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[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)

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OOC: *Beep* I'm still here. Been waiting for Jesse. The boards are really slow this time of year. Many people are moving, going on vacation, busy with family between school seasons, etc...

[MENTION=84680]treex[/MENTION]: Your move.
[MENTION=6672544]jsb420[/MENTION]: If we don't hear from treex by tomorrow, I suggest you NPC him for this move and we continue.


First Post
OOC: Just a note to say, that I'm also following this thread with interest. Waiting to bring in my 2nd PC once this combat is over... That is if the game is still alive.


First Post
Round 6 – Beach Party

[sblock=Previous Rounds] Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5[/sblock]

OOC: Sorry for the lag. I had a death in the family, my wife’s grandmother. We had to leave in a hurry and there wasn't any time to give you guys a heads up. I was in a remote area in Texas, no internet and barely any cell service. But I am back now!

GM: Damien (NPC’d)
Standard: Second Wind (+2 to defenses TSNT)
Move: Shift U18>V18

Finnean tries to dodge the zombie's attack while he rolls with the blow. His rapier pierces the side of the dead one, nearly incapacitating it. (HIT)

"Oh, no you don't!" The dragonborn reaches out his sword just in time to block the blow that would surely cripple Finnean, giving him a chance to strike back. Though the halfling's blow falls short (no pun intended), it distracts the undead thing long enough for Ixenvalignat to land a killing blow, "And never again, at that!" The warlord steadies his friend, "Are you alright?" Not waiting for a response, he continues, "Good! We've still got work to do, you two!" Ixenvalignat glances back toward Damien. Indicating the last of the zombies, he admonishes, "Keep that bag of rot off my back, will you!?" With that, he bounds over to the Wight, "Alright you overgrown, worm-feast. Let's see what you've got!" (MISS & HIT)

Cyrus nimbly dodges to the side out of the way of the blast of arcane death magic the Wight sent his way. He skids of to the side in a spray of fine beach sand, and then bolts forwards just as Ixen moves in to distraction the wight just enough for him to ram his rapier straight through the wights chest. He grins a toothy grin. Gotcha.... (CRIT)

GM: Jesse (NPC’d)
MOVE: G20>J17
STANDARD: Phantasmal Assault against Dead One 3 (WILL 14): +5 vs. Will; 1d8+5 psychic damage and the target grants CA and can’t make OAs TENT. -2 to attacks against Jesse TENT: 1d20+5=25 CRIT kills dead one 3.

The severely wounded wight claws at Cyrus before it pushes itself off of the feline-humanoid's rapier. It steps away from Ixen and Cyrus, looking warily at Finnean. It raises a mangled arm and hisses in the direction of the fallen dead one and commands it to rise again. (HIT)

The dead one Ixen just dropped stands at the command of the wight, and attacks a surprised Finnean. (HIT)

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Dead One 1:
Dead One 2:
Dead One 3:
Dead One 4 (X16): FREE: stand; Standard: MBA (slam) against Finnean (AC 17): +9 vs. AC; 2d6+2 damage: 1d20+9=27, 2d6+2=10 HIT for 10 damage

Deathlock Wight (Z18): Standard: MBA (Claw) against Cyrus (AC 20); +10 vs. AC; 1d6+1 necrotic damage and the target loses 1 healing surge: 1d20+10=21, 1d6+1=4 HIT for 4 damage, -1 HS; Move (Shift): AA17>Z18; MINOR: Reanimate dead one 4[/sblock]

[sblock=Map & Terrain]

Illumination: Pale green light provides dim light
Shore: littered with debris; difficult terrain
Water: From the shore out 3 squares, the water comes up to a medium-sized creature’s knees, any further and you must swim
Jungle: inside first 2 squares: provides cover and is difficult terrain; 3+ squares: blocking terrain
Shipwreck: difficult terrain; Climb: Athletics check DC 10; 10 feet high (2 squares)
Rocks (under shipwreck): difficult terrain; if knocked prone, extra 1d4 falling damage[/sblock]

[sblock=Participants]Dead One (Zombie): 54/54 hp; AC 18, FORT 17, REF 14, WILL 14; +9 vs. AC; 2d6+2 damage, or 1d12+4 against a grabbed target; Zombie Grab: +6 vs. REF; target is grabbed. Immune disease, poison, Resist 10 necrotic, Vulnerable 5 radiant; Zombie Weakness (a crit kills it instantly)
Dead One 1:
Dead One 2:
Dead One 3:
Dead One 4 (X16): 27/54 hp; Status: BLOODIED

Deathlock Wight: 63/63; AC 18; FORT 15; REF 16; WILL 17; (MBA) +10 vs. AC; 1d6+1 necrotic damage, and lose 1 healing surge; Grave Bolt (RBA): Range 20, +9 vs. Ref; 1d6+4 and immobilized (save ends). MINOR: Reanimate: range 10, non-minions only; raises a destroyed undead creature with bloodied value hit points; Immune disease, poison, Resist 10 necrotic, Vulnerable 5 radiant
Deathlock Wight (Z18): 13/63 hp; STATUS: BLOODIED[FONT=&quot]

[/FONT] Finnean (X18): 14/24; HS 3+2/7; AP 1 ; Ardent Surge [1] ; Status:
Ixenvalignat (AA16): 19/22; HS 1+2/8; AP 1 ; Inspiring Word [1] [2]; Status:
Cyrus (AB18): 18/26; HS 5/9; AP 1 ; Status:
Jesse (J17): 23/23; HS 4+2/7; AP 1+1; Potion of Healing; Status:

Damien (V18): 18/28; HS 5/9; AP 1+1; Status: Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx [/sblock]

GM: Summary:
Finnean: missed (thanks to Ixen) & Hit for 10 damage
Ixenvalignat: -
Damien: -
Cyrus: Hit for 4 necrotic damage and -1 HS
Jesse: -

[MENTION=86793]pacdidj[/MENTION]: thanks for being patient! Your time is coming soon…


Ixenvalignat sees the creature that refuses to die,"You just don't learn, now do you?" He rounds once more on the undead thing, but it ducks, and the dragonborn nearly decapitates his friend, "Sorry. That didn't quite work the way I wanted it to."[sblock=Actions]Move: to X15

Standard: Viper's Strike
Target: Dead One 4
Attack: 1d20+7+1(Flanking)=13 vs. AC for 1d10+5=9 damage

Minor: Apologize to Finnean for almost taking his head off. [/sblock]
OOC: Summary:

  • No damage to the dead one, but if it shifts before the beginning of Ixenvalignat's next turn, Finnean get's an MBA.
Male Dragonborn Warlord Level 1 Initiative: +0
Speed 5
Passive Perceoption: 10; Passive Insight: 10; Senses: Normal Vision
Draconic Fury: +1 to attack rolls while bloodied
Languages: Draconic, Common
AC: 17 (no shield); Fortitude; 17; Reflex: 13; Will: 16
HP: 19/22
Surge Value: 5; Surges Left: 1+2/8
Action Points: 0

At Will Powers:
:bmelee: Melee Basic Attack 1d20+7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage

:branged: Ranged Basic Attack 1d20 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 damage

:melee: Wolfpack Tactics 1d20+7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage

Special: Before the attack, Ixenvalignat empowers one of his allies, adjacent either to the target or himself, to shift 1 square as a free action.

:melee: Viper's Strike 1d20+7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage.

If the target shifts before the start of Ixenvalignat's next turn, it provokes an opportunity attack from an ally of my choice.

Encounter Powers:
:close: Powerful Warning
The target gains +4 power bonus to all defenses against the attack. The target can make a melee basic attack against the enemy as a free action.

Battlefront Shift

Effect: Target shifts speed on initiative roll

:close:Inspiring Word 12
Effect: Target within 5 squares spends healing surge for HS value+1d6 hitpoints

Can be used twice per encounter

:close: Dragonfear 1d20+7 vs. Will
Target takes -2 to attack rolls and grants Combat Advantage until the end of Ixenvalignat's next turn.

Daily Powers:

:melee: White Raven Onslaught 1d20+7 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10+5 damage and Ixenvalignat slides an adjacent ally 1 square. Until the end of the encounter, whenever Ixenvalignat or an ally within 10 squares of himself makes a succesful attack, the attacker slides an adjacent ally 1 square.

An ally within 10 squares slides an adjacent ally 1 square on each successful attack for the rest of the encounter.

Son of Meepo

First Post
"No worries... Just..." Finnean's blade impales the zombie. "...distract him for me!"

[sblock=actions]Standard: Sly Flourish (1d20+7+2=27, 2d6+1d8+8=19)[/sblock]

[sblock=Finnean Fairhand]Status:

Finnean Fairhand - Level 1 Rogue|Ardent
Init: +4 Speed: 6
Passive Perception:12; Passive Insight: 12
AC: 17 (25 OA) Fort 13 (15 OA) Ref 15 (17 OA) Will 15 (17 OA)
HP: 14/24 Surges: 3+2/7 Surge Value: 6 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Elven
Str:8 Dex:18 Wis:14 Con:12 Int:10 Cha:18

Impetuous Ruin
Sly Flourish

Second Chance
Opening Move

Second Wind

Mental Turmoil
Thought-Eater Armor

OOC: Hit the Dead One for 19 damage.


First Post
Jesse caught up with the rest of the party but the clash was about to end...
"Spirits of the Earth, swallow my enemies! Let them rot in the sulfurous pits of HELL!"
Jesse's eyes burned with furious flames as he stared down the undead...but the Deathlock Wight was too distracted to pay much attention to the tiefling.
Nonetheless, the sand shifts before him and he falls flat on his face.
The Dead One is terrified as a pit has opened up on the golden shores, threatening to swallow him whole.
OOC: This is what I imagine whenever I think of Phantom Chasm
Target: Oh my God, where did the FREAKIN' GROUND GO?

[sblock=Actions]Move: J17 > P17
Standard: Phantom Chasm (Burst 1 within 10 squares)
Target: Y17, each enemy in burst (Dead One 4, Deathlock Wight)
HIT Dead One 4 for 9 psychic damage, knocked prone and immobilized until the EONT, takes a -2 penalty
against Jesse, grants CA to Jesse until the EONT.
MISS Deathlock Wight half damage and falls prone (4 psychic damage).

OOC: Summary:
Jesse moves to P17.
Jesse casts Phantom Chasm.
Dead One takes 9 psychic damage, knocked prone, immobilize TEONT, -2 on rolls against Jesse, grants CA to Jesse.
Deathlock Wight takes 4 psychic damage, knocked prone.
A zone is created from W16>Z18. Lasts till end of encounter. All enemies that enter this zone gets knocked prone.

OOC: I just realized the Deathlock Wight has a reanimation skill. I don't want this to drag on...Also, sorry I didn't show up again, the e-mail didn't remind me and I was busy with school assignments (still am).


First Post
*Cyrus darts forwards taking advantage of the fallen foe upon the ground. Slashing out at the wight with his rapier. Hitting nothing but sand as the wight rolls off to his side.*

[sblock=Actions]Move: Shift to AC20

Standard: Charging Basic Melee Attack
-Move: Charge to AA19
-Target: Deathlock Wight (Z18)
-Attack: +11 vs. AC (MISS!! Natural 1; 12)[/sblock]

[sblock=Cyrus]Cyrus- Male Khan Executioner 1
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 15

AC: 19, Fort: 13, Ref: 17, Will: 11

Initiative: +5, Speed: 6

HP: 18/26, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 13, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 6/9

Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Action Point [X]
Assassin’s Strike [X]
Predatory Eye [X]
Second Wind [ ]
Sneak Attack [X]

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice [ ]

Arrows 23/24[/sblock]

OOC: Treex: Just pop in every other day. Just to look over the boards. I have my quests all bookmarked for easy scanning to see if things are still going on or whatnot. I've not been getting the update emails neither. Oddly enough.
Last edited:


First Post
OOC: I'll see what I can do about posting more often. Also, are there any bonuses related to being prone? I know you get a bonus against ranged attacks...

Voidrunner's Codex

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