[Adventure] The Cannith Caper (Judge: THB)


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The thus far quiet mercenary speaks up from the corner he's gotten himself into. He rests on his glaive as he speaks; casual, calm and collected. "I've found that these bones are more suited to a mercenary camp than some city tavern... I miss good, honest work. Would you be interested in a few experienced warriors in this army of yours?"

[sblock=betrayal]I checked with the players of my companion characters before taking an action that might get them killed. When they're no longer at work they'll likely chime in IC or OOC on this one with a thumbs up. Depending on the dragon's reaction this could make for exciting times.[/sblock]

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First Post
[sblock=OOC] I understand that PvP isn't an options. It's not something I'd particularly like to try either. Can we put that last IC post by me on hold for a bit and discuss this OOC to see if there's a way to make that action still work?

I can see two options for Mal opening his big mouth not ending in PvP (alternately, he just doesn't open his big mouth and just thinks very loudly).

1. Mal asks about mercenary work and the 'forged just says no.
2. The question is posed and negotiations ensue. The mercs agrees to work for the Dragon as long as he releases the captured party members and lets those unwilling to join him go.
3. I'm sure other people might be able to think of something else.

I don't want this to end in PvP. I was thinking of story progression without really considering how the encounter itself would progress. I can easily just change his reaction to a thought of joining the dragon without any follow through.

Apologies for the chaos.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC]There is one large problem with joining the dragon from an LEB perspective: Unless you find a DM willing to run the adventure, you've just effectively retired all three of your characters (since, as Mal made clear, that "tavern work" isn't for him). That's fine if you three are planning on retiring so early, but an odd choice nevertheless.

As for negotiation... that'll be a hard sell for Haltor as you'll see soon.[/sblock]Haltor turns to Mal, White-Eye crouching with anger. You negotiate with this... thing... that would see you as part of its experiments as easily as it might make you serve its ends? Did you not hear what it did to Harresh and Varak? The dead that walk of the cold land to the north at least were sworn to their nation's service; this abomination will make fodder any who will not serve. You have not seen the twisted things of flesh and metal. They cannot stand.

Walking Dad

First Post
Deimos Vrago, Tiefling Wizard (Mage)

"My people served once the wrong masters. Exiled from their lands thereafter. I will not help to conquer them for goblins and constructs now!"
Deimos says, taking the halflings side.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Deimos Vrago
Perception: 13 Insight: 20 Low-light Vision
AC 19 Fortitude 16 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +3
Hit Points: 36 / 36 Bloodied: 18
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: fire 6
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0
Healing Surge:9 Surges per day: 3 / 8
At-Will Powers: Flaming Staff, Magic Missle, Freezing Burst, Beguiling Strands
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Charm of Misplaced Wrath, Color Spray, Shield
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere, Extra fire damage



First Post
OOC: Can we put that last IC post by me on hold for a bit and discuss this OOC to see if there's a way to make that action still work?

So the OOC discussion is out of the picture, then?

There is one large problem with joining the dragon from an LEB perspective: Unless you find a DM willing to run the adventure, you've just effectively retired all three of your characters (since, as Mal made clear, that "tavern work" isn't for him). That's fine if you three are planning on retiring so early, but an odd choice nevertheless.

We've got a DM as long as this doesn't break down into PVP, from what I understand. Pending a discussion with the judges, at least.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

So the OOC discussion is out of the picture, then?

We've got a DM as long as this doesn't break down into PVP, from what I understand. Pending a discussion with the judges, at least.[/sblock]


I'm not interested what seems bound to become an evil campaign. It would be an interesting turn in events in a normal game, but an upcoming war of goblins, undead, constructs and us on one side seems a bit strange for a game that is part of a living world.

So 'no' to get recruited by the dragon-construct from my side.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
So the OOC discussion is out of the picture, then?
Wouldn't say that, but missed that part of your post. Damned speed reading.
We've got a DM as long as this doesn't break down into PVP, from what I understand. Pending a discussion with the judges, at least.
That wasn't what I meant. I meant after this adventure assuming you could join the dragon w/o things turning south here. As Mal has just claimed he is not going back to the tavern (essentially) to work with the dragon, he will be unable to go on adventures unless you find a DM that would run the "dragon takes over Darguun" adventures. That was what I was alluding too.

Haltor has seen everything that the dragon has been doing and his highly unlikely to let it continue to exist. He'll either try to fight it now or try to escape to let Cannith attempt to nuke it later (though we know how well that will work ;)). Being the brash old guy he is, he's more into the "fighting against impossible odds" then get reinforcements sort of guy. He does not want to fight Mal, but will if Mal fights back if/when he attacks (which, at that point, I let r1 take over 'cuz Haltor is not designed for PvP). Haltor might be convinced, but very unlikely.

Of course, this assumes the dragon wants Mal and co as employees; if he doesn't, this is all moot anyway. I suspect he wants them as test subjects.[/sblock]


First Post
That wasn't what I meant. I meant after this adventure assuming you could join the dragon w/o things turning south here. As Mal has just claimed he is not going back to the tavern (essentially) to work with the dragon, he will be unable to go on adventures unless you find a DM that would run the "dragon takes over Darguun" adventures. That was what I was alluding too.

I know. I talked to R1 off screen and he seemed alright with the idea of running these guys off somewhere, PVP excepted and judges allowing.

Haltor has seen everything that the dragon has been doing and his highly unlikely to let it continue to exist. He'll either try to fight it now or try to escape to let Cannith attempt to nuke it later (though we know how well that will work ;)). Being the brash old guy he is, he's more into the "fighting against impossible odds" then get reinforcements sort of guy. He does not want to fight Mal, but will if Mal fights back if/when he attacks (which, at that point, I let r1 take over 'cuz Haltor is not designed for PvP). Haltor might be convinced, but very unlikely.

I'm with everyone else on this one in the PVP field. That's the last thing I want. I'd like to see the OOC discussion decide if Mal's action can still happen without it leading to PVP. (meaning the turning sides, not just the statement.)

I was thinking that the betrayal might lead to the reappearance of the wizard who brought us in. He steals you all away to regroup. Maybe?

Of course, this assumes the dragon wants Mal and co as employees; if he doesn't, this is all moot anyway. I suspect he wants them as test subjects.

He probably wants us as test subjects, true. Won't know 'til we get there. I'd rather keep people happy OOC than take the action I just did IC, though. We may never know.

SG, I know you were planning on retiring Haltor at the end of this adventure and I'd really not like to slow you down on that one. Well, I think you were planning that. You had mentioned a new PC.[/sblock]

[sblock=edit: OOC]I do thikn it could lead to interesting times with the betrayers attempting to complete some quest or another while the remainder of the party + reinforcements attempts again to kill the dragon. Nice dichotomy there. Probably too complicated for PbP though.[/sblock]

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