Black ichor bursts from the zombie as Deimos's spell destroys it, coating Brondin with its foulness. Meanwhile, the zombie that Bellegon had brought down utters a low moan as it stands again and lunges towards the warlock. Bellegon is unable to twist away from the corpse's rusted sword in time.
[sblock=Actions and Status]When the Corruption Corpse dies, it explodes in a close burst 1,
hitting Brondin's Fort with a 20 for 9 necrotic damage.
At the start of Dread Zombie 2's turn it rises once more to wreck terrible vengeance upon the living. It regains 10 hp, stands, and charges Bellegon,
hitting AC 22 for 11 damage. Bellegon is bloodied.
Bellegon: 25/50, Surges: 4/7, AP: 0, 2nd Wind: avail; concealed,
Brondin: 30/48, Surges: 5/11, AP: 0, 2nd Wind: used;
Deimos: 35/40, Surges: 7/8, AP: 2, 2nd Wind: avail;
Ghourra: 23/42, Surges: 6/10, AP: 0, 2nd Wind: avail;
Tana: 43/49, Surges: 8/11, AP: 0, 2nd Wind: avail;
Dread Zombie 2: 10/66,
[sblock=Skill Challenge Status]Current Successes: 3/4
Failures: 1/3
[sblock=Shoring Up the Defenses]
Level: 5
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 failures).
Primary Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Dungeoneering, Religion, Thievery.
- Arcana (DC 20, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character either attempts to raise a minor ward against the undead, or attempts to suppress the beckoning call of the crystal.
- Athletics (DC 20, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character realizes finesse is no trade for quick and effective physical labor. The character pounds nails, carries heavy objects, and uses brute strength shove invading zombies back through the doors.
- Dungeoneering (DC 20, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character’s knowledge of stone and underground construction lets him or her see how the temple might best be fortified using the meager supplies available.
- Religion (DC 20, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character offers a prayer to Onatar, asking him to lend his strength to the characters’ endeavor and slow the tide of undead seeking to further desecrate his temple.
- Thievery (DC 20, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character has spent a lifetime getting into places he or she is not wanted. It’s not terribly difficult to turn that concept on its head and use those skills to craft sturdy barricades.
Secondary Skills: Perception.
- Perception (DC 15, minor action, no successes): The character’s keen eyes help more skilled companions find the best materials to aid in fortifying the temple. A successful check grants a +2 bonus to one ally’s next Dungeoneering or Thievery check made as part of this skill challenge, provided that the check is made on that ally's next turn.
The combat and skill challenge will be run concurrently once again. There needs to be at least one primary skill check per round, or the group will be given a failure.
As per usual, if a skill isn't mentioned, but you can come up with a plausible reason to use it, please do. DC 20 for such skills.
Again, note that the DCs have changed.[/sblock]
[sblock=Enemy Info]
Dread Zombie - AC: 21, F: 19, R: 15, W: 16

+12 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage.
Zombie Rotter - AC: 15, F: 15, R: 11, W: 12

+10 vs. AC; 5 damage.
Corpse Rat Swarm - AC: 20, F: 16, R: 17, W: 15

+11 vs. AC; 1d6+5 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
- Aura 1: The swarm makes an MBA against any creature that starts its turn in the aura.
Corruption Corpse - AC: 17, F: 16, R: 14, W: 14

+8 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage.
- Aura 1: Living creatures in the aura take a -5 penalty to attack rolls.
All zombies except the corpse rat swarms have resist 10 necrotic and vulnerable 5 radiant. The swarms do the typical swarm thing of taking half damage from melee and ranged attacks while being vulnerable 10 to close and area attacks.[/sblock]