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Adventure: Into the Wild

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Dante is still passed the hell out, but Virgil snaps at the maniac who keeps stabbing his master while he's down.

OOC: Wow, way to learn how to play your class me! I never saw that part... good to know. Oh, and I think that's fail #6.

[sblock=Actions]Virgil's Move Action: Stand
Virgil's Standard Action: MBA: 1d20+8=20 AC vs Sword Maniac that's been CDGing Dante, hit, 1d8+3=8 damage.
Minor Action: -

Dante's Saving Throw: 1d20=6, failed.

[sblock=Statblocks]Dante, Male Human Ranger 4
Passive Perception:20, Passive Insight:15
AC:19, Fort:18, Reflex:17, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP:22/37, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:4/6
Initiative +6, Action Points:0
Powers: Twin Strike, Throw and Stab, Marauder's Rush, Off-Hand Strike, Disruptive Strike, Invigorating Stride, Second Wind, Jaws of the Wolf

Status Effects: DR 4, unconscious(save ends)

Opportunity Attack: +10 vs. AC, 2d4+7 damage.
Note: Dante makes an OA on any enemy that makes a melee attack on Virgil as long as the enemy is within reach 2 of Dante or Virgil is adjacent to Dante.

Virgil, Beast Companion(Lizard) 4
Passive Perception:13, Passive Insight:13
AC:19, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:14 -- Speed:6
HP:20/46, Bloodied:23, Surge Value:11, Surges left:2/2

Status Effects: DR 4

Opportunity Attack: +10 vs. AC, 1d8+3 damage.
Note: Virgil's OA uses Dante's Immediate Reaction.[/sblock][/sblock]
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Mal, Ibram can stand up as shift as part of standing up when something is in his square...I think that's how Renquist moved too as MetaVoid's SC was in his square...also, you forgot MBA against swordmage for the mark so I'll roll it.

Rocco moves after the swordmage swinging as he goes by and uses swordmage's momentum to pull himself after him.

He grins. "Didn't think you'll get off that easily have you?"

Now for some dancing goodness, I don't like you harrying my companions with those fancy moves of yours. Come here!"

Rocco swings both his axes at the same time, while executing perfect (if ungainly looking) cross legged turn.

Unfortunately, his reach is just smallest bit too short as he focused too much on the human attacking Virgil. Foe Maker made quick work of this unworthy foe while swordmage remains unscathed.

Immediate Interrupt: Combat Challenge MBA vs Swordmage's AC; damage (1d20+8+1=18, 1d6+8+2+3=14) - this hits because this is INTERRUPT attack and Rocco's still flanking with Virgil (forgot to include the bonus to hit)- also last 3 damage is cold damage from frost fury) Rocco shifts after the swordmage to N5

Standard: Funneling Fury vs swordmage's AC; damage; Funneling Fury vs Goons AC; damage (1d20+8+1=13, 1d6+8+2+3=15, 1d20+8=28, 1d6+8=11)

Minor: Second wind healing 12 hp+4 from SC = 16hp and +2 defenses


[sblock=Rocco Stats]
STATUS: resist all 4; +2 all defenses TENT
MARKED: swordmage

Initiative +3; Senses Passive Insight 13, Passive Perception 18
HP 26/43, Bloodied 21, Surge Value 10+1, Surges 8/12
AC 18; Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 14
0/1 AP
Speed 5

Dual Strike
Brash Strike
Combat Challenge
Combat Superiority
Pass Forward

Funneling Fury
Sweeping Blow
Second Wind

Villain's Menace

Foe Maker Hand Axe - daily, standard, everyone within 5 squares are marked

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IronSky: You're right of course, I was thinking of Luinnar's Alnar
Neurotic: Rocco is adjacent to Primera so heals additional 4 hp (spirit boon) on second wind

Mal & Neurotic: Ibram COULD choose to get up and shift with the same move as she's standing on him...except she reacted on swordmage's move to get out of melee (shift to K2)

Reaction: shift to K2
Standard: Heal check on Dante (1d20+10=19) - immediately Save for Dante (1d20=5) - well, wasted standard action I'll stick to granting tmps, but I think my chance of dropping swordmage is gone...


First Post
"Having some trouble, are we?" Haruka calls out sweetly to the other group. "Perhaps I can help." Her eyes lock onto the swordmage's back as she makes her way across the clearing. The genasi is lifted off the ground by the force of the crimson lance Haruka fires through his chest. "There, much better. My name is Haruka Sato, by the way." She bows slightly, seemingly oblivious to the battle continuing around her.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Move to Q7, retain concealment.
Minor: Curse the Swordmage.
Standard: Eldritch Blast the Swordmage. Hits Reflex 21 for 19 damage, killing him.

Oh, Mal, I think my hp should be 31 + thp. I don't think I've taken damage since here.[/sblock]

[sblock=Haruka's mini-stats]Haruka Sato human warlock 6
Initiative: +4 | Passive perception: 12 | Passive Insight: 18
AC: 19 | For: 20
| Ref: 20 | Will: 19
HP: 31/56+9 | Bloodied: 28 | Surge value: 14 | Surges: 8/10
Resist: 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Tsugo
AP: 0 | Second Wind: not used
Melee Basic Attack: +9 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +11 vs Reflex, 1d10+5 damage
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Eldritch Strike, Hellish Rebuke
Vampiric Embrace, Fiery Bolt
Flames of Phlegethos, Tyrannical Threat

Ethereal Stride, Everybody Move

Deathcut Armor, Prison of Salzacas, Blackleaf Gloves

Tyrannically Threatening[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Mal, Ibram can stand up as shift as part of standing up when something is in his square...I think that's how Renquist moved too as MetaVoid's SC was in his square

[sblock=ooc] Mal: that's why I shifted, if not okay, feel free to retcon it. I was next to Dante anyway so healing him would still be okay. Also I spent a HS to heal Dante, so -2 HS before my turn. [/sblock]

Renquest again fails to land with his holy blade. He turns to face the other scimitar weilding maniac who feels his impending doom. Renquist then places his hand on his own wounds to heal himself.

[sblock=actions] Stadard: Divine pursuit: 1d20+7+1, 2d10+3+1d6 → ([9, 7, 1], [2, 9, 3, 1]) Roll Lookup . Miss.
Minor: Lay on Hands, regain 9HP.
Move to Minor: Divine Challenge on Scimitar SOUTH. [/sblock]

Renquist, Revenant paladin of Lauto
Status: DR 4 until end of encounter
Init: +2 Speed: 5 Perception:14 Insight: 19
AC: 21/20 (21 if not bloodied) NAD: F: 16 R:14 W:16
HP: 21/37 Surges: 10/13 Surge Value: 9 AP: 0
Languages: Allerian, Old Allerian
Str:16 Dex:12 Wis:16 Con:16 Int:8 Cha:12

At-Will: Ardent Strike, Holy Strike, Divine Challenge, Lay on Hands [1/3]
Encounter: Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle, Channel Divinity: Divine Strength, Second Wind, Divine Pursuit, Dark Reaping
Daily: Blood of the Mighty, Bless Weapon

Special: AC is 21 when not bloodied. DR 3 if Renquist spends a healing surge. [/sblock]


First Post
Ashir continues to direct his summoned allies, but this time it's far less effective.

Just a reminder to me:

Property: When you use a wizard fire power that can be sustained through this tome, you regain hit points equal to the tome’s enhancement bonus each round that you sustain the power while bloodied. For example, if you used the flaming sphere power with a tome of the replenishing flame +2, you would regain 2 hit points each round you sustain the flaming sphere while you are bloodied. [/sblock]


Minor: Sustain Sphere (regain 1 hp from tome)
Move: move sphere to X3
Standard: Direct Magma Beast to charge archer - charge archer @ x4 (vs ref; fire) (1d20+8=17, 1d10+9=15) miss

At start of its turn archer @ X4 takes fire) (1d4+9=12)


[sblock=L4W Ashir]
Init: +0 Speed: 6 Perception:12 Insight: 12
AC: 19 NAD:18/17/16
HP: 23/38 Surges: 5/7 Surge Value: 9 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str:19 Dex:12 Wis:13 Con:12 Int:19 Cha:8

Scorching Burst
Burning Hands
Icy Rays
Fire Shroud
Promise of Storms
Second Wind
Tome of Readiness
Flaming Sphere (Summon Dretch)
Summon Magma Beast (Stinking Cloud)



First Post
Watching the warlock kill the swordmage before his eyes invigorates the warlord. Max trots forward looking for a foe to strike. Seeing an opening, he charges forward into the scrum. However, his excitement caused him to be careless as his striking blow was easily deflected by the guard.

movement: move to r6
minor: none
attack: charge the guard: 1d20+11+1(charge to n5) vs guard ac : miss

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
For crying out loud, this is the same deal as for Nementah's damage resistance VS spirit disruption from earlier.

I was so sure it was 'lose hitpoints' which is why I bypassed THP when you were at 32+2 to put you at 29+2. But now I read it and it's 'inflict damage to yourself' which of course does not bypass THP. It doesn't even bypass damage resistance since there is no mention of 'can't be reduced in anyway'!

At least I 'reassured' myself that it wasn't stealth errata but just me who never got it right; I checked on the original Dragon 366 and it was always that way.

Might be a bit overpowered if it doesn't bypass THP and especially Damage resistance but hey, I'm not a designer. [/sblock]

The fight is almost won. Ashir and Renquist are barely hanging on, the Magma beast is finally destryed but the heroes are still going strong.

Move:Stand up
Guiding Strike vs Maniac (south) (1d20+10=24, 1d12+6=17) hit, -2 AC to target TENT

2 Archers:
1: Magma 2:Ashir (1d20+9=28, 1d10+5=12, 1d20+9=23, 1d10+5=13)

Archer North shifted TPL before attack, Archer South took his shot and then RAN TPL.

North vs Renquist (1d10+10+2=14, 1d8+6-4=4, 1d10+10+2=14, 1d8+6-4=7) miss
vs Renquist (1d20+10+2=29, 1d8+6-4=7, 1d20+10+2=23, 1d8+6-4=9)

Dante 22/37 Resist 4, AP spent, - 2HS Unconscious (save ends)
Ibram 25/40 Resist 4 Unconscious (save ends), AP spent
Nementah 27/35 Resist 4 AP spent -2 HS, +2 def TENT
Renquist 5/37, Resist 4, AP Spent, -3 HS, Bl.wea.
Rocco 22/43 Resist 4, AP spent, Marked (Swordmage)
Virgil 20/46 Resist 4,

Magma Beast: dead/19

Max: 27/42, AP spent, -1HS
Haruka: 31 +9 /56,
Ashir: 9/38 -1 HS

Shard Glass Monster: dead/154 Cursed, AP spent, Tyr.Thr, Ongoing 5
Swordmage: dead/90 quarry, AP spent, Marked (Rocco)
Archer South: 32/44, Ran last turn
Archer North:

Scimitar Maniac (North): 54/62
Scimitar Maniac (south): 45/62 Marked (Renquist), -2 AC TENT

Elf Archer
Perception 22; low-light vision
HP 44; Bloodied 22
AC 17; Fortitude 14, Reflex 18, Will 15
OA: +8 vs AC; 1d8+3 damage (if longsword is drawn).

Scimitar Wielding Maniacs (white token with ninja type)
Perception 15; low-light vision
HP 62; Bloodied 31
AC 19; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16
OA Scimitar +10 vs AC; 1d8+6 damage (crit 1d8+14).

Lightning Genasi Swordmage
Perception 13
HP 90; Bloodied 45
Resist Thunder and Lightning 5
AC 19; Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 15
OA: Longsword (standard, at-will) Weapon
+10 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage.


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