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Adventure: Lord Byron's High-Seas High-Stakes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


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"Oh, so yer the sporting kind, eh?" The Captain smiled wide, stepping forward (H20) after Wil's miss. "The best kind there be."

[sblock=Push over deck/judge ruling]I think I'll request a judge ruling on this one. I'm imaging that it's not very easy (or you can't) use a forced move to push them over the edge of the ship, since the railing in there. It's not the same as when you push people into a hole (like the cargo hold opening in the middle of the ship) since they've got that railing to stop the movement automatically and to brace themselves against to stop the push.

My fault for not working out the mechanics on that ahead of time. Let me get a ruling on this one.
[/sblock][sblock=Cover/Concealment]Most of the junk is not that tall. Since Carolina is small, she can crouch behind the cannons and the boats to get total concealment. Everyone else at medium size would need to go prone behind the objects to achieve the same effect. Otherwise, you can get the -2 variety only. [/sblock][sblock=Fog]I am too lazy to calculate it. I think the range capabilities of the opposing parties is about equal, if not tipped to the players' favor, so I didn't think it would hurt if I just did not track those penalties. However (see next block)...
[/sblock][sblock=Dim Light]
Characters who have normal vision can’t see well in dim light: Creatures in the area have concealment. Characters who have low-light vision or darkvision see normally in dim light.

So, all of the enemies will have -2 to hit everyone else.
Wil Rando: G18 40/40 HS 10/10 AP 1 MW 2/2
Hergunna: I10 46/46 HS 9/9 AP 1
Kane: G11 53/53 HS 10/10 AP 1
Kruk: F20 55/55 HS 12/12 AP 1
Carolina: G10 39/39 HS 7/7 AP 1

Porse: I14 25/25
Deckhand: F12 1/1
Deckhand: F16 1/1

Captain Smargat: H20 152/178 AP 1
Pirate 1st Mate: G21 131/136 AP 1
Pirate Quartermaster: K22 82/82
Pirate Archer: L21 45/45
Pirate Archer: K23 45/45
Pirate Archer: K24 45/45
Javelin Dancer: ??? 70/70
Thug: F21 1/1

Thug: G20 0/1 Dead
Thug: I20
0/1 Dead


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Wil smiles at the captain and winks. He leaps backwards over the railing and down to the deck below. He continues to move until he is quite far away from the knave. Get behind me Porse and clear your deckhands!

[sblock=OOC] Continuing my turn -
Move: Athletics check 1d20+5=24 (/10 for 2 squares) as part of move to jump to H16 and move 3 more squares to F13

Ministats are the same as above.


First Post
About how high up would you say Kane is? Also, would an athletics check be the appropriate one for swinging down using the rope?[/sblock]


First Post
Kane is standing on the front mast as he sees his allies attempt to repel the boarders. The bugbear was slow to act, but he had to move quickly. Kane swung down the rope with expert skill and passed by Wil, "Nice singing musicman" he whispers as he passes by and moves to the stairs. Kane pulls out his older axe and rushed forward towards the First Mate, slamming the axe into the enemy, causing a minor wound and his allies feel empowered by the assault.

Not done Kane holds both axes tightly and smiles at the enemies around him, just where he loves to be. "Ok, Kane give you warning mr.Pirate. You go back to Bacarte and be nice or else you pay price, Kane give you taste right now" he roars, slashing his weapons into all the enemies, sending the lesser man off the rear of the boat with a large slash from his shoulder to waist.

See, no like being a bad man, go back to Bacarte now!" the bugbear orders.

[sblock=Song in my head as I worked out this turn]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRT8QxhekUs]YouTube - Bob Dylan - Hurricane[/ame] [/sblock]

*This presumes I had my +2 axe out, BTW this counterattack is going to hurt...isn't it...
Move: to F17 (if I can swing about 10' to F13 with the rope) - athletics (1d20+10=26) to swing or 21 for acrobatics instead
Minor: Draw Vanguard Axe
Standard: Charge to G20 and attack First Mate (no OA's triggered from badge of berserker property) - vs ac; dmg (will invoke the Daily Vanguard power) (1d20+11=27, 1d12+7+1d8=12) hits for 12 damage and all allies within 10 (everyone I believe) gets +1 to hit and +1 damage TSNT
AP: Rage of Crimson Hurricane - vs ac (captain, 1st mate; thug); dmg (1d20+11=22, 1d20+11=28, 1d20+11=28, 1d12+6=16) this is a close burst so doesn't trigger the Parrying Chains ability so they all hit for 16 damage and all of them gain 5 ongoing damage (save ends) and Kane enters the rage of the crimson hurricane. Until rage ends when Kane hits with Primal melee power, each enemy adjacent to Kane takes 4 damage.

I'll apply the furious assault to the first mage furious assault (1d12=12) <- I screwed up the roll, but the dice thrown for the d12 is here

Total damage = first mate 40 damage + 5 ongoing; Captain 16 damage and 5 ongoing; killed the thug.

[sblock=ministats]Kane Male Bugbear Barbarian 4
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Low-light
AC:21, Fort:19, Reflex:18, Will:14
HP:53/53, Bloodied:26, Surge Value:13, Surges left:10/10
Action Points: 0
Howl of Fury
Whirling Rend

Furious Assault
Hunter's Quarry (Ranger MC)
Whirling Lunge
Whirling Frenzy
Brutal Slam
Shrug it Off

Swift Panther Rage
Rage of the Crimson Hurricane
Vanguard Weapon

Important Stuff:
+1d8 damage when charging (only using the Vanguard weapon though). Cool stuff happens when he bloodies or kills a bad guy


Full sheet: L4W:CS:Kane - L4W Wiki [/sblock]


[sblock=dimsdale] You could have hit with your first brash attack. I can use Rhyme of the Blood Seeking Blade to try and lower his AC by 5. Let me know ASAP if you want it now before Tenchuu updates[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Deck Railing (Tenchuu)]Honestly I don't think you need a ruling from the judge, if you want the railing to mean forced movement can't push someone over the edge, then you're well within your rights to declare that's how it works. That being said, it would have been nice to let us know that up front, as it might have changed my action (maybe - I don't know, I might have done the same anyhow). But too late now - that's the breaks in PbP.

(It might be nice to allow the "failed" forced movement to still knock the first mate prone, as if he could have been pushed off but made his save. At least this time.)[/sblock]

[sblock=Wil/Dimsdale]Also depending on whether the first mate was really knocked prone (see above), Dimsdale might have had combat advantage on that attack. I'm not sure if that was accounted for. For the bad news, I believe dimsdale missing against the first mate would have triggered that nasty counterattack reaction power he has. (Albeit at -5 to hit if he is indeed prone)[/sblock]

[sblock=Dim Light/Concealement]Thanks for the clarification. It's probably not worth it for Hergunna to drop prone to hide, I will go back and edit my post to finish her turn with her movement.

For Carolina, the dim light is extra good news, since it means once she has hidden successfully, she'll have concealment after moving, so she can remain hidden. (Full concealment/cover needed to become hidden, any concealment/cover needed to stay hidden.)[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Push over deck Railing / Minor Retcon]
Talked to HMG about it, and he agrees. PPS can't make anyone go over the rail, but a grab, followed by a lift can set someone on the rail, after which an ally could PPS them over.

1. Grab (standard) sorry, the bad guy gets a chance to escape
2. Sustain grab (minor). Lift (Standard). Provided that the enemy doesn't escape, and the enemy weighs less than the assailant's STR X 20, this can be done without an opposed roll.
3. Move grabbed enemy (Standard) with a STR vs. Fort. to force the enemy over the rail.

So, to make the retcon's as painless as possible:
The 1st mate was temporarily dazed by the attack (the same attack again won't do the same thing). He doesn't go prone, but he doesn't trigger the counter ability either).

Anything else need to be address (like kane's attack)?

I plan my update post for tomorrow AM.


First Post
Got it. thanks for the clarification.

for the record though, Kruk wouldn't have attempted either of his moves had he known that there wasn't a chance to knock him off the boat. If kruk would have hit he would have used his thundering weapon power that would have pushed the first mate off the boat (that was my thinking anyway).

sooooo...would it be possible for Kruk to keep his first attack and get a chance to save his AP for later on in this encounter? :) Just thought I'd ask. After reading the descriptions of our foes it looks like we can use all the help we can get.


As Kruk charges the first mate, Wil launches an arrow to distract the foe. It strikes for a minor wound but leaves him open for the fighter.

[sblock=OOC] dimsdale didn't say, but I will help his attack to hit.
1d20+10=23 (vs 1st mate reflex) for 1d10+6=7 damage and he has -5 to all defenses. That is enough for the attack to hit even if not prone (his AC is 16 now)

I will have limited internet access until May 10th, so I wanted to use this now. Hopefully I can post once per turn, but otherwise I have some good at will powers :) If you are within 5 squares feel free to use my interrupt.

Triggers: Virtue of Prescience (if ally within 5 is hit by less than 2), Arrow of Warning (if bloodied ally is attacked)
Init: +4 Speed: 5 Perception:19 Insight: 17
AC: 19 NAD:14/16/19
HP: 40/40 Surges: 8/8 Surge Value: 10 AP: 1
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Draconic
Str:8 Dex:14 Wis:14 Con:13 Int:10 Cha:21

At Will - Jinx Shot, Cutting Words
Encounter - Second Wind, Shout of Triumph, Twin Strike, Grappling Spirits, Hunter's Quarry, Majestic Word, Words of Friendship, Moment of Escape, Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade, Virtue of Prescience
Daily - Arrow of Warning, Inevitable Shot, Songbow of Vanishment

Full Character Sheet


[sblock=OOC]So, I'm confused now. Is it our turn, or the bad guys' turn now? I thought it was the bad guys', but it seems like others have gone twice now. I'm sure I'm just misunderstanding something somewhere, so maybe someone can offer me a clue? :confused:[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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