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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


"Kaey! Stand and fight! You are ok!" Jynxx's words have a double meaning and a twinge of power behind them. Jynxx focus' his thoughts on the somewhat strange combat, willing Kaeysari to be alright. His thoughts shift quickly however to the death of the vine creature.


LOL okay..... Chaku sorry, Kaey's getting this Majestic Word since she has used her second wind already. Don't hate me :)

And yes.... Jynxx's song was FAST. Except for the ending. I'd sing it to ya, but... well I don't want to hurt anyone.

Minor Action: Majestic Word on Kaey... +5 to her healing surge.

Standard: Stirring Shout on S15 1d20+5=16 vs. Will, 2d6+5=10 and any ally that hits that target, they regain 5 hitpoints until the end of the encounter.


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LOL okay..... Chaku sorry, Kaey's getting this Majestic Word since she has used her second wind already. Don't hate me :)

[sblock=ooc] Kaeysari hasn't used her second wind in this fight yet. But thanks for the healing, as she's going to go down again if she can't get away.[/sblock]


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Kaeysari wrenches herself free of the creature's tendrils, and steps back into a guard. "Thanks, friends," she says to Chaku and Jynxx. "Now let's destroy this thing."

[sblock=actions]Move: Stand Up
Standard->Move: Escape from Grab Athletics vs. Fort 1d20+11=18 and shift to U14[/sblock][sblock=Kaeysari stat block]Kaeysari Female Longtooth Shifter Fighter 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light
AC:17, Fort:16, Reflex:12, Will:13
HP:16/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/10
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: unused
Powers:Cleave, Reaping Strike, Covering Attack, Longtooth Shifting, Villain's Menace, Healing Word[/sblock]


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"Hey!" yells Papolstaanas accusingly as the vine-creature attempts to skewer Cillani. Despite the apparent impropriety of calling upon the spirits in such a manner, no insult appears to be taken, and a sudden gust of wind knocks the vine-thing out of its hedge. Papolstaanas steps in close behind Azryah and slices at it with his sword. He connects, but the blade does little against the creature's tough woody exterior.

[sblock=actions]Reaction: warden's grasp on vine E, it slides to W19.

Minor: shifty, shift to V18 (just vacated by Azryah)

Free: mark vine E again

Standard: weight of earth on vine E and damage: 1d20+6=19 1d6+3=6 is a hit, vine E slowed.

Perception check: I've been forgetting to make these. 1d20+6=21[/sblock]


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Cillani was amused that the eye reappeared and attacked the vine thing when it attacked her. "It appears I have an admirer." Her left hand began to glow once again as 2 bolts shot out from her hand, one going towards each of the vine things.

[sblock=Actions] Let me know if my assumption that the eye was no longer hiding since it moved and attacked. I just realized that even with a 20 I can't make the perception check lol but here was my attempt :D 1d20+4=23

Hand of Radiance against both vines E then N 1d20+4, 1d4+4=[13, 4], [4, 4], 1d20+4, 1d4+4=[8, 4], [2, 4] [/sblock]


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Round 4 update

Kaeysari lashes out futilely with her glaive as the plant-creature grabs her, struggling as she is pulled into the vines.

As the Vine thing passes by him, Chaku tries to summon up some strength to strike back, but alas, he is still weak from the exhertion of his previous strike.

As the frustration builds, he howls in anger over his ineffectiveness, and charges straight into the brambles, his stone hard skin temporarily deflecting the barbs. This move surprises the vine beast, thinking itself safe in it's bramble wall, so it doesn't react as fast as it needs to, and the sweeping blow from the maul strikes true. Couldn't let you have all the fun with this guy Kaeysari. he comments with a grin, blood freely flowing from both of them.

Vine creature N is bloodied.

As the other zombie dies beside her, Azryah turns to the vine-creature on the other side. She shifts opposite Cillani while grumbling at the creature.

"I know not what you are, nor why you attack us, but you will suffer for what you've done to my friends."

She swings her new sword at the creature, carving it in half.

"Kaey! Stand and fight! You are ok!" Jynxx's words have a double meaning and a twinge of power behind them. Jynxx focus' his thoughts on the somewhat strange combat, willing Kaeysari to be alright. His thoughts shift quickly however to the death of the vine creature. His stirring shout blasts leaves and twigs, leaving the creature at death's door. But the bard lowers his guard as he makes the attack, and the other creature lashes out with a branch. It smacks Jynxx solidly across the back.

[sblock=Opportunity Attack]Provoked by the ranged attack... Opportunity Attack vs. Jynxx (1d20+9=21, 1d8+5=12) Hits for 12 damage, bloodying Jynxx.

(Doh, once again I forgot the -2 for being marked, but again it doesn't make a difference.)

I don't think this triggers anything from Papolstaanas since he already used his reaction this round... it's already affected by Warden's Grasp and isn't in range for Warden's Fury, anyway.[/sblock]
Kaeysari wrenches herself free of the creature's tendrils, and steps back into a guard. "Thanks, friends," she says to Chaku and Jynxx. "Now let's destroy this thing."

"Hey!" yells Papolstaanas accusingly as the vine-creature attempts to skewer Cillani. Despite the apparent impropriety of calling upon the spirits in such a manner, no insult appears to be taken, and a sudden gust of wind knocks the vine-thing out of its hedge. Papolstaanas steps in close behind Azryah and slices at it with his sword. He connects, but the blade does little against the creature's tough woody exterior.

Cillani was amused that the eye reappeared and attacked the vine thing when it attacked her. "It appears I have an admirer." Her left hand began to glow once again as 2 bolts shot out from her hand, one going towards each of the vine things. The one nearer to her strikes true, but a thick branch in the hedge blocks her other bolt. The creature again moves to take advantage of the opening created by her attack, bringing back a branch to swing, but it hesitates, then lowers the branch once more.

[sblock=ooc]Attack on Vine Thing N just missed due to cover, too bad, you would have slain it! But E is hit for 8 damage, bloodying it.

Vine Thing declines to take the opportunity attack on Cillani... hmmm, wonder why? ;)[/sblock]

Instead, it wheels around and stabs a thorn at Azryah.

[sblock=Papolstaanas]Ok, you can use Warden's Fury or Warden's Grasp again. Warden's Fury is an interrupt, so you'll have to decide which to use before you know if the attack on Azryah hits... please decide and post it before reading the following block. (Honor system!)[/sblock]
[sblock=Outcome of Attack]But the thorn sails wide, possibly deflected by the kobold's nature spirits. Unless Papolstaanas uses Warden's grasp again which would prevent it from shifting... The creature wriggles back into the hedge again, trying to stay out of reach of its enemies.[/sblock]
The other creature is in very bad shape, but it continues to fight, sending a thorn whipping out at the goliath. The vine gets snagged on an intervening branch, and the creature reels it back before retreating deeper into the hedge.

[sblock=Eyes]I may not have been clear about the eyes, but there are two of them. One is on the far side of the garden next to the pyramid, and has been watching the whole fight. That's the one you need to make a perception check to spot. (Technically you also need to use a minor action to get a check, but once you've spotted it once, you don't need to roll any more.)

The other eye was the original one which looked you over outside the gate, and it only re-emerged following Cillani's Rebuke Undead attack. It is over the fountain at AB21 (much closer) and is not hidden at all. It's continuing to watch Cillani.[/sblock]
Vine Thing N:
Std: Impaling Thorn vs. Chaku
Missed AC 14 - would have hit except for cover.
Minor x2: Pulling Vines, shift -> R15 -> Q15.

Vine Thing E:
Std: Imapling Thorn vs. Azryah. I forgot to copy the die roll, but I think it totaled a 9.
Minor x2: Unless Papolstaanas uses Warden's grasp again which would prevent it from shifting... Pulling Vines to shift to X21.
If he used Warden's Grasp it remains in W18.[/sblock]
16 Jynxx - W18 - 10/24 (7/8) AP: 1 - bloodied
12 Kaeysari - T15 - 17/28 (5/10) AP: 0
12 Azryah - V19 - 21/28 (6/9) AP: 0

11 -- BAD GUYS --
Vine Thing N - S15 3/41 HP - bloodied, cover, Stirring Shout (ally regain 5 hp on hit)
Vine Thing E - X21(* pending Papol's reaction) 14/41 HP - bloodied, Bond of Retribution, oathed, marked by Papol, slowed, (maybe cannot shift))
Winged B - DEAD
Winged X - DEAD
Root Pod - DEAD

8 Chaku - T16 - 9/33 (9/12) AP: 0 - bloodied, cover
5 Papolstaanas - V18 - 30/35 (9/13) AP: 1
3 Cillani - X19 - 21/23 (6/7) AP: 0 - firesoul (+1 Reflex / resist 5 fire)
Vine Things
HP 41, bloodied 20
AC 18, Fort 15, Ref 12, Will 14
Basic Attack: +9 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage
[sblock=Lore (Nature active check)][sblock=DC 15]The viney creature is a plant creature (obviously) commonly called a bloodthorn vine. They are not intelligent, and can be bound to service by powerful items or rituals.[sblock=DC 20]The bloodthorn vine attacks by impaling its foes with a sharp, hollow thorn. It sucks its victim's blood through the thorn, healing itself. It can move unhindered through difficult vegetation.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Terrain Notes]Needle Hedge (Green blocks): 10 feet high. Difficult terrain. Grants cover to a creature within or behind it. If a creature moves through more than one square of needle hedge during a single move action or incident of forced movement, that creature takes 5 damage.

Impassable Brambles (Brown blocks): Blocking terrain - treat as walls.

Totems: Provide cover to creatures in the 4 squares around them (the totems occupy the center point of 4 squares). [sblock=Arcana DC 15]The totems are embued with protective spells. A creatures that starts its turn adjacent to a totem gains 5 temporary hit points.[/sblock]

Topiaries: Difficult terrain.

Flowers (pinkish circles): They still look real pretty but smell kinda icky! (No apparent effects.)[/sblock]
[sblock=Full Map (reference)]Map showing entire garden (at start of encounter)


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Chaku sees the vine thing slithering away from him and laughs out loud. You cannot escape that easily! He then pulls out one of his small hand axes and flings it at the beast. The axe spins end over end, and splits the beast in two, even with the interviening vines attempting to thwart the throw.

As the strike lands, healing energies wash over the goliath fueling his anger, and inspiring him to press on dispite his wounds. He pivots, and dashes out of the thicket and weaves through his friends before diving into the second shrubbery and taking a mighty swing at their last foe. Unfortunately for him, mauls do not cleave through vines as well as axes do, and the swing gets caught up in some branches and is easily deflected by the beast.

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor to pull out a hand axe.
Standard to throw it: 1d20+6-2=19 does a minimum of 5 damage, killing Vinething N. This triggers 3 things, Chaku gains 5 HP from Jynxx's shout, gains 4 Temp HP for dropping a creature, and it triggers Swift Charge.
Swift Charge to X20 and attacking: 1d20+6+1=10 3d6+4=16 Miss, DOH!
HP after everything, 14+4/33 and located in X20[/sblock]


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Azryah sees Chaku rush past and miss the vine thing now attempting to hide in the bushes. Quite tired of all this skulking about in the shrubbery, she decides it's time to end as much of it as she can. She shift up next to the creature and swings her frosty sword at it. When the sword hits, the creature is slain, pieces of vine flying about, some of them incased in ice.

[sblock=mechanics]Move: shift to W20
Standard: Bond of Retribution - 1d20+8=25 1d20+8=28 Crit!
Damage: 15 + 1d6=6 for crit = 21
Side-Effect: The first time an enemy other than Vine Thing E hits or misses Az before the end of her next turn, the target takes 3 radiant damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc side note]In the last round's status for the vines' HP you marked in a way that I now think you were writing as "-x HP" however the minus signs just looked like separaters between information types to me and I read that as how much HP they had left, which was a bit confusing. In future, could you maybe mark something like that as "x DT," (DT standing for damage taken) or something to that effect instead? Much obliged.[/sblock]
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After being plastered with frozen plant bits, Chaku slowly creeps his way out of the thorn wall, vague mutterings about showing off and new sword being heard above the rustling he creates. He then slowly crawls through the far thorns over to the vine beast he slew, and retrieves his hand axe, wiping some sap off on his tunic before smoothly sliding it into his waist holster.

As the goliath slowly works his way out of the thorns again, he calls out to the group. Ok, what was that, and why is it in a town?

[sblock=Go Ladylaw!] Wow, go go avenger!! So glad we can be a bunch of HP sponges while you obliterate the bad guys one at a time!! lol :lol: [/sblock]

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