Adventure: Long Arm Of Lauto, Obolus. (DM: CaBaNa, Judge: by covaithe


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[sblock=More Fun]

I'm not here to rain on your parade, ask two more questions, the firsts answer stays the same.

It will be more fun for you that way, and the party might be able to get in on the action.


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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Either way for questions for Rocco, he's not really religious type esp. being shadar-kai, self-reliant and confident.

"Ibram, Aurak, don't you think we ought to ask the lady few questions first? If you won't I'll make her a new smile so she doesn't teleport out of her bonds while we're away."

Rocco sounds really eager to do it. He suffered quite a beating from the witch and he knows his kin, she'll just wait for them after they get out of that cabin with more nastyness.

OOC: In reality, Rocco will just knock her unconciuos and LEAD others into the cabin if they don't show interest in her. He has good perception and is defender, ergo, he leads.

[sblock=CaBaNa]Thanks, CaBaNa that's nice of you. I don't think the party seems too interested (or maybe it's just holidays time) so let's put this behind us. I usually abide by DMs ruling, I'd just presented my case in face-to-face group immediately and probably with more discussion. After you explained your view it's your right to rule either way.

So, let the questions stand as they were if nobody asks anything else. Thanks again - and be ready for one-a-day series of questions :) - of course with something concrete to ask, you don't bother god overlord to ask if it's safe to go shopping.[/sblock]


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Ibram cautiously stands, placing his ubiquitous harp back on his hip and draws his fullblade. He takes up position a little off to the left but directly behind Aurak and Rocco. "Stay sharp Rocco! Don't be needin' anymore skin off me nose!" , Ibram says with a wink.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Since nobody seems eager to interrogate the witch:

Rocco slams blunt side of his axe on blinded witch temple, jarring her head back and leaving her unconcious for a while. He helps the bandit into dream world too. He took care not to kill either of them. After he lowered them into trap pit he comes forward joining Aurak at the cabin entrance.

Perception (1d20+7=11) bleh

Cyr positions himself so he can see over dwarfs head inside. He stands directly behind, some 25 feet from the cabin. Still as he tries to see, Rocco's movement and Aurak adjusting position get in the way of his observation.

Perception (1d20+10=12)
OOC: let's hope next combat goes better and that we used up bad rolls now and that Kryath can hit something this time :p :angel: Sorry, just a jibe, not serious :~


ooc: I had a PM from Cabana early last week saying that he was busy and would be slow, but I thought he would have been back by now, based on what he said. I will investigate.


ooc: Ok, I've heard from Cabana, and he keeps getting more busy, instead of less. So I'll be taking this over and finishing it. Give me a day or two to review the proposal and get myself up to speed. Sorry for all this trouble, guys.

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