses, used AP
Psuedo 410 - 20/40, marked
Nejs - -3/28 - bloodied, prone unconscious, dying
Billar - -1/32 - bloodied, prone, unconscious, stable

*well, everyone's done a good job spreading out their damage so far. Most of the enemies are close or at bloodied, unfortunately so are the heroes

The platform is 20' up, the stairs are Difficult terrain.

Bad Guy
Everyone else - feel free to post in any order, we'll adjudicate as posted. (Mal's rules).


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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Fissure, seeing the wand man retreat to the top of the railing, took a deep breath. Shifting his feet, he curled his toes under him to get a feeling for the ground beneath him. Then, he bolted forward, leaping skyward with grace and power. His long fingers find a purchase in the wood, spouting out some of its thick contents, and the monk uses his momentum to carrying himself up. He plants his feet solidly then, with a quick two blows, strikes the wand wielder head on. There is a crack.

Then silence.

Two men died that instant. A hero. A villain. In all things, symmetry.[sblock=OOC]Fissure: Move to C5. Charge, using Athletics as part of the charge to jump up on the barrel: 23 for 4.6' vertically or a reach of 15', not enough to get up or reach to the top. Roll to catch himself on barrel: 28 and then climb check to pull himself up the last square: 25. Those should do it assuming the barrel isn't crazy slippery. That's 6 squares of movement (2 to the barrel and 4 to the top) which puts him at C8 and striking range. Attack: CRIT! for 19 hp w/ Flurry. Assuming he had to drop the club to climb, that's still a hit and over 8hp with a monk's unarmed strike so goodness.

Morko: Dies.[/sblock][sblock=Morko (Dead)]-11/29 - bloodied, 7/10 HS, Second Wind used, AP used, Encounter used, Raging, Failed 3 Death Saves[/sblock][sblock=Fissure (Bloodied)]Fissure—Male Goliath Stone Fist Monk
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 16, Fort: 14, Reflex: 15, Will: 14 — Speed: 6
HP: 2/25, Bloodied: 12, Surge: 6, Surges left: 7/8
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Used
Powers -
Crane's Wings
Five Storms
Stone Fist Flurry of Blows

Awakening the Slumbering Hurt
Spinning Leopard Maneuver
Stone's Endurance

Fissure - L4W:pC:Fissure (stonegod) - L4W Wiki[/sblock]


First Post
Finish that dragon. hears Calisto, but seeing Morko bleeding stop and two other unconscious and wounded, she then realized the dark side of being adventurer. She takes a moment of being scared before rushing to Billar and Nejs. You are weak. tells the Oni in her head. She quickly try to stop the bleeding of Nejs but even if she doesn't know what she is doing, she successfully stabilize Nejs.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Start: Regen 2 => 16/26
Move: Walk to B2
Standard: Heal check on Nejs (1d20+1=19) Stabilized
End: Save (1d20=12)[/SBLOCK]
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