• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adventure: A Fish Story (DM: BenBrown; Judge: renau1g)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Dante turns his attention to Gluplik, sizing up the monster as he flicks his kamas out to either side and drops two of the remaining spawn. Virgil moves forward, eyes burning as he stares down the beast, Dante right behind him.

[sblock=Actions]Standard Action: Twin-strike
Attack 1 on Spawn 63: 1d20+7 = 25, hit and dead.
Attack 2 on Spawn 48: 1d20+7 = 17, hit and dead.
Move: Virgil moves to L-12. Dante moves to L-13.
Minor: Quarry Gluplik.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]Dante, Male Human Ranger 1
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12
AC: 16, Fort:16, Reflex:15, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:8/22, Bloodied:11, Surge Value:5, Surges left:2/6
Initiative +3
Action Points: 0
Powers: Twin Strike, Predator Strike, Careful Attack, Second Wind, Off-Hand Strike, Jaws of the Wolf

Note: Dante makes an OA on any creature that makes a melee attack on Virgil as long as it OR Virgil are within reach 2. +7 vs. AC, 2d4+4 damage.

Virgil, Beast Companion(Lizard) 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 16, Fort:13, Reflex:13, Will:11 -- Speed:6
HP:20/22, Bloodied:11, Surge Value:5, Surges left:0/2
Initiative As Dante

Virgil's OA attacks: +7 vs. AC, 1d8+3 damage.[/sblock]
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Abigail, seeing Gluplik focused on Eraden, uses the distraction to turn into a bolt of fire and flash across the room, searing the monstrosity. She appears behind it with a blade of fire, and slashes down across the beast's back. Unfortunately, the beast's hide is stronger than it looks. Abigail lands on her feet, and draws the long dagger at her side and tries again. Spinning in a whirlwind of fire, she strikes, and tears a long gash down the beast's back.

Grinning viciously, Abby quickly sheathes her blade and, without taking her eyes off Gluplik, asks Eraden, "Hey, blue hair... you okay?"

Immediate Reaction because the Marked Gluplik hit Eraden - Teleport to Square K9 and make an attack with CA. Opportunity Attack vs. Gluplik w/CA (1d20+8=9, 1d8+6=12)
Minor Action to draw Short Sword.
Standard Action to Use Flame Cyclone on Gluplik, invoking Sneak Attack. Attack is vs. Reflex - if this guy has a ref higher than 19, I suggest we all run. Flame Cyclone Attack on Gluplik, 1d8+10 fire damage, 2d6 sneak attack. (1d20+6=19, 1d8+10=16, 2d6=8)
(note - I used a d8 instead of the d6 damage by accident, so here's my re-roll - Actual damage with Flame Cyclone Attack (1d6+10=12) (So the damage for the attack should be a whopping total of 20 points).
Move Action to Sheathe Short Sword.

Okay, thanks Taran. I didn't see the resistive infusion on Abigail. So, I guess that means her AC is actually 20 right now? Nice! Anyways, Ben, if Abby gets hit, she'll use the infusion to get the temp HP.[/sblock]

[sblock=Abigail]Female Human Assault Swordmage 1
Passive Perception: 9, Passive Insight: 9
AC: 19, Fort:14, Reflex:15, Will:14 -- Speed:6
HP:11/27, Bloodied:13, Surges:4/9 (Value 8)
Special: Surge value drops to 6 if Azuras is "dead"
Initiative +1
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Unavailable
Greenflame Blade, Sword Burst, Luring Strike, Aegis of Assault, Flame Cyclone, Sneak Attack, Burning Blade

BURNING BLADE POWER IN EFFECT: +3 Fire Damage on all Melee Attacks

Opportunity Attacks: +6 vs. AC, 1d8+3 damage

Azuras: Dragonling Companion (passive)
Azuras has all the same defenses as Abigail when active, and has 1 hit point. Azuras is healed on a short rest, and can only be targeted when active - he is immune to attacks whilst passive.


First Post

Yes! some very nice hits from Abigail and Dante. Go team!
Sorry, I'm a bit chipper this morning.
Anywho, Ben I was looking over last rounds combat log and I dont see where the full 22 damage I took came from. 10 from crit, +5 from 1st claw, +5 rend, thats 20 total but you listed a total of 22. Mistake or did I take 2 from something else I didn't read? Please look it over. Thanks!



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"Been meanin' t' share this wit' ya." Speaker smiles, and reaches out to touch Dante's chain. At once a blue-white aura ripples the length of the chain. That done, she steps away from the one remaining Spawn, then drops it with a toss of her ritual dagger.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Icebound Sigil Dante's chain, it deals 3 extra cold damage with each hit. Whenever he hits with it Dante may end this effect to Immobilize his target (save ends).
Move: walk to K13.Standard: Magic Weapon the one remaining Spawn, dead. Virgil, Dante, and Eraden all get +1 power to hit and +3 power to damage until the end of Speaker's next turn.[/sblock]


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Still reeling from the creature's cutting blows, Eraden pushes down on his armor with his shield hand, applying presure to what should have been a fatal wound.

Grinning viciously, Abby quickly sheathes her blade and, without taking her eyes off Gluplik, asks Eraden, "Hey, blue hair... you okay?"

Abagails words shake him from his daze. "Still alive" He manages to choke out as he tries to readjust the the strands of blue hair that cover his eyes with a flick of his head.

Tightening the grip on his sword Eraden lunges at the beast with divine conviction. He knew the gods would do onto his foe as his foe had done onto him. His faith purges him of all fear. His sword strikes true, gashing Gluplik in such a way that any form of retaliation would be difficult. Feeling futher emboldened by his attack Eraden steps back and with a prayer sends a radiant light to smite his adversary.

"You will be undone beast. By my hand and the will of the gods, you will be undone!"

Standard=Enfeebling Strike hitsGully for 16 damage
Move=Shift to K13
Action Pont= Radiant Delirium hitsGluplik for 19 Damage

Glupik now has -2 to attack untill the start of my next turn, is dazed untill the end of my next turn, and has a -2 AC penalty (save ends)

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First Post
Alastair continues to circle around the terrible fish beast. A dark bolt of energy leaps out from his wand and strikes the creature with great effect.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Move to H10, triggers Shadow Walk (concealed)
Standard: Eldritch Blast at Glupnik, 1d20+4=24 1d10+1d6+4=11 Crit! for 16 damage.[/sblock]


First Post

Yes! some very nice hits from Abigail and Dante. Go team!
Sorry, I'm a bit chipper this morning.
Anywho, Ben I was looking over last rounds combat log and I dont see where the full 22 damage I took came from. 10 from crit, +5 from 1st claw, +5 rend, thats 20 total but you listed a total of 22. Mistake or did I take 2 from something else I didn't read? Please look it over. Thanks!


[sblock=ooc]You are correct. if that hadn't been a crit that particular hit would have been 7 damage, and somehow that "7" got stuck in my head instead of the five. Will correct in the next update.[/sblock]


First Post
The monstrous fish-creatures opens its cavernous maw and exhales--a stinking hideous belch of foul miasma. Dante and Virgil avoid its worst effects, but Talks-to-the-Moon gets a face full, and it saps away at her vitality.

The curtain is pulled back briefly, and Hake himself lets fly with a dagger, which bounces harmlessly off of Eraden's armor.

[sblock=actions]Lucius Hake--Minor: open curtain, Standard: Dagger at Eraden (1d20+7=10)--miss, Move->Minor: close curtain.


Gluplik--Standard: Hideous Belch vs. Dante, Virgil, Talks-to-the-Moon (attack vs. Fort) (1d20+5-4=8, 1d20+5-4=10, 1d20+5-4=16, 1d10+5=10), Save vs. Radiant Delirium AC Penalty (1d20=3)[/sblock][sblock=terrain features]Small Rocks: count as difficult terrain

Large Rocks: provide cover to medium creatures and superior cover to small creatures. Can be climbed up on top of, taking an extra square of movement, and requiring a DC 12 athletics check.

Shallow Water: the light blue areas count as difficult terrain

Deep Water: the darker areas can't be moved in normally by creatures without a swim speed. To maneuver, make an athletics check (DC 12) to move half your speed. Deep water is also heavily obscured.

Current: the squares with the arrows indicate a current. At the end of their turn, any character in them will be slid in the direction of the arrows for two squares, or until they enter a square without an arrow.

Stepping Stones: the stepping stones allow normal passage both for people walking above the level of the water, and for those in the water. People in the squares upstream of the stepping stones (P15, Q15) can brace themselves against the current with a minor action, or can allow the current to carry them through.

Curtain: the curtain is of heavy brocade. It can be pulled back one square as a minor action, or as a move action a character can move three squares and pull it back the whole distance.[/sblock][sblock=status]Lucius Hake - E17 - No Hits Taken Behind curtain.
Priest - ?? - No Hits Taken Last Known Position G17
Gluplik - K10-L11 - 60/136 marked (abigail), cursed (alastair), quarry (dante), dazed to end of Eraden's turn, -2 to AC (save ends)
Spawn 48 - N11 - 0/1 Dead
Spawn 63 - O16 - 0/1 Dead
Spawn 75 - O13 - 0/1 Dead

Abigail - N13 - 11/27 (4/9) AP:0
Alastair - I14 - 24/24 (4/7) AP:1, concealed
Dante - L14 - 8/22 (2/6) AP:0
Virgil - K15 - 20/22 (0/2)
Eraden - K12 - 9/28 (6/11) AP:0
Talks-to-the-Moon - M13 - 2/29 (3/9) AP:0

Edith Sturgeon - ?? - 1/1 Last Known Position G17
AC:15 Fort:12 Ref:14 Will:12
:bmelee: Mace +4 vs. AC, 1d8+1

AC:16 Fort:14 Ref:14 Will:17
:bmelee: Quarterstaff +9 vs. AC, 1d8+1
[sblock=religion DC 15]The priest's vestments are a mockery of those of the priests of Netari. The symbols on his robe indicate his allegiance to dark powers of death and destruction.[/sblock]

Lucius Hake
AC:17 Fort:13 Ref:18 Will:14
:bmelee: Dagger +7 vs. AC, 1d4+3

AC:16 Fort:17 Ref:16 Will:16
:bmelee: Claw +7 vs. AC, 1d6+4
[sblock=nature DC 15]Oddly enough, this is not a creature from outside the bounds of the natural world. The ocean depths contain creatures just as many abominations of the far realm. OOC: Gluplik is a custom monster.[sblock=DC 20]Beware Gluplik's long grasping arms. He can grab you and tear you apart.[/sblock][/sblock]

AC:17 Fort:11 Ref:15 Will:12
:bmelee: Claw +8 vs. AC, 7 damage
[sblock=nature DC 15]These unnatural looking creatures are not all that powerful, but are quite dangerous in the water. OOC: Gluplik's spawn are custom monsters.[sblock=DC 20]They lurk in the water, and will attempt to pull people in if they are too close to the edge.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
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