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[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)


[sblock=Experience Awards]600XP Dead Ones (zombie x4)
44XP Dead One (minion)
175XP Deathlock Wight
819XP sub-total
1638XP sub-totalx2
327XP each

Finnean: +358+333+250+327=1268XP LEVEL UP!
Ixenvalignat: +358+333+250+327=1268XP LEVEL UP!
Cyrus: +358+333+250+327= 1268XP LEVEL UP!
Jesse: +358+333+250+327=1268XP LEVEL UP!
Fierro: 1000*+50=1050XP
*XP taken from your wiki page.

No time XP/gp awarded at this time.


OOC: Approved

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First Post
GM: Thanks Covaithe for the quick approvals!

After all introductions are made, Fierro is able to tell his tale.

He’s been here for almost two weeks, the ship he was on was another unlucky vessel wrecked upon the island. He and two others were the only survivors, and the other two died only a few days ago. He ventured into the jungle to leave their remains there (to prevent predators from coming to the beach) and was on his way back when he’d heard fighting. He hasn’t been able to locate the source of the light, but he does knows it seems to be coming from the western side of the island. He has also seen numerous signs of goblins as well as a old lady magic-user and a wolf like creature. Once very briefly, he saw what looked like a lighthouse on the northern side of the island, but the presence of goblins is heavier that direction. He has thankfully stayed hidden and undetected thus far. He feels his chances of escape are much higher by joining these adventures. So he pledges his martial might.

Quickly searching the area, Cyrus discovered that the area beyond the shipwreck is not passable, as Fierro said. Desolate crags lead to a 50-foot sheer cliff with teeth-like rocks projecting from the ocean below. The only option is to the west, skirting the coast as the jungle is too dense to try to enter.

For now the party gains the rest they surely needed and plan to set out in the morning.
GM: I’ll need a marching order please.

[/FONT][sblock=Player Stats]Finnean: 29/29; HS 7/7; AP 1 ; Ardent Surge [1]; Status:
Ixenvalignat: 32/32; HS 8/8; AP 1; Inspiring Word [1], [2]; Status:
Cyrus: 31/31; HS 9/9; AP 1; Status:
Jesse: 29/29; HS 7/7; AP 1; Potion of Healing; Status:
Fierro: 35/35; HS 11/11; AP 1; Status:[/sblock]


First Post
"You no worry puny Daunton people! Fierro never meets giant bug, or... um... ghostie he cannot squash. I go in front and protect you from savage goblins and, um, magic ladies. As long as you take Fierro back in your boat, yes? ¡Vamanos!," declares the masked bugbear, taking his position at the head of the line.


First Post
As the party rests their aching feet, Jesse silently studies his tome, refreshing his memory of spells long forgotten...

"...I go in front and protect you from savage goblins and, um, magic ladies. As long as you take Fierro back in your boat, yes? ¡Vamanos!,"

Jesse's ears perk up at the hint that there was a old mystical lady, most likely a witch. The source of magic must be coming from her!

"An aged woman? With demonstrations of magic? I say we pay this dame a visit. Silently..." Jesse said, while paying a sideways glance to Finnean.

OOC: I'll stick close to Ixen, he's reassuring to Jesse (and me). About two squares ahead of him would be good. I have also heard of an idea called derivative spells where you fluff your spells but don't change the effects. IC reason why Jesse can do that now...


First Post
OOC: Cyrus will be second in line behind Fierro. Though if the group would like it instead. Cyrus could scout ahead of the group as well. Lots of jungle edge nearby for concealing ones self within.


First Post
The day dawns clear and bright.

During the night, the ocean’s tides claimed any and all signs of battle from the night before, as well as any flotsam you deemed unnecessary the previous day. Before going to sleep, you secured the Loose Lady a little ways into the jungle, and after covering her with loose branches, you feel sure that no one will discover her. Everyone realizes that the Loose Lady is your only way off this forsaken island and you mean to take measures to ensure her safety. Rogar said he has only two weeks of supplies before he must leave to restock. With one day down, you feel your time fading away like sands from an hourglass. You pack your gear and head out.

Fierro fearlessly leads the way, followed closely by Cyrus, Finnean and Jesse, Ixen leads from the rear.

Travel along the coast is more difficult than you expected. Tide pools, crevasses, clusters of volcanic glass and lava rock, even the jungle itself all seem determined to stall your progress. A few miles of broken coastline stymied your progress to almost a crawl. As the landscape rises and falls, you are given a good view of the coral surrounding the island, and all the derelict ships wrecked upon it. You get the sinking feeling that escaping this cursed island will be tougher than it was getting here.

It is early afternoon before you make it to the western side of the island. You continue your journey now to the north. By late afternoon, the sun setting over your left shoulder, Cyrus comes back to the party after scouting ahead. He reports that a gigantic stone face lies directly ahead of the group, half buried in the sand. Its face is up turned, staring at the sky and further up is what looks like a stone hand extending up. He also spied a ragged wooden bridge in the distance, extending out to one of the derelict ships lining the coast. Lastly he tells of small scurrying humanoids, goblins, hurrying here and there. As Cyrus finishes his tale, a now familiar greenish glow suddenly pierces the dusky sky, much brighter and closer than before! You have found where the ghostly light is located! You're still not sure as to what is causing the glow so you advance cautiously.
GM: You gain a surprise round against these goblins, so you get one free action (Move, Minor OR Standard). Once the surprise round is over, I’ll roll Initiatives and announce who can go before the monsters.

[sblock=Map & Terrain]

Illumination: sunset/dusk, pale green light provides dim light
Shore: difficult terrain (within 2 squares of water)
Water: From the shore out 2 squares, the water comes up to a medium-sized creature’s knees, any further and you must swim
Rock Outcroppings: 5-10ft tall; blocking terrain; provides total cover if hiding behind it; Athletics (DC 15) to climb.
Tide Pools (V19:X21 & X29:Y30): 3 feet deep; if pushed, pulled, or slid, save vs. falling in (make: fall prone at edge)
Shipwrecks: considered difficult terrain.
Upturned face: 5-feet tall; blocking terrain; Athletics (DC 15) to climb.
Raised Hand: slopes up 20-feet at palm; considered difficult terrain; one Acrobatics (DC 12) to keep balance (up or down)[/sblock]
[sblock=Combatants]Goblin Cutter: AC 17; Fort 13; Ref 15; Will 12; 1 hp (a miss never damages a minion); MBA (short sword): +6 vs. AC; 4 damage (5 damage on a critical hit); Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin cutter can shift 1 square.
Goblin Cutter 1 (F18): 1 hp; Status:
Goblin Cutter 2 (M12): 1 hp; Status:
Goblin Cutter 3 (P10): 1 hp; Status:
Goblin Cutter 4 (AD24): 1 hp; Status:
Goblin Cutter 5 (O21): 1 hp; Status:
Goblin Cutter 6 (K15): 1 hp; Status:

Goblin Blackblade: AC 18; Fort 15; Ref 15; Will 13; 38/38 hp; MBA (short sword):+8 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage; Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin blackblade can shift 1 square; Combat Advantage: the goblin blackblade deals an extra 1d6 damage against any creature it has combat advantage against; Sneaky: when shifting, a goblin blackblade can shift into a space occupied by an ally of equal level or lower and that ally can shift into the blackblade’s previous square as a free action.
Goblin Blackblade 1 (T7): 38/38 hp; Status:
Goblin Blackblade 2 (W17): 38/38 hp; Status:

Goblin Hexer: AC 19; Fort 15; Ref 15; Will 16; 64/64 hp; MBA (hexer rod): +10 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage; RBA (Blinding Hex): Ranged 10; +9 vs. Fort; 2d6+3 damage and the target is blinded (save ends); Stinging Hex (encounter; recharge 4-6): Ranged 10; +9 vs. Will; the target takes 3d6+3 damage if it shifts or moves during its next turn; Vexing Cloud (encounter; Zone; Sustain: Minor): area burst 3 within 10 squares; enemies only; all enemies within the zone take a -2 penalty to attack rolls. The zone grants concealment to the goblin hexer and its allies while within it. The goblin hexer can sustain the zone as a minor action and move it up to 5 squares with a move action; Incite Bravery: Immediate reaction: when an ally within 10 squares uses goblin tactics; the targeted ally can shift an additional square and make a basic attack; Lead from the Rear: immediate reaction: when targeted by a ranged attack; the goblin hexer can change the attack’s target to an adjacent ally of its level or lower; Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin hexer can shift 1 square.
Goblin Hexer (AC7):64/64 hp; Status: 20ft up

Finnean (S40): 29/29; HS 7/7; AP 1 ; Ardent Surge [1]; Status:
Ixenvalignat (U42): 32/32; HS 8/8; AP 1; Inspiring Word [1], [2]; Status:
Cyrus (U40): 31/31; HS 9/9; AP 1; Status:
Jesse (T41): 29/29; HS 7/7; AP 1; Potion of Healing; Status:
Fierro (T39): 35/35; HS 11/11; AP 1; Status:[/sblock]


First Post
"More goblins!," Fierro observes, as the party draws close to the greenish light. "Maybe these ones is beetle wrestling fans. I go find out." The armor clad bugbear clanks out into the open, drawing ample attention to himself and giving other party members an opportunity to duck out of the spotlight, should they so choose.

He bellows:

"¡Hermanitos, escuchanme! I am Fierro, El Matascarabajos. Put down weapons and stop mucking with green light. Help puny Daunton people find witch lady so they can take Fierro home to Hzaka in time for grand finals next month. Maybe you even get special mention at Luchas de Scarabajos tournament!,"

and then crosses his arms and beams magnanimously, as though no one in their right mind could possibly refuse such an offer.

[sblock=Actions/Stat block]Start=


Move= Walk 5 squares to R34



[sblock=stat block]Fierro "El Matascarabajos!" - Bugbear Fighter 2
Conditions: none
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11, Init: +3
AC: 20, Fort: 21, Reflex: 15, Will: 13
Speed: 5
HP: 35/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8, Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used, Milestones:
:bmelee:Basic Atk: Punch +10 vs AC, 1d8+5 dmg
:branged:Ranged Basic Atk: Throw Somethin' +3 vs AC, 1d4+2 dmg, Range 5/10
Grappling Strike, Knockdown Assault, Combat Challenge, Combat Agility
Takedown Attack, Predatory Eye, Forceful Drag
Seize and Stab
Combat notes: Fierro marks any enemy he attacks until his EONT, Fierro doesn't provoke OAs when charging[/sblock][/sblock]

OOC: I vote Ixen uses battlefront shift on Finnean, who can then try to bean one of the blackblades at long range with a sling attack. He'll have combat advantage from first strike, so at least stands a good chance of heaping on some early damage.
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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: I vote Ixen uses battlefront shift on Finnean, who can then try to bean one of the blackblades at long range with a sling attack. He'll have combat advantage from first strike, so at least stands a good chance of heaping on some early damage.

OOC: As a hybrid rogue I don't actually have first strike. But the point is moot since the goblins grant CA because we have surprise, so I agree with pacdidj


First Post
Jesse conjures an arrow from no where and holds it by the nock...the head points toward the closest goblin, quivering as though it was anxious to fly forth.

As the tiefling lets go, the arrow strikes true and so was the first casualty of the encounter.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Magic Missile @ Goblin Cutter 5
HIT for 7 force damage[/sblock]

[sblock=About Damien/Ardens]Any news on them? What happens to the rewards they get? What if they come back? Will jsb work something out to let them back in or will they have to find their own adventures? What about rewards that they haven't claimed? Like the money we would get from selling the goblet? (The "durn golden cup wit jools on it" xD) I've been reading through the adventure just for kicks, so...[/sblock]

[sblock=Mireva & Daunton]I assume the Mireva is a religion and Daunton is a place, yes? Can I make a Religion check on Mireva, cause I'm curious...unless there's a link I can go to ^^[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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