Adventure: Long Arm Of Lauto, Obolus. (DM: CaBaNa, Judge: by covaithe

OOC: Now we go back to the tavern. We RP here for a time to distribute treasure, close up any loose ends and/or provide references for your future actions. For example, I'll link that talk with Redboot about finding Rocco's clan in hooks

Rocco observes the proceedings and asks temple guards leader when Belingras goes into the cabin:
"What do we do with thieves? Two are still alive. You want them for interrogation? To give to the Daunton's justice system? "

After he receives the answer and Lautonians go away he joins his comrades to see what items Beligras mentioned. As he sees the axe his eyes light up.
"Ahh, I didn't expect such thing of beauty from the temple. More like amulets and the like. But I guess temple of death should have implements of death in it's vaults, eh, Cyr?"

He takes few swings with the axe and dances a bit around swirling his weapons in complex pattern.
"Yes, this will do nicely."

Looking over various art objects, Rocco appreciates them for the effort spent in making them, but he has no home to put them in at the moment.
"I have no place to hang these so I'd prefer to sell them. Does any of you know good shop in Daunton we could sell this to? Maybe back to temple of Lauto?" - he adds with a smile

OOC: the witch and the bandit will be released upon promising not to come after Rocco and his companions (it was just a job and they lost, nothing personal) - assuming they are not taken away by temple guards.

OOC2: I know it's common to give out weapon/implement, armor and then neck item, but this fight showed Rocco lacks NADs...luckily we got enough money to buy one :)

OOC3: Thanks for your effort Covaithe, good luck with your move. I'd be happy to join any of your other games when you have time to start/keep them :)

Finally: can we write this as a hook or favor from temple lauto? I know we got paid, but there is the fact that now they know of us and that we finish the job we take...and non-violently at that...
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Rocco observes the proceedings and asks temple guards leader when Belingras goes into the cabin:
"What do we do with thieves? Two are still alive. You want them for interrogation? To give to the Daunton's justice system? "

Belingras pauses on his way back to the floating palanquin. "Ah, yes, thank you. I'd nearly forgotten them. If you don't mind, the temple will deal with them. Our Lord has a special interest in those who break faith with him." He smiles in a decidedly unfriendly way, and at his direction three of the priests dismount, bind the thieves hand and foot, blindfold and gag them, and bundle them ungently over the ghostly horses like so many sacks of bad grain.

OOC: So, what now? Can I make new character or do I have to wait for Cyr to be approved? Do I link to Judge post for XP?

You can make a new character now; no need to wait for approval. Yes, please link to the judge post where the XP is approved.

Neurotic said:
can we write this as a hook or favor from temple lauto? I know we got paid, but there is the fact that now they know of us and that we finish the job we take...and non-violently at that...

You can write it up as a favor owed, and I encourage you to do so, but future DMs aren't obligated to honor it. If you play in a future adventure involving the temple, you will certainly want to remind the DM of the fact that you've interacted favorably with the temple before. Odds are pretty good that the DM will take that into account and have the NPCs react differently to you. But they don't have to, if it's not suitable for their adventure.

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