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[Adventure] The Cannith Caper (Judge: THB)

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"Well it worked so well last time, I don't see why I shouldn't be up front," Gark grins.

[sblock=ooc]Since I have a two-handed weapon, I could carry the sunrod and drop it if we started fighting. Conversely, Gark has low-light vision, so he can see pretty well even if he's not carrying the light source.

As for who goes first, I'm still fine to do that, even being a low-AC defender. I'm happy with whatever.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Harressh has an empty hand (he uses just a one-handed implement) so it's no problem for him to hold on to it.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC]Post Errata, anyone can hop down, trained or untrained. So: Hop down (1d20+6=16). Success[/sblock]After the others are down, Haltor climbs down the ladder. He's still spry for his age. He whistles up to White-Eye. With only a little hesitation, she leaps downward, landing heavily but unharmed.


First Post
Wow...didn't know that sg, I read the compendium entry for acrobatics, just assumed it was the same as there's nothing in the errata section talking about that. It does say you need to be trained in acrobatics to reduce falling damage though. Anyways, you all made it. The tunnel continues on, it appears to be some sort of maintanance tunnel. The heat coming from up ahead is nearly overwhelming.

You arrive, after a few sweaty minutes, at another door, it's warm to the touch. You can't hear anything through the thick metal.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
A warm door? Can't be good. The halfling wipes a bit of sweat from his ruddy brow. But, we won't know until we go in.

Walking Dad

First Post
Varis d'Lyrandar , Half-Elf Bard 4

"Perhaps it is trapped. Can I have a minute?" Varis asks as he begins to examine the door.


Wkat shall I roll? Perception and Arcana both +9, Thievery +6


have still to update the character sheet. r1, with the errata / new rules for implement proficiency, would you allow me to retrain implement proficiency to Heart of the Blade and allow me to use my implement powers with my sword?
new skill: History
+1 expertise bonus to all attacks

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Varis d'Lyrandar
Perception: 19 Insight: 19 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 17 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +2
Hit Points: 49 / 49 Bloodied: 24
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +2 vs charm, illusion, sleep
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:12 Surges per day: 10 / 10
At-Will Powers: Lightning Longsword, Vicious Mockery, War Song Strike
Encounter Powers: Burning Spray, Shout of Triumph, Inspire Competence, Impelling Force, Word of Friendship, Majestic Word 2/2
Daily Powers: Stirring Shout, Song of Discord, Extra lightning damage



Walking Dad

First Post
Varis d'Lyrandar , Half-Elf Bard 4

Varis still examines the door. "Anyone once to assist my search?"


Perception, Thievery (1d20+9=22, 1d20+6=24)



retrain implement proficiency to Heart of the Blade
new skill: History
+1 expertise bonus to all attacks

New to wishlist
Level 3 dragonshard that increases lightning damage (I think it was the Eberron)
BTW: The others haven't shown Varis the Bag of Holding. IC I have no reason to ask for it, but it was my wishlist treasure. Suggestions?

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Varis d'Lyrandar
Perception: 19 Insight: 19 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 17 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +2
Hit Points: 49 / 49 Bloodied: 24
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +2 vs charm, illusion, sleep
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:12 Surges per day: 10 / 10
At-Will Powers: Lightning Longsword, Vicious Mockery, War Song Strike
Encounter Powers: Burning Spray, Shout of Triumph, Inspire Competence, Impelling Force, Word of Friendship, Majestic Word 2/2
Daily Powers: Stirring Shout, Song of Discord, Extra lightning damage



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