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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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[sblock=ooc]Didn't you roll a self-crit from the other swarm aura too, BB? :eek:

I sent a PM to Charm. Hopefully she'll show, if not I'll NPC her tomorrow night so Mezegis can go.[/sblock]

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Cillani glared at the fish. "Angel, there!" She raises her left hand and points a single slender finger at the fish.

Nature check: 1d20=16 Wasn't sure if I added anything so I left it at just a d20 roll
Angel moves to K8. Burst in K8,K9 L8, & L9 1d20+4, 1d8+4=[17, 4], [5, 4] I apologize humbly to you all. Life had taken over between my own sickness and hubby's and then moving more stuff it's been hectic. *sends out e-hugs* [/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]Thanks, Charm!

And that looks like a nice hit from the angel. 14 total points of damage including the vulnerability... the swarm is definitely bloodied now![/sblock]


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ooc: and oh yeah...

[sblock=Chaku temp HP]I think I had Chaku losing those temp hp from the psychic snake attack a few rounds ago. Did he get temp hp again after that? If so I indeed missed it.[/sblock]
[sblock=Kaeysari AP]I didn't update that in the status, thanks for the reminder.[/sblock]


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Chaku sees the blood in the water and dashes forward, running straight off the edge of the bridge, bringing his maul down hard on the water in an attempt to bludgeon the fish to death. It was a mighty swing, sure to destroy any fish that it touched, but moving a hammer through the water was much harder than it looked, and the fish avoid the deadly blow.

[sblock=Mechanics]Move/standard: Charge with Howling strike to J10: 1d20+8=15 3d6+9=23 1d8=5 Miss with Howling strike. DOH, would have ended the fight too.

ryry, everything Chaku drops someone he gains the temp HP, so he did lose them to the psychic snake attack, but when he KO'd the paleman he regained them.[/sblock]


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Round 8 quickie update

[sblock=ooc]I can't do a map update until I get home, but since the battle is almost certainly going to end this round, it doesn't seem all that necessary. I'm just going to post the swarm's actions, plus updated positions of the PCs, so we can keep rolling.[/sblock]
[sblock=Chaku]Ok, yeah I had missed that your last kill had given you fresh temp HP. :)[/sblock]
The swarm is much diminished in size. Some of the fish, crazed by the bloody water, begin turning on each other. Still, there is enough coherence left for part of the school to try to undercut Chaku, and then swim over to surround him, but Kaeysari has found a good rhythm with her blade, and she fillets several more, stopping their progress before they can get to the barbarian. They turn back on her, but her armor stands up to the bites.

[sblock=Swarm Actions]Minor: Pull down vs. Chaku (1d20+3=8) Misses.
Move: Shift into Chaku's space (J10)
triggers combat challenge from Kaeysari: Kaeysari Combat Challenge (1d20+7+1,2d4+4+2+2=[15, 7, 1], [2, 2, 4, 2, 2]) Hits for 12 / 2 = 6. Swarm now at 2 hp!​
Standard: Swarm of Teeth vs Kaeysari (1d20+8=12, 1d6+2=4) Miss!

Next hit ought to kill the swarm![/sblock]
[sblock=Quickie Status]
Swarm - K9 and 2 HP remaining

Cillani - J8
Angel - L8 (changed from K8 so as not to hit Jynxx too ;))
Kaeysari - K10 (6 HP left after last round)
Chaku - J10
Azryah - L12
Papol - M15
Jynxx - J7 (and still dying)

Note: Angel, Chaku, and Kaeysari will be subject to aura attacks when they take their turns.[/sblock]
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Azryah takes a moment to get her feet under her and tries again to do something about the fish before they can eat her companions alive. There's nothing to interrupt her concentration this time. An aura of pure light surrounds the fish and flows into them. When the light dissipates, the remaining few fish are belly up, harmless. She lets out a sigh of relief.

Job done, she makes her way to the shore and leans on her sword to rest for a moment. I just hope someone can do something for Jynxx, she thought.

Standard: Radiant Vengeance on Fish - 1d20+4=22 vs. Reflex for 1d8+4=11/2 - should be 5 radiant damage
Effect: Az gains 4 temp HP
Move: to L16[/sblock]

[sblock=Azryah Mini-stats]
Azryah - Female Deva Avenger (Censure: Retribution) 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC:16, Fort:13, Ref:14, Will:15 -- Speed:6
HP:15/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges Left: 4/9
Action Points: 0, MI Daily Uses: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Bond of Retribution, Radiant Vengeance, Frost Greatsword +1 Cold DMG On/Off
Oath of Enmity, Avenging Echo, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Channel Divinity: Abjure Undead, Channel Divinity: Divine Guidance
Argent Mantle, Frost Greatsword +1 DMG&Slow

Damage Resistence: 5 vs. Necrotic & Radiant
Special: +1 to all defenses vs. attacks by bloodied creatures
Censure of Retribution: When any enemy other than my Oath of Enmity target hits me, I gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls against my Oath of Enmity target until the end of my next turn. This bonus is cumulative.

Argent Mantle - reroll avenger power damage if desired until end of encounter, but must use second result
4 Temp HP[/sblock]
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The bloodcovered barbarian sees Azryah end the underwater menace, and notices Jynxx bobbing in the water where he fell, the weight of his chainmail preventing him from being washed away on the current. Chaku sloshes over to the bard, and hefts him over his shoulders before depositing him on the bridge closer to their destination.

Dunking himself quickly to wash off most of the enemies blood, he turns to the group. Anyone need help getting across? he asks, more for Cillani than the others as it seems just about everyone who needed to had crossed the water during the skrum. Someone may want to take a look at Jynxx, he may have swallowed a lot of water while he was in the stream.

[sblock=OOC]With a minimum athletics roll of 15 and two rolls per attempt, I'm just thinking that Chaku can move with relative ease in the water.[/sblock]


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[sblock=Combat over]Good work! A very tough battle, magnified by me somewhat screwing up the setup, but you pulled it out!

Also I think you all should know, the reason Papolstaanas made all those saving throws was because he drank the zocalti earlier. It really is good for you! ;)

I will try to post a wrapup including XP and loot sometime later this evening... feel free to RP meantime, and if you have any specific ideas for next steps you might suggest them. I will also assume you're taking a short rest unless someone objects.

Regarding Jynxx, technically making the death save doesn't stop him from dying, he'd still have to keep making death saves each round until he rolls a 20 (and gets back up) or fails three of them (and dies). But with the encounter over, I'm just handwaving the Heal checks, and assume you can stabilize him. He wakes up after a short rest (and can spend surges).[/sblock]

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