Adventure: Hey! That's Not Wayne's Basement! (DM: H.M.Gimlord, Judge: Ozymandias79)


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OOC: Talon is definitely up for a sequel. I know with a some effort, I could translate that big page and the runes on the weapons. It looks like a simple substitution cipher. Time is the problem currently though. I've got to level up Talon, do a combat post in my other adventure, and do a big DM post in my adventure Redblade's Riches.

"Varquat. What is your wife's name if I can ask?" Talon asks the brewer. He's not sure whether or not to tell the man about hearing the voice from the amulet themselves. He decides against it for now. But there is one last thing the shifter wants to do after he finds out her name...

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[sblock=Sequel]I am definitely on board. I already picked out my level up stuff. Just waiting on the judge approval, and then I will update my sheet.[/sblock]

"If you don't mind, Rujah, I'd like to accompany you. I don't have any... anyone at all, in this place. It would be good to travel with a trusted ally."


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[sblock=Sequel & Stuff]
I'd be fine with continuing, apologies for my delays in posting, things have been a bit hectic, and I've recently found myself unable to access my sources(which will make mechanics a bit shaky on my end when updating character stuff, though with LEB and L4W the sheets make it fairly easy to keep up with until levelling up...) [/sblock]


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[sblock=sequel]I'd be fine with the sequel, although our party seems a little melee-heavy. It would be nice if we could pick up someone to do the magic/ranged attacks. Don't know if a sixth character would confuse the results.

Also, as far as loot, I'm not sure what the rules on selling off mundane items (e.g. Fenwick's old axe) are. Is it 20% of price?

Anyway, Fenwick will head for the tavern and I'll role-play a bit. Once we're all leveled up, then the adventure can start![/sblock]


Varquat replies, "'Er name was Myra, an' a fine ole lady she wa'. She ne'er di' loik me takin' ta th' ole business. She'd'a gone off foitin' draigons o' som'n i' she 'ad 'er woi."

[sblock=BB]Yeah. Selling off your old stuff is 20%. [/sblock][sblock=Everyone Else]Go ahead and RP in the Hanged Man if you want. I might send somebody there as a hook and RP with you guys even as you level up. I'll be looking for your submissions too.[/sblock]


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Stepping back up to Varquat, Talon shakes the mans hand as in farewell. "Happy we got necklace back for you. Good luck." If he has the chance, he'll touch the amulet once more and push his thoughts out at it with a message best left unsaid... 'Thanks for your help Myra. I hope we were found to be worthy of it.'

If Talon can't reasonably touch the amulet, he'll try and broadcast his message at it from nearby.


[sblock=P8]Since the amulet is in the front pocket of Varquat's breeches, I imagine that would be awkward ;).[/sblock]

[sblock=Talon]"No one is worthy of help. That's why you'll keep trying." *giggle*[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC]No problem, HMG. I didn't catch that he had put it away. Thought it might still be in hand. Looking forward to part 2.[/sblock]


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[sblock=Treasure & XP Summary submitted for approval]Encounter Level 1
Party Level 2

Skill Challenge: Complexity 2 200XP

Encounter Level 3 (1200)
5 PCs
Party Level 2

This encounter includes the following:

·1 Halfling Slinger Level 1 Artillery
Small natural humanoid XP 100
·3 Human Bandit Level 2 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 125 each
·1 Human Ruffian Level 2 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 125
·1 Rat Swarm Level 2 Skirmisher
Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 125
·3 Human Thug Level 1 No Role
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 25 each
·1 Human Noble Level 5 Leader
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 200
·2 Spiretop Drake Level 1 Skirmisher
Small natural beast (reptile) XP 100 each

Double the above = 4800

960 per character.

Time XP (Since October 21st Two Months) 208XP for Riardon, 166 XP for everyone else. I believe that this gets each of yo to the next level.

Total XP per character:
Riardon: 1168
Everyone else: 1126
Time (and total) Gold:
178gp for Riardon,
76gp for Jin (includes 12gp from the den) + 50gp from the lamp = total 126gp
126gp for everyone else (includes the 12gp given by Jin).

Rujah: Lightning Warhammer +1 Level 5
Talon: Longspear of Mydroon's Shard +1 Level 4
Jin: Acidic Bastard Sword +1 Level 4
Riardon: Cloak of the Walking Wounded Level 4
Fenwick: Vanguard Executioner's Axe Level 3

I Approve and sorry for the lateness

And also H.M.G gets , uhm, lets see, 4(?) DM credits

Voidrunner's Codex

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