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[Adventure]The Eye of the Tiger(Judge: ???)


First Post
ooc - I prefer the post order also... but to be fair, this was a double holiday weekend (CDN & US) so posting is likely not indicitive of the regular postings. In our previous adventure we didn't have it take this long.

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First Post
[sblock=ooc]Okay no problem. We'll go post order after this round. Flanking makes it a hit.[/sblock]

Tondrek is surprised by the attack of the halfamalings, but quickly comes to his senses. Seeing the one land next to him and the other menacing Toad-not-Pointy-Ear-Lady and Talky Gnome, he spins his crossbow in several circles, seeming drawing up strong winds. He then points at Froggy-Not-Frog, and the winds explode with massive force. The muscular halfling stumbles back, while the other screams as he flung into space! The half-orc then moves towards the kalashtar.

[sblock=ooc] Hits D2, he is siid and is on rail. Sorry for the delays guys. My trial period of office ended(on my new computer). I'll try and email the current map to myself, but I can't make any changes until I get the real version. I'll update actions now but I won't have a map until I can alter resend at work.[/sblock]

Roswyn shakes her head as she lets her orb drop into her hand. "Bad idea, fellas," she says to the halfling before her, gesturing. Shadows appear in the area around the foes in front of her, grasping at their minds. She steps towards the stairwell.

[sblock=ooc]Assuming Roswyn targets the only two bad guys that are bunched up now: G2 and D1(hits both for 14 and are slowed and in zone)[/sblock]

Shava is taken by surprise as the halflings appear around them. She reaches for her daggers but suddenly a halfling is right in front of her and shes trying to dodge a spear. She fails, taking a minor blow, before becoming over whelmed by two waves of magic.

Oh no, the halfling is growing! So's the ship! Oh. . . She quickly realizes the situation, looking at her mucusy pads. Disgusting. She tries to put some distance between herself and the giant spear.

As the hexer's curse settles over the ship, spectral form appears over young healer and speaks unheard words. Blast of psychic energy jars all the present, weakening the attack and helping allies to overcome the curse.

"Let us pass in peace or pay the price."

Without answer, he shrugs and continues
"May Light of Il Yannah burn you where you stand! Mitra, snap out of it, we have cleansing to do!" as bright flames surround his hands and he motions toward one of the attackers. The flames arc towards the axe-wielding halfling and he dodges out of the way, the beads in it's hair rattling against it's tribal mask. He calls to Roswyn as small shard of power flies in her direction.

Rohna is rocked from the sound of the explosion. A low rumble issues from the goliath's throat as she rises to her feet, swinging her massive new hammer off her back. Mitra moves down and around the glidewing to snarl at its dismounted rider. With a roar she leaps cleanly over the prone form of her heavily wounded elemental puppy. She drags the mordenkrad over her fuming head, down through the wing of the aerial mount with a pulverizing crunch of wet bone splintering. A portion of the beast's life force flows up her arms, making her eyes flash red.

The beast near Thalen opens it mouth wide and flaps it wings quickly, as it lets go of the rail and plows into the warden, knocking the wind from her. Then the creature quickly moves past before the half-elf can strike.

[sblock=ooc]Let go, fly and charge: G3 diving smash vs Thalen (1d20+14=26, 2d6+4=11)Barely hits Thalen for 11. It then shifts to F11/G12. Other attacks Rohna: G2 bite vs Rohna AC (1d20+12=13, 2d6+4=9)Miss.[/sblock]

The other beast rears up on it's legs, and hisses. It long neck raises and the strong jaws snap out at the goliath, but the rocking of the deck spoils it's aim.

The muscular halfling steps next to the vulnurable kalashtar raising his axe for a deadly blow. The kalashtar is barely able to step out of the way as the weapon cuts through the cloth of his shirtsleeve.

[sblock=ooc]H moves to E12. Roswyn can make an OA
H vs Venakhad AC (1d20+10=17)Barely miss, don't forget the combat quickstats :) [/sblock]

The darters move as best they can. The first walks into the shadows from the wizard, the mind aching shadowstuff clinging to his legs where he feels phantom pain. It then draws a spear and stabs at the back of Venakhad, plunging the weapon into his ribs. The other halfling struggles to pull itself back onto the deck.

[sblock=ooc]D1 attack vs Venakhad, D2 ath check (1d20+13=26, 1d8+3=10, 1d20+5=7) D1 shifts to E10 and hits Venakhad for 10. D2 fails ath check and stays put on rail.[/sblock]

The other glidewings keep pace with the airship as their riders attack those aboard. Another arrow of force drops down next to Roswyn and Shava, exploding violently, both are thrown to the deck, Roswyn's head slamming violently into the wood, while the frog-that-will-be-Shava is nearly crushed. Roswyn disappears, gasping for breath.

[sblock=ooc]E recharges power: E power recharge (1d6=6)burst vs Shava, Roswyn fort (1d20+10=20, 1d20+10=17, 1d10+5=13)Roswyn uses fade away to go invisible. 13 damage to both.[/sblock]

The hexer flies a bit closer and then it's will reaches out towards Shava. Shava's eyes temporarily see herself on the back of the glidewing, looking back upon the battle on the airship. Knowing what was happening wasn't good, the Lyrandar marked frog fights it off, and her eyes were her own, and she was herself, back on the ship. The halfling grimaces behind it's mask and calls out a curse again.

[sblock=ooc]Fails to recharge: hexer recharge (1d6=2)hexer moves to K/L 13/14. hexer tries to switch places with Shava, but Shava makes save: hexer recharge (1d6=2)hex vx tondrek and shava (1d20+11=24)forgot to make it two rolls: hex vs shava (1d20+11=29)hits will of both. -2 to attack/dam vs W.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat Stuff]
You CAN be knocked off the ship(which is certain death). Forced movement is required and you get a save. If you fail the save, you are considered to be holding onto the railing. If you are on the rail, a DC 15 athletics check can be done as a standard action to climb back aboard. Another adjacient character can also do a DC 15 athletics check to pull the character back in(but must be adjacient to them). Furthermore, if the character is granted a saving throw, that can also be used to get back aboard.

If a character is subjected to forced movement while on the rail, they get another save. Failure means they fall off the ship, success means they stay put.

The ship is moving, but characters skilled in the arcane arts can help it along. PCs with the Mark of the Storm can make a DC 15 Arcane check as a standard action to move the ship in any direction. PCs without the Mark of the Storm can make a DC 30 arcane check as a standard action to do the same.

Any creature that comes in contact with the elemental containment ring takes 2d6+5 fire damage, if said creature was flying, they need to make a save or crash.[/sblock]

Initiative: Round 1

Baddies: 23--Acted
Thalen: 21--Acted
Tondrek: 20--Acted
Roswyn: 17--Acted
Shava: 12--
Venakhad: 9
Rohna: 8--

Thalen: 71/82 13/13(20) AP: 0;
Tondrek: 64/64 9/10(16) AP: 1; take a -2 to att/dam against W(save ends);
Shava: 37/57 8/8(14) AP: 1; take a -2 to att/dam against W(save ends); prone; +5 to AC until end of Tondrek's next turn
Roswyn: 34/47 7/7(11) AP: 1; prone
Rohna: 56/69 12/13(17) AP: 1;
Venakhad: 29/39 8/8(9) AP: 1
Gretta: 9+4; prone;
Doggie: 9+16;

G3: 21; marked by Thalen
D2: 15; prone; on railing
D1: 19; slowed
G2: 39; slowed; marked by Rohna; bloodied
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Gale-Force Infusion]D2 wasn't on the railing then? Bummer. Only slide attack Tondrek has[/sblock].


First Post
[sblock=R1]Correct on the hp. I swear I changed that. Map will about 24hrs from now. Luckily we can get office from work for $10, so I'll be able to do that.[/sblock]


First Post
As the halfling's begin focusing on the kalashter, Thalen takes the opportunity to rush forward and slash at one of the enemies causing a minor wound.

"Venekhad, step back, I'll take your place" Thalen calls out, trying to be heard over the din of the battle.

Neurotic, if you shift out, Thalen wouldn't mind being there :)

I think I got everything here, let me know Evo[/sblock]

Immediate Reaction to D1's moving next to Venekhad - Guardian's Pounce - shift to D11 - vs ac; dmg (1d20+14=33, 1d8+6=10) hits for 10 and it takes a -5 to attack rolls until end of its turn (doesn't change the result of the attack though)

[sblock=Thalen's Stats][http://leb.wikia.com/wiki/LEB:PC:Thalen d'Lyrandar_(renau1g) Thalen] - Half-Elf Stormheart Warden 7
Passive Perception 20, Passive Insight 15
AC 25*, Fort 21*, Reflex 18*, Will 19*
*+1 from veteran's hide TENT
HP 71/82, Bloodied 41, Surge Value 20, Surges 13/13
Speed 6, Initiative +3
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind

At-Will Powers:
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Tempest Assault
Weight of Earth

Encounter Powers:
Shield Feint
Thunder Ram Assault
Thundering Strike
Guardian's Pounce

Daily Powers:
Form of Mountain's Thunder
(Form of the Mountain's Thunder Attack)
Form of Winter's Herald
(Form of the Winter's Herald Attack)
Inspiring Fortitude
Treacherous Ice

Item Powers:
Staggering Longsword +2
Hungry Spear Javelin +1
Boots of Rapid Motion
Potion of Regeneration (x2)
Potion of Clarity(x2)[/sblock]


  • Copy of airship battle round 2.xls
    28 KB · Views: 124
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Is this valid: shift, ready action to blast away after Talen takes the place within blast?. Since I cannot shift in talen's square, I need to move so I cannot catch R(oswyin?) in F15 without loosing an attack on D1. No matter, I'm not a striker :)

Venakhad nods to Thalen, moves away and projects
"Come in front of me, I'll blast everything and Dol Arrah will guide your strikes"

Move: shift D11
Standard: ready action: on Thalen's move
Hymn of resurgence vs D1,H, D2, G3 (1d20+8=24, 1d20+8=19, 1d20+8=20, 1d20+8=14) -vs. FORT burst from E10 to I 14
- enemies get -2 to all defenses and on hit by Venakhad's allies are knocked prone.
- Allies in the burst (Thalen, Tondrek and Shava) choose between 5 temps and a save

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First Post
Delay until after Venekhad [/sblock]

Thalen waits patiently for the cleric to move, knowing she's much better off surrounded by these foes than her ally. She steps forward and concentrates on the chill wind blowing at the high altitude, the cool breeze flows over her, and the temperature around her drops precipitously as her skin gains a tiny sheath of ice crystals from the frigid air, and everyone's breath comes in tiny puffs of vapour. Her eyes narrow and Thalen slashes at all those near her, stabbing quickly and efficiently, the force of her blow sending one of the halfling's to the ground.

"You won't be going anywhere today little ones, you picked the wrong ship to attack" she hisses and the trio find the ice has climbed up to their ankles, securing them to the deck of the ship.

Move: Shift to E11
Minor: Form of Winter's Herald - resist 5 to cold damage and a +1 bonus to AC. In addition, each square within 2 of you is difficult terrain for your enemies.
Free: Mark all adjacent foes
Standard: Form of Winter Herald's attack - vs ac (D1, G3, H); cold damage (1d20+14=29, 1d20+14=32, 1d20+14=34, 1d8+6=14) boom-shaka-laka! hit AC 29 of D1, AC 32 of G3, and crit H for 21 and knocked prone.(crit (2d6=7))
On a hit they are also immobilized (save ends). On miss, 7 damage and immobilized TENT


[sblock=Thalen's Stats][http://leb.wikia.com/wiki/LEB:PC:Thalen d'Lyrandar_(renau1g) Thalen] - Half-Elf Stormheart Warden 7
Passive Perception 20, Passive Insight 15
AC 25*, Fort 20, Reflex 17*, Will 18
*+1 from Form of Winter's Herald
HP 71/82, Bloodied 41, Surge Value 20, Surges 13/13
Speed 6, Initiative +3
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind

At-Will Powers:
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Tempest Assault
Weight of Earth

Encounter Powers:
Shield Feint
Thunder Ram Assault
Thundering Strike
Guardian's Pounce

Daily Powers:
Form of Mountain's Thunder
(Form of the Mountain's Thunder Attack)
Form of Winter's Herald
(Form of the Winter's Herald Attack)

Inspiring Fortitude
Treacherous Ice

Item Powers:
Staggering Longsword +2
Hungry Spear Javelin +1
Boots of Rapid Motion
Potion of Regeneration (x2)
Potion of Clarity(x2)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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