Adventure: Long Arm Of Lauto, Obolus. (DM: CaBaNa, Judge: by covaithe


First Post
[sblock=Where this all began...]

Back at the Temple of Lauto.



Rocco Shadowlost dwarven fighter played by Neurotic

Cyr Iannes deva invoker played by Metavoid

Alissa played by Wynter

Kryath dragonborn sorcerer played by thaco

Aurak dragonborn paladin played by CMoss

Silphyus deva warlock played by THushman

Ibram Gaunt half-elf bard played by modest



This is an adventure call for up to six level 1-3 characters, it is designed to be hard difficulty for six 1st level characters.

This is my first PbP DM experience, though I've DM'd many times before.

I'd like for everyone to post once per day, but I understand that RL sometimes gets in the way of that. I'll normally PM before NPCing any PC. If there is no reply to the PM for 24 hours I'll NPC the character. (Using only at-wills, or assisting if a skill challenge.)

This will be a short to mid-length adventure.

Init will be rolled by me to speed up the process. Monsters will get one init roll, and any PC that beats it will go before them in the first round. After the first round, init will be monsters then PC's. The PC's turn will go in the order of posting. (If you want to delay until after X you MUST indicate OOC that you are delaying until after X.)

Effects that last TENT will be interpreted loosely.

Speaking of which, I'm loose on rules. Fun is most important, so if you aren't having fun for any reason please PM me ASAP. I'll do my best to accommodate in any reasonable way possible!

Looking forward to adventure!


After responding to the notice on the door, each member of the party made their way into the waiting room. A long way down the hall, and in a rather echo-friendly room, they waited until an aristocratic and pompous fop of a Halfling addressed them.

Inside the waiting room, the party gives their name and skills to the rude halfling, then enter High Priest Belingras' office.
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OOC: So we have three (THREE!!) defenders (warden and two fighters), one controller, luckily divine and leader...WE NEED STRIKER(S)!, or another leader.

Rocco walks through the door into the office waiting for details of the job. Confidential or not, he will not stick around after he hears full story if there's something fishy going on...and he didn't like that pompous little runt not one little bit.

oog: I might as well judge this one, since I'm down to one game I'm judging at the moment, which is well below my quota, I guess.


I'll finish the opening post, and introduce Belingras before I go to bed.

I saw that we had 3 defenders, a leader, and a controller. Thought about it, and decided it's going to be fun for this adventure.

If a striker happens into the picture so be it, but we don't NEED anyone else to successfully complete this adventure. The group we have will suffice.

Granted it's still going to be very challenging.

Thanks for judging covaithe! I'll add you to the title :)

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All character careers have been updated for each character in this adventure.

Please check here to make sure there are no errors.
Enjoy the adventure!

(Self Appointed L4W Archivist)

OOC: Thanks Dimsdale.

OOC2: now we have only one defender and three characters remaining. It seems we'll either wait for new recruits or go and hope for weaker encounters :)


Cyr enters behind the dwarf, holding the dwarf (DOOR I meant) door to shamannes.
"After you, lady" - he bows
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We'll get other recruits soon enough, I'm going to put off finishing the opening post tonight.

Will resume tomorrow, and hopefully fill our ranks.


Kaeysari looks askance at the whole setup. "I mislike this. I do not wish to offend the lord of the dead, but I feel this is not for me." She stands up and heads for the door. "Papolstaanas, do you still wish to come with me?"

[sblock=ooc]Sorry to back out like this, but I'm just can't commit to this one without more information. I know the adventure thread has already started, but with shuffling everybody over to the temple thread rather than doing this in the tavern, I feel like the recruitment process is taking everyone who's not fast enough to back out.[/sblock]

Papolstaanas begins to giggle inappropriately at Chaku's interpretation of the presiding god's name, his mirth only becoming more uncontrollable as his behavior starts to draw disapproving stares. "Loudtoe!" he guffaws suddenly.

"I--of course I do!" Papolstaanas says, managing to get himself under control. He follows her immediately. "Is something the matter?" he whispers when they are a little distance away.

[sblock=ooc]Apologies from me too if I'm screwing things up, but I was hoping for a little time to make a more informed choice... It does sound like this adventure is fairly flexible in terms of who can fill it anyway, as it was intended for a mix of character levels.[/sblock]
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Alissa sighs heavily as many members of the group disperse. She wouldn't be going anywhere, not yet. Not until she heard more about the situation as well as the rewards. If the reward was substantial, the Spirit Talker didn't care one bit how she was treated by her employer. Years amongst the Goliaths had given her thick skin, metaphorically speaking. She walks into the office, pausing slightly as Cyr holds the door, "Thank you." she mentions as she continues inward, the rings of her chainmail clanging slightly.

Kryath walks to the door of the temple. He enters the building, carrying the notice he found at the tavern. "Hello, I am Kryath and it ssseemsss like you need sssome help?" the dragonborn says

Level 1 dragon sorcerer. First time PC [/sblock]


The rest of the adventure will be conducted in this thread.


Seeing the others standing in the area, the dragonborn says "Oh, hi there, name'sss Kryath. You looking for sssome mussscle?" he asks, in a deep gravely voice

Thanks for the opportunity :)[/sblock]

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