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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Dante ducks as Ashir's lightning bold shoots past his head, never taking his eyes off the Succubus. In a fluid motion, he detaches the Kama from the end of his chain, embedding it in the chest of the nearest assassin as he rushes forward with Virgil and lashes out with the other end to slice a deep gash into the hated succubus.

A rapid series of hand gestures with his empty hand and the Kama flies back to his grip where he holds it ready to throw at the next person who tries to close with him as he keeps his chain whirling about him with the other.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Virgil moves to Main Deck G4, Dante moves to Quarter Deck H4.
Minor: Spitting Cobra Stance: Dante makes an RBA against any enemy within 5 that moves closer to him.
Standard: Throw and Stab:
Throw: 1d20+12=CRIT vs I1 Assassin, 2d6+18(maximized quarry included)=22 damage.
And Stab(MBA): 1d20+12=29 AC, hit, 2d4+8=15 damage.

Immediate Reaction: RBA(+12 vs AC, 2d4+8) vs any enemy within 5 that moves closer to Dante.

[sblock=Statblocks]Dante, Male Human Ranger 5
Passive Perception:20, Passive Insight:15
AC:19, Fort:19, Reflex:18, Will:17 -- Speed:6
HP:22/42, Bloodied:21, Surge Value:11, Surges left:5/6
Initiative +6, Action Points:0
Powers: Twin Strike, Throw and Stab, Off-Hand Strike, Disruptive Strike, Heroic Effort, Invigorating Stride, Second Wind, Jaws of the Wolf, Spitting Cobra Stance, Amulet of Resolution

Opportunity Attack: +12 vs. AC, 2d4+8 damage (Crit 2d6+16)
Notes: *Dante makes an OA on any enemy that makes a melee attack on Virgil as long as the enemy is within reach 2 of Dante or Virgil is adjacent to Dante. *Dante deals +1 damage when he has CA.

Virgil, Beast Companion(Lizard) 5
Passive Perception:13, Passive Insight:13
AC:20, Fort:17, Reflex:17, Will:15 -- Speed:6
HP:39/54, Bloodied:27, Surge Value:13(18), Surges left:2/2

Opportunity Attack: +11 vs. AC, 1d8+3 damage.
Note: Virgil's OA uses Dante's Immediate Reaction.[/sblock][/sblock]

OOC: Making up for last fight I guess - Dante needs to prove himself to the disbelievers :p This fight is looking kinda rough so I'm going all out. I'm going to focus on the succubus until it or Dante is dead. Domination is the worst status effect there is, so best to inflict the second worst(dead) on her to stop it as soon as possible.
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First Post
"Did I do well my mistress" Ashir asks as the electricity dancing along his skin dies down.

Not that I'm trying to infllict more pain, but Ashir also does promise of storm (1d8=6) more damage to Rocco from his promise of storm power that is still active till end of his turn.[/sblock]


First Post
"Fey Lady, we need to find the others, they could be in over their heads. They only have the dwarf to rely on...."

OOC: There is a wall between column 2 and 3 (unless I'm reading that wrong). I suggest we do the fighting retreat to meet up with someone, Max is down and they have no heals up top. If you take off up the stairs, I'll follow. Just poking fun at Rocco ;).


First Post
''You think I'm in the hold for you? Egocentric much?'

Haruka smiles slightly, "Why yes, I am. Besides, you're the one who attacked us, remember?" Fire and darkness jump from her new wounds and scour the assassin's body. She lunges towards her opponent, dark fires flickering around her claws, but he effortlessly twists out of the way and avoids most of it. In response, Haruka quickly performs a backhanded slash across his chest. She then takes a step back, holding her talons in front of her face as though they were a fan, clearly waiting for her enemy's next attack.

[sblock=actions]As an immediate reaction to being hit in melee, I'll use Reflexive Hellfire, dealing 9 fire and necrotic damage to the assassin. No push.

Free: Place my second, and last, shroud.
Standard: Blazing Doom of the Void vs the assassin, invoking shrouds. Natural 1. Fantastic. Blazing Doom of the Void (BDotV from here on out) has an effect of +5 to my next damage roll against the target before the end of my next turn.

  • Oh, and I still deal the damage from one of my shrouds. In the future, the first die will be the one that deals damage on a miss, but I didn't specify this time, so I'll roll for it. 5 damage from one of my shrouds.

Action Point: Soul Eater the assassin. Hits AC 23 for 17 necrotic damage. I'll use my Ironscar Rod's daily power to add an additional 3 acid damage and give him a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of my next turn. I get a +2 bonus to my next attack roll against him, and if he attacks me before the start of my next turn, he takes 4 more necrotic damage.

  • By my count, the assassin has 2 hp left. He probably shouldn't try to Feint me, as that's an attack, which means White Lotus Riposte will kill him before he has a chance to hurt me.

Move: Shift to G2.
Minor: If the door is closed and can be opened with a minor action, open the door.[/sblock]

[sblock=Haruka's mini-stats] Haruka Sato human hexblade 7
Initiative: +5 | Passive perception: 12 | Passive Insight: 18
AC: 21 | For: 20
| Ref: 19 | Will: 21
HP: 16/59 | Bloodied: 29 | Surge value: 14 | Surges: 9/9
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Tsugo
AP: 0 | Second Wind: not used
Melee Basic Attack: +12 vs AC, 1d12+11 necrotic damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +11 vs Reflex, 1d10+11 force damage
Powers: Eldritch Bolt, Soul Eater
Blazing Doom of the Void (1/2), Reflexive Hellfire
Decree of Khirad, Crackling Fire

Heroic Effort,
Assassin's Shroud (0/2), Shadow Step
Ethereal Stride, Lesser Planar Ally, Everybody Move
Ironscar Rod, Prison of Salzacas, Blackleaf Gloves




First Post
[sblock=ooc] Mal, did the assassin make the OA against Namentah that was rolled? If so, wouldn't that have triggered the divine challenge damage (6) ? [/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
GM: Doors are closed

Rocco has one axe out

Forgot about the Divine challenge radiant damage; will add it next update

renaug1 is one honest and sadistic player to remind me of the extra lightning damage.

Tomorrow is office christmas party, may update very late but more likely saturday.


First Post
[sblock=doors] Mal, because of the tokens I can't tell where the doors are located in the room with Renquist and Namentah. [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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