Adventure: Long Arm Of Lauto, Obolus. (DM: CaBaNa, Judge: by covaithe


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Well, obviously I am. Did you try PMing others? Since instant notifications went off-line some don't check regularly...I use subscription page as start point so I don't miss those, but there are people who rely on e-mail for such things.

BTW, it seems that daily notification still works

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I wanted to see if I can use other PCs for aid another to continue this since 48 hours passed, but I cannot find their character on new wikia?! None.

Is it possible we lost whole group and DM? Did that happened before? Covaithe, do we recruit more (not a good place for such) or simply flee the scene since we have no chance alone and I doubt you want to play against yourself running all those?

Maybe we can close up the adventure by letting us bring the beast back and assign some small XP reward and then we seek another adventure?

EDIT: I put visitor message to modest profile (got him as friend).
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ooc: It's silly to continue this with just two players, I agree, and awkward at best to re-recruit right now. If I can't get ahold of more current players by, say, Monday, I'll bring this to a graceful close and you guys can get back to the tavern. I'll do what I can to make sure you guys aren't screwed.


ooc: Just sent PMs. I note that of the other players in this adventure, CMoss has opted out by PM, and thaco and THushman haven't logged in for nearly a month. modest is active, but at best we're likely to have 3 players instead of 2. What do you guys think? If modest is still in, would you want do double up on PCs and try to finish this thing off, or would you rather get some XP and get back to the inn, and try to get into a less ill-fated adventure? Full disclosure: I'm just over a week away from a permanent trans-continental relocation, which will reduce my online presence for at least a week when the time comes, probably longer.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Covaithe, I'd say close this. We cannot double up if what Meta says about their characters is true (we can hunt a bit for cached pages eventually). And even if we do, you're relocating so you'll be slow for some time, right? We already spent good deal of time on this and I hate to let it go as it has good idea, but I don't think we can finish this...

That said, if modest can rejoin us, he's bard and should be good at social skills so maybe he and meta can finish this as skill challenge?

<grumble mode>That's what I get by joining forces with bunch of newbies with less then 100 posts per head :p

no offense to metavoid and modest who sticked...and others won't see it as it seems.

</grumble mode>


First Post
[sblock=OOC] Alright guys, first and foremost, I apologize for my lack of presence once we got into the building. It's sad we lost so many good allies..alas let's try our skill challenge if you'd like? I'll say what I can and if it's not enough well..we'll see I guess. My character page is not back up yet on the new wiki but I was approved before and I will most likely have it up again in the coming week, so you have my word my bonus to diplomacy is a +12.[/sblock]

Ibram has listened and observed patiently and most of all cautiously to the dialogue between Cyr and the Guardian. He chooses his words carefully as lays down his weapon and approaches the beast. He kneels before it, careful not to look away as he says, "Oh loyal Guardian! We have traveled long and far ter find ye. More than one 'o us has fallen in this quest ter save yer honor. I swear to ye, on my life, which I have risked ter be 'ere, that we are as we says." Ibram pauses to notice any change in the creatures demeanor, then continues. "If we were 'ere ter rob ye, we would not be so kind. Please, oh Guardian, return wit' us ter the temple, where ye will 'ear our story confirmed."

[sblock=Check] That's as diplomatic as I can be goes.
1d20+12 → [10,12] = (22) Roll Lookup eh..hope that's enough! :uhoh:[/sblock]


ooc: Ok, we'll continue with the skill challenge with just you three. Let's do it quickly, though; I'd like to finish this this week.

The creature's darkness swirls and eddies as you speak to it. When it answers, its voice is uncertain, as if it did not fully comprehend the words you used, but is responding to the sincerity of your tone despite its suspicions. "No take coin anywhere! Guard it here. You no thief? But... How I know? Go to ask priest is good! Yes, but... Thieves, they said this, too, then they led me to pit. I fell. They hurt me, try to take coin! But I run here. They afraid to come close, wait for me to come out, then hurt more. You not hurt? How I know?"

[sblock=skill challenge]2 success, 0 failure.

+12 is not surprising for a bard's diplomacy. Also, don't forget Word of Friendship.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"It's not true we weren't hurt. Look at the blood from my nose. Look at the cuts on our friends! It's not like it was cakewalk to come here,"

Rocco catches serious looks his companions are giving him and stops, huffing
"Hrmph! Talk to them, I'm the one who did hurting thieves outside, but I'm not good with words!"

He stashes his weapons on his belt and relaxes a bit, but holds hands on his belt near the weapons should great lug try something funny.

OOC: use Rocco as aid another source with essentially any of his skills (as aid another cannot generate failure) - most appropriate would be insight, perception (BEST!) and religion. (+2,+7,+2)
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"You can look through a window. There are traps big enough to hold you. I was in one of them as we fought off shadow elves. You should know about shadar-kai. They revere your master's wife. And they are perfectly able to use guile and gain admittance to the temple on the grounds of that link.

We didn't attack you. In fact, we are instrumental in freeing you from those who hurt you. As further proof of our good intentions we can heal you if you require it. And we will return with you same way you came so you can see we're going back to the temple.

All you need to do is have faith!"

Religion (1d20+10=23)

OOC: Not sure what skill would best fit. I used religion for references on Lauto's wife and calling upon it's faith.

OOC2: We're finishing this, woo-hoo!! I can post from now for next about 8 hours as many times as needed


First Post
[sblock=OOC/Check] I'll go ahead and pop my words of friendship for +5 to diplomacy check, which puts me at +17 to diplomacy.
1d20+17 → [17,17] = (34) Roll Lookup [/sblock]

Ibram tries to plead with the creature again, "Oh Great Creature of the Shadow! We have captured one 'o ter shadow elves that brought ye 'ere. We can show 'em ter ye, and as proof of our word, we will offer her ter ye ter do as ye will."

Voidrunner's Codex

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