Adventure: Hey! That's Not Wayne's Basement! (DM: H.M.Gimlord, Judge: Ozymandias79)


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"Varquat's Wife's amulet? You don't have it? Don't you think we'll need that to complete the mission?" Jin asked, somewhat annoyed. He had left clear instructions for Rujah. "And where are the others? We must move as one."

As an after thought, Jin asked as they retraced back to the boat harbor to find the necklace, "Lady Voice?"

[sblock=OOC]Not sure how much gaming will get done in the next week or two. Bummer.[/sblock]
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"There was voice in head," Fenwick muses. "Talon say he hear voice before rest of group, but we hear when we start big fight. Fenwick not know voice have name, though. Is Lady Voice what transport Talon away in middle of fight? Fenwick think this very mysterious and kind of suspicious too. She say anything else to Talon?"

[sblock=ooc]I was a good boy and didn't read the stuff just for Talon while it was going on. I suppose I could go back over it, but it would be nice if Talon could fill us in on what he saw/heard.[/sblock]


[sblock=Holiday Schedule]All, what does your schedule look like over the holidays? WD is out until the 4th most likely. As far as I'm concerned, I'll be here, checking every 6 to 8 hours or so.

Everyone here seems to post while at work, while I'd get fired if I did that. I'm a an off-hours poster. I'm off, so I spend my hours here ;).[/sblock]


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[sblock=Holiday Schedule]I'm also an off-hours poster and off. I'm taking no trip, hosting no guests, and probably won't leave my apartment tomorrow at all. Consider me here, at least until the second week in January, when I will have houseguests. More on that when they arrive.[/sblock]


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[sblock=Holiday Schedule]Being unemployed for another week or two, I should be available to post at any time of the day for now but mornings are more likely because I have to share the computer with my son who does Virtual School online alot of the day as well. Christmas day itself will be spent with family so I won't be on then. Once I start working again in early January, I'll find out what my hours will be then.[/sblock]Talon describes the voice he's heard multiple times in his head. "When we looked for secret door in basement, girl voice said 'Finally, someone with a little courage. I'll show you where I've been.' and showed trail which led to secret door."

"Again during big fight right when I get hurt and disappeared, voice said 'That was daring, show me more.' You saying you all heard that too?"
Talon asks Fenwick and the others. "I don't know who or what sent me to tunnel by river."

"Then, just a minute ago lady voice said 'Aren't you forgetting something?' when we start to leave. I think maybe voice is part of necklace we here to get maybe?"
Talon says as he backtracks to go look for the amulet. "Leader threw it at you, right Riardon? Anyone see where it go?" Talon asks while moving back to help find the amulet before trying to exit the basement again.


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[sblock=Holiday stuff]
Basically I'm online on and off almost every day as it is, though occasionally I have interruptions and the like or I'm just too frazzled to get into the proper mindset. Overall, I should be available sometime almost every day except tomorrow(Christmas) when I'll be visiting family (daytrip).[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC]Woah. We never opened the chest did we? Woops. I guess Talon will volunteer to open it up if possible and see what happens or what's inside. Hopefully not trapped.[/sblock]

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