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[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)


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OOC: Holy shiz, a -5 to attacks?! Good thing I rolled high (an 18) and my modifier was 5 so it nullifies the penalty but...yeah totally didn't see it.

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Ixenvalignat sees Fierro putting his life at risk for the sake of the glory of battle. Jealous of the bugbear's bravado, the dragonborn charges into the fray, "Oooooh! Leave something for me!" Ixenvalignat plows into the prone crossbowman with his sword, leaving a gash that bleeds profusely. He knows it's a cheap shot, but they have to ensure victory. He then turns to Fierro, "That was an impressive maneuver, friend! Perhaps you can teach me how to do that." The dragonborn's praise gives the bugbear strength.[sblock=Actions]Double Move: to O27

AP: Charge to K23
Target: Goblin Sharpshooter 1 at K22
Attack: 1d20+8+1(Charge)+2(CA prone target)=27 vs. AC for 1d10+5=11 Damage

Minor: Inspiring Word
Target: Fiero
Bonus: 1d6=5 [/sblock][sblock=Ministats] Ixenvalignat
Male Dragonborn Warlord Level 3 Initiative: +1
Speed 5
Passive Perceoption: 10; Passive Insight: 10; Senses: Normal Vision
Draconic Fury: +1 to attack rolls while bloodied
Languages: Draconic, Common
AC: 20; Fortitude; 18; Reflex: 14; Will: 17
HP: 32/32
Surge Value: 8; Surges Left: 1+2/8
Action Points: 0

At Will Powers:
:bmelee: Melee Basic Attack 1d20+8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage

:branged: Ranged Basic Attack 1d20+1 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 damage

:melee: Brash Assault (Standard) 1d20+8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage

Effect: The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action asn has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes the attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack.

:melee: Intuitive Strike (Standard) 1d20+8 vs. Will
Hit: 1d10+5 damage. Until the start of Ixenvalignat's next turn, the next ally who attacks the target and has combat advantage against it gains a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.

Encounter Powers:
:close: (5) Dragon Breath (Minor) 1d20+8 vs. Reflex
Bostering Breath Feat: Targets enemies only

Hit: 1d6 Lightning damage

Battlefront Shift (No Action)

Effect: Target (either Ixenvalignat or an ally) shifts half speed on initiative roll

:close: (5) Inspiring Word (Minor) 1 2
Effect: Target within 5 squares spends healing surge for HS value+1d6 hitpoints

Can be used twice per encounter

:ranged: (5) Encouraging Boost (Minor)
Effect: The target can use its second wind and regain an additional +4 hit points.

Can be used twice per encounter
:melee: Tactician's Invitation (Standard) 1d20+8 vs. AC
2d10+5 Damage. The next time an ally hits the target before the end of Ixenvalignat's next turn, that ally can slide the target two squares, shift 2 squares or deal 4 extra damage to the target.

:melee: Flattening Charge (Standard, Charge)1d20+8+1 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 Damage, and Ixenvalignat knocks the target prone.

Bravura Presence:
If the attack hits, this power is not expended

The target gains combat advantage against Ixenvalignat until the start of Ixenvalignat's next turn.

Daily Powers:

:melee: Bastion of Defense 1d20+8 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10+5=Damage. Each ally within 5 squares of Ixenvalignat gains a +1 power bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter.

Effect: Each ally within 5 squares of Ixenvalignat gains 9 temporary hit poins.


  • Armored Warlord: Ixenvalignat gains proficiency with scale armor, and he increases his number of healing surges by one.
  • Bolstering Breath: Your dragon breath power targets enemies in the area, instead of all creatures in the area. In addition, allies in the area of your dragon breath gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
OOC: Summary

  • Sharpshooter 1 is at 10 HP and still prone?
  • Fierro gets to spend a healing surge +5
  • Ixenvalingnat expends his AP and one IW


First Post
*Cyrus continues to cautiously sprint across the landscape. Leaping and bounding over rocks and boulders alike.*

[sblock=Actions]Move: Move to AF19. Jump to AE17. (Athletics 14)

Move: Move to AE15. Jump to AE13. (Athletics 19)[/sblock]

[sblock=Cyrus]Cyrus- Male Khan Executioner 2
Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 11

AC: 20, Fort: 14, Ref: 18, Will: 12

Initiative: +6, Speed: 6

HP: 20/31, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 9/9

Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge
Silent Stalker

Action Point [ ]
Assassin’s Strike [ ]
Predatory Eye [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Sneak Attack [ ]

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice [ ]

Arrows 23/24[/sblock]
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First Post
Round 2 – Goblin Encampment
[sblock=Previous Rounds] Surprise Round
Round 1a
Round 1b [/sblock]
Finnean moves forward, grabbing a pair of sling stones from his pouch. "BEWARE GOBLINS! I SHALL CONJURE THE SPHERE OF ULTIMATE ANNIHILATION! YOUR DOOM IS UPON YOU!" Finnean tosses a rock into the midst of the goblins. Hoping the distraction is enough, he drops another rock into his sling and quickly fires at a nearby goblin. (HIT)

"Ouch!," Fierro exclaims as he is bombarded by a volley of crossbow bolts, "That enough." "¡Sucia gallina!," he rumbles, turning and glaring at the sharpshooter who hurt him most, "I teach you sit back and shoot at a real luchador!." Disregarding the puny goblin before him, the costumed bugbear rushes forward, smashing the sharpshooter to the ground with a massive punch. He then continues his forward momentum, pinning the hapless sharpshooter's arm behind its back and sitting on its head in one fluid motion. Then remembering his wounds and wincing, he shouts over his shoulder while maintaining his hold on the pinned crossbow wielder, "Hey! Any you Daunton people got feel good potions? Fierro not doing so good." (HIT; AP HIT)

Jesse dashes forth in to the fray, as a frigid purple bolt manifests in his palm. Making eye contact with one of the Sharpshooters, the illusionist fakes him out. "You there with the crossbow! Put your hands in the air and FREEZE! CHILL STRIKE!" The Sharpshooter lunges towards its side, dodging the "attack". Meanwhile, the sling stone that Finnean threw earlier comes to life. It bursts into a small vortex of swirling black energy, swallowing in the ground before it. (HIT)
[sblock=Sphere of Annihilation]

This is a beach after all![/sblock]
Ixenvalignat sees Fierro putting his life at risk for the sake of the glory of battle. Jealous of the bugbear's bravado, the dragonborn charges into the fray, "Oooooh! Leave something for me!" Ixenvalignat plows into the prone crossbowman with his sword, leaving a gash that bleeds profusely. He knows it's a cheap shot, but they have to ensure victory. He then turns to Fierro, "That was an impressive maneuver, friend! Perhaps you can teach me how to do that." The dragonborn's praise gives the bugbear strength.

Cyrus continues to cautiously sprint across the landscape. Leaping and bounding over rocks and boulders alike.

The prone and grabbed sharpshooter tries to escape but the bugbear’s grasp to too strong. It flings its crossbow, and with its free hand, draws its short sword and swings wildly at Fierro who is still grabbing him, missing wide. The other sharpshooter moves into a better position and fires at Finnean, strike the ardent rogue. (MISS & HIT)

The minions all advance upon the bugbear and dragon-man, charging and one even fires its crossbow. (MISS, HIT, HIT, & HIT)

The lone blackblade streaks towards Finnean, scoring a big hit with its charge. (HIT)

The Goblin Hexer sees Cyrus creeping towards its position and lashes out with an incantation which is the last thing Cyrus sees before his sight leaves him. Then it kneels down, making less of a target of itself. (HIT).

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Goblin Cutter 1 (K24): Move: O23>K26; Standard: Charge K26>K24; MBA (Short sword) against Ixen (AC 20): +6+1(charge) vs. AC; 4 damage: 1d20+6+1=19 miss
Goblin Cutter 2 (K15): Move: M12>K15; Minor: reload crossbow; Standard: RBA (Crossbow) against Fierro (AC 20): +6 vs. AC; 4 damage (5 damage on a critical hit): 1d20+6=25 hit for 4 damage
Goblin Cutter 3 (M22): Move: P15>P19; Standard: Charge: P19>M22 against Fierro (AC 20): MBA (Short sword) against Fierro (AC 20): +6+1(charge)+2(flank) vs. AC; 4 damage (5 damage on a critical hit): 1d20+6+1=20 hit for 4 damage
Goblin Cutter 4:
Goblin Cutter 5:
Goblin Cutter 6 (M24): Move: Q16>Q22; Standard: Charge Q22>M24; MBA (short sword) against Fierro (AC 20): +6+1(charge) vs. AC; 4 damage (5 damage on a critical hit): 1d20+6+1=23 hit for 4 damage (roll shows +2 for flank but no flank (sharpshooter prone/grabbed) but still a hit)

Goblin Blackblade 1 (S30): Move: R19>S25; Standard: Charge: S25>S30; MBA (Short sword) against Finnean (AC 18): +8+1(charge) vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage: 1d20+8+1=20, 1d6+3=7 hit for 7 damage
Goblin Blackblade 2:

Goblin Sharpshooter 1 (K22): Move: escape attempt (Fierro Reflex 15): 1d20+6=13 –NO ESCAPE; Free: drop crossbow; Minor: draw short sword; Standard: MBA (Short sword) against Fierro (AC 20): +10-2(prone) vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage: 1d20+10-2=9, 1d6+4=7 miss
Goblin Sharpshooter 2 (AB26): Move: W23>AB26; Minor: load crossbow; Standard: RBA (Crossbow) against Finnean (AC 18): Ranged 10/20; +11 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage: 1d20+11=21, 1d6+4=10 hit for 10 damage

Goblin Hexer (AC7): Standard: Blinding Hex against Cyrus (Fort 14): Ranged 10; +9 vs. Fort; 2d6+3 damage and the target is blinded (save ends): 1d20+9=20, 2d6+3=8 hit for 8 damage and blinded (save ends); Move: fall prone. [/sblock]
[sblock=Map & Terrain]

Illumination: sunset/dusk, pale green light provides dim light
Shore: difficult terrain (within 2 squares of water)
Water: From the shore out 2 squares, the water comes up to a medium-sized creature’s knees, any further and you must swim
Rock Outcroppings: 5-10ft tall; blocking terrain; provides total cover if hiding behind it; Athletics (DC 15) to climb.
Tide Pools (V19:X21 & X29:Y30): 3 feet deep; if pushed, pulled, or slid, save vs. falling in (make: fall prone at edge)
Shipwrecks: considered difficult terrain.
Upturned face: 5-feet tall; blocking terrain; Athletics (DC 15) to climb.
Raised Hand: slopes up 20-feet at palm; considered difficult terrain; one Acrobatics (DC 12) to keep balance (up or down)[/sblock]
[sblock=Combatants]Goblin Cutter: AC 17; Fort 13; Ref 15; Will 12; 1 hp (a miss never damages a minion); MBA (short sword): +6 vs. AC; 4 damage (5 damage on a critical hit); RBA (crossbow): +6 vs. AC; 4 damage (5 damage on a critical hit); Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin cutter can shift 1 square.
Goblin Cutter 1 (K24): 1 hp; Status:
Goblin Cutter 2 (K15): 1 hp; Status:
Goblin Cutter 3 (M22): 1 hp; Status:
Goblin Cutter 4:
Goblin Cutter 5:
Goblin Cutter 6 (M24): 1 hp; Status:

Goblin Blackblade: AC 18; Fort 15; Ref 15; Will 13; 38/38 hp; MBA (short sword):+8 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage; Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin blackblade can shift 1 square; Combat Advantage: the goblin blackblade deals an extra 1d6 damage against any creature it has combat advantage against; Sneaky: when shifting, a goblin blackblade can shift into a space occupied by an ally of equal level or lower and that ally can shift into the blackblade’s previous square as a free action.
Goblin Blackblade 1 (S30): 38/38 hp; Status:
Goblin Blackblade 2:

Goblin Sharpshooter: AC 16; Fort 14; Ref 16; Will 14; 44/44 hp; MBA (short sword): +10 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage; RBA (hand crossbow): Ranged 10/20; +11 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage; Sniper: When a goblin sharpshooter makes a ranged attack from hiding and misses, it is considered to be hiding; Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin sharpshooter can shift 1 square; Combat Advantage: the goblin sharpshooter deals an extra 1d6 damage against any creature it has combat advantage against, it can gain combat advantage against flanked creatures.
Goblin Sharpshooter 1 (K22):10/44 hp; Status: marked (Fierro); prone; grabbed (TENT or until escape - Fierro), BLOODIED
Goblin Sharpshooter 2 (AB26):31/44 hp; Status:

Goblin Hexer: AC 19; Fort 15; Ref 15; Will 16; 64/64 hp; MBA (hexer rod): +10 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage; RBA (Blinding Hex): Ranged 10; +9 vs. Fort; 2d6+3 damage and the target is blinded (save ends); Stinging Hex (encounter; recharge 4-6): Ranged 10; +9 vs. Will; the target takes 3d6+3 damage if it shifts or moves during its next turn; Vexing Cloud (encounter; Zone; Sustain: Minor): area burst 3 within 10 squares; enemies only; all enemies within the zone take a -2 penalty to attack rolls. The zone grants concealment to the goblin hexer and its allies while within it. The goblin hexer can sustain the zone as a minor action and move it up to 5 squares with a move action; Incite Bravery: Immediate reaction: when an ally within 10 squares uses goblin tactics; the targeted ally can shift an additional square and make a basic attack; Lead from the Rear: immediate reaction: when targeted by a ranged attack; the goblin hexer can change the attack’s target to an adjacent ally of its level or lower; Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin hexer can shift 1 square.
Goblin Hexer (AC7):64/64 hp; Status:

Finnean (T31): 12/29; HS 7/7; AP 1 ; Ardent Surge [1]; Status: BLOODIED
Ixenvalignat (K23): 32/32; HS 8/8; AP 1 ; Inspiring Word [1] , [2]; Status:
Cyrus (AE13): 19/31; HS 9/9; AP 1; Status: blinded (save ends)
Jesse (T33): 29/29; HS 7/7; AP 1; Potion of Healing; Status:
Fierro (L23): 18/35; HS 11/11; AP 1; Status: [/sblock]
GM: Summary:
Finnean: hit for 7 damage; hit for 10 damage; BLOODIED
Ixenvalignat: -
Cyrus: hit for 8 damage and blinded (save ends)
Jesse: -
Fierro: healed for surge +5 (Ixen); hit for 4 damage, hit for 4 damage, hit for 4 damage


Ixenvalignat balks at the goblins who dared to interfere, "Nobody invited you!" The dragonborn backs up, his teeth crackling with electric power, and, in a massive exhalation, unleashes a maelstrom of lightning bolts that jump from goblin to goblin. Two of the porkers are roasted instantly, while the third manages to avoid the deadly arcs when it deflects of the creatures blade, only to strike the crossbow-wielding goblin dead in the face. The sharpshooter howls in pain. Not dead...yet.

Ixenvalignat is taken aback by the squeaker's luck, "That was meant for you fiend!" The warlord charges past his companion toward the creature, but is unable to connect, stumbling on the dead bodies that block his path to the lucky little wretch.[sblock=Actions]Move: Shift to J24

Minor: Dragonbreath
Target 1: Goblin Sharpshooter
Attack 1: 1d20+8=24 vs. Reflex for 1d6=5 damage
Target 2: M22
Attack 2: 1d20+8=14 vs. Reflex Miss
Target 3: M24
Attack 3: 1d20+8=18 vs. Reflex Hit
Target 4: K24
Attack 4: 1d20+8=16 vs. Reflex Hit

Standard: Charge to M23 (behind Fierro to avoid OA)
Target: M22
Attack: 1d20+8+1=15 vs. AC Miss
[/sblock][sblock=Ministats] Ixenvalignat
Male Dragonborn Warlord Level 3 Initiative: +1
Speed 5
Passive Perceoption: 10; Passive Insight: 10; Senses: Normal Vision
Draconic Fury: +1 to attack rolls while bloodied
Languages: Draconic, Common
AC: 20; Fortitude; 18; Reflex: 14; Will: 17
HP: 32/32
Surge Value: 8; Surges Left: 1+2/8
Action Points: 0

At Will Powers:
:bmelee: Melee Basic Attack 1d20+8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage

:branged: Ranged Basic Attack 1d20+1 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 damage

:melee: Brash Assault (Standard) 1d20+8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage

Effect: The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action asn has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes the attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack.

:melee: Intuitive Strike (Standard) 1d20+8 vs. Will
Hit: 1d10+5 damage. Until the start of Ixenvalignat's next turn, the next ally who attacks the target and has combat advantage against it gains a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.

Encounter Powers:
:close: (5) Dragon Breath (Minor) 1d20+8 vs. Reflex
Bostering Breath Feat: Targets enemies only

Hit: 1d6 Lightning damage

Battlefront Shift (No Action)

Effect: Target (either Ixenvalignat or an ally) shifts half speed on initiative roll

:close: (5) Inspiring Word (Minor) 1 2
Effect: Target within 5 squares spends healing surge for HS value+1d6 hitpoints

Can be used twice per encounter

:ranged: (5) Encouraging Boost (Minor)
Effect: The target can use its second wind and regain an additional +4 hit points.

Can be used twice per encounter
:melee: Tactician's Invitation (Standard) 1d20+8 vs. AC
2d10+5 Damage. The next time an ally hits the target before the end of Ixenvalignat's next turn, that ally can slide the target two squares, shift 2 squares or deal 4 extra damage to the target.

:melee: Flattening Charge (Standard, Charge)1d20+8+1 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 Damage, and Ixenvalignat knocks the target prone.

Bravura Presence:
If the attack hits, this power is not expended

The target gains combat advantage against Ixenvalignat until the start of Ixenvalignat's next turn.

Daily Powers:

:melee: Bastion of Defense 1d20+8 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10+5=Damage. Each ally within 5 squares of Ixenvalignat gains a +1 power bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter.

Effect: Each ally within 5 squares of Ixenvalignat gains 9 temporary hit poins.


  • Armored Warlord: Ixenvalignat gains proficiency with scale armor, and he increases his number of healing surges by one.
  • Bolstering Breath: Your dragon breath power targets enemies in the area, instead of all creatures in the area. In addition, allies in the area of your dragon breath gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
OOC: Summary:

  • K24 and M24 are dead
  • M22 is still alive
  • Goblin Sharpshooter is at 5hp (Finish him Fierro!)
  • Ixenvalignat is at M23

Son of Meepo

First Post
[sblock=Immediate Interrupt]I'd like to use Second Chance against the sharpshooter's attack, if possible.[/sblock]

OOC: I didn't notice until now that Ixen chanced his warlord to bravura. Wish I'd seen that when I spent the AP.


OOC: I didn't notice until now that Ixen chanced his warlord to bravura. Wish I'd seen that when I spent the AP.

OOC: Sorry. I took advantage of the "Overhaul at Level 2" house rule because Ixenvalignat had proved out to be quite impotent during the first few encounters. When you're making NPCs it's OK to make their stats depend on story elements, bit tht's not a good idea when you're rolling up a PC.

Out of curiosity, why does Ixenvalignat's Bravura class feature matter?
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First Post
Jesse trips over himself, making his first attempted attack on the Blackblade fail. Angered by his own ineptitude, he lashes out again, and his attack lands squarely. In his rage, and under the commanding aura of Ixen, Jesse makes another attack, this time flicking a bolt of energy at a nearby Sharpshooter and took it's arm clean off.
"SPADOW!" Jesse yelled at the top of his lungs, clearly delirious after his little rampage.
After calmling down a bit, Jesse takes a few steps around the Blackblade while it is busy slashing at his illusions.

Standard: Phantasmal Assault @ Blackblade 1 (MISS)
AP: Phantasmal Assault @ Blackblade 1 (HIT for 11 Psychic damage and grants CA, can't make opportunity attacks rolls until TEONT, takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls against Jesse)
Bravura Presence: Basic Attack @ Goblin Sharpshooter (HIT for 7 force damage)
Move: R29 (does not provoke OA because of Phantasmal Assault)[/sblock]

OOC: Summary:
-Jesse missed so he spent his AP
-Blackblade 1 takes 11 Psychic damage, grants CA, cannot make OA attack rolls, -2 to attack rolls against Jesse.
-Jesse uses Magic Missile due to Ixenvalignat's Bravura Presence
-Goblin Sharpshooter takes 7 force damage and DIES

OOC: Bravura Presence: Ally who sees you who spends an action point to take an action and attacks can use this; on hit, ally can make basic attack or take move; on miss ally grants combat advantage until end of turn.

So it would matter when someone uses their AP. In the last case, Finnean would wanted to take the chance and deal the extra damage.

By the way, not that it'll matter this round, but I forgot about my Phantom Echoes + Illusionist School feat during my last attack. >.<
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OOC: Dang. Forgot about that. I need to put that in my ministats, so I'll remember.

*EDIT* and BTW: Thanks for killing the sharpshooter. Now Fierro can take care of the minion that Ixenvalignat missed...twice.

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