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(Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike

Telerin allowed himself only a sigh, but nothing else. He looked down to Whitefang a moment, then back to the Dwarves. Hearing Rurik, the Druid nodded and turned to one of the Dwarves around the body, "Do you mind if I have a closer look at the body...?"

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Living EN World Judge
Moving aside (and still silent) , the dwarves allow the Companion closer inspection to the fallen Guard.

The hollow-faced Dwarf-Lord smiles wanely and nods, acknowledging Rurik's Pledge. and inclining his head in turn to each Dwarf.

The Chamberlain looks hopefully to you all, taking in each of your faces and mannerisms as you examing the body.

The suits of armor are exquisite and each worth perhaps five times their market price, simply from antiquity, let alone enchantment. That would put them each at well beyond 5,000 Crowns...

OoC:I refuse to call the coin of the realm an 'Ennie', sorry CS

The Armor (and the weapons) are indeed the finest examples of their sort that you have ever seen, each minutely tailored to whatever Lord that they once adorned.

While you do not recognize the names in specific, they are obviously former lords of Stonepike, as each had a plaque at it's base.

Lord Frederych Stonepike 1243 SA-1322 SA
Lord Enbard Stonepike 1323 SA-1401 SA
Lord Vardan Stonepike 1402 SA-1468 SA
Lord Damdel Stonepike 1469 SA-1579 SA

and the like.
The current year in the dwarven calendar is 1486. The last Lord, before the current would have been Damdel Stonepike.


Other than the death from decapitation, the body has several slashes, made with some form of claw or blade, though it is not a worked steel one.
As well, the Guard sems to have grappled with his foe, as he has several broken ribs and a broken arm, from the struggle.


You detect no Evil per se, although the moods of several of the Guards would indicate a vehemence directed at somethingthat borders on such a state. No doubt, they are frustrated at whatever is murdering their Folk and their minds are in turmoil over it.

While you find no weapons or other such about to indicate whateber slashes the Guard t pieces, you do see a few faint scratch marks upon the wall near him. One is a gouge that scores across the stone quite deeply, almost a half an inch deep and five inches long. Chips of stone lie nearby indicating that this is a very recent thig, and not some wound from antiquity upon the wall.
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First Post
It had been a long hard walk on already achy limbs to get to the end of the journey to realise she'd wished she'd slept already.

Aranel had taken a quick glance at the scene and turned her eyes skyward to examine the ceiling before she lost her meal. After steeling herself again she glanced around, ignoring the dwarvces for the most part (More like moving quietly so they ignored her) She began to examine the area for a sign of anything unusual...



Living EN World Judge
Aranel said:
She began to examine the area for a sign of anything unusual...


Firstly, none of the suits of armor have been disturbed, the closest of which is some 15 feet from the Lord's door.

Other than the body and the chips from the wall, nothng seems out of place.

there are no marks upon the ceiling that would indicate something that crawled along it either.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
"Whate'er did all this weren' no simple beastie, sure o' tha'..."

Sturm waits as the others continue their investigation, listening to anything the guards have to say.

"So now, 'shmael," he asks, once the others have come back with their few conclusions, "which way'll we be 'eadin'n look fer 'is thing?"


Living EN World Judge
The silence is suddenly cut by moaning from somewhere in the far off Keep.
Lord Stonepike looks up, his eyes wild and screams into the night 'Damn ye,Beast! Even my Passed On kin have no rest with yer accurssed depredations!!!'

Collapsing against the wall, the Lord is quickly lifted up by his guards and escorted back into his Chambers, as the Chamberlain turns to you and says (with an apologetic smile) 'Alas, I fear that his Lordship is correct...this monster seems to have woke even the dead, who wail and cause all manner of damage to the minds of the folk of Stonepike.
Let us meet in the morning, for a fuller discourse on these matters.
I am very well impressed with your astute observations here tonight, and I would hear ideas and plans from so World-Savvy a group. Alas, we here are less suited to dealing with strange situations, having only our craft, trade and the imminent war brewing in the East to ocupy our minds. Again, I bid you a good night, though please feel free to stay and examine as long as needed.'

The Chamberlain turns and departs, with one guard in tow.
You stand alone in the Hall, a single guard and the body your only company.
After a few awkward moments, sound is heard from down the Hall, and three dwarves arrive with a stretcher and mop&bucket, their intent obvious. They do, however, stand aside quietly, awaiting your investigation's continuance or conclusion.
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LEW Judge
Sir Ishmael bowed his head at the Chamberlain's words and his departure.

"Doth any one of thee have hunting skills? Mayhap the beast left tracks or signature of passage? Some sign of its true nature is here with us, for certain. I am no wizard or sorcerer, but it seems tied to the powers of necromancy.

If we were to continue investigation this eve, I wouldst suggest the local crypts to determine if there was any disturbance. Thou art all wise, of course, but I wouldst warn thee all against leaving the party by thineself. T'would seem that this beast fells those who walk alone"


After the Chamberlain and his company leave, Rurik points at the slash in the stone on the wall: "Whate'er it were, it ha'e some parful 'ard claws... that ain't no blade, yeah."

Rurik paces for a minute, while thinking to himself. At last he speaks.

"Did any o' ye 'ear 'im mention tha dead? I thought tha' were what 'e said. Sure 'ope ye can turn 'em away, Ishmael. Whate'er this beastie, it dun need friends, d'ye reckon? Any'ow, s'jest we looks a' the crypts i' the marn - g'nite, then."

Rurik backs away to let the tenders do their work, and goes back to his room to sleep.


I aim to misbehave
"I think that the mornin' w' be best as well, unless someone can track the beastie that did this," Thurgan added. "Ya would think there'd be some blood from the claw t'did this some place nearby . . . 'specially since som parts 'er missin' . . ."

Thurgan wanders a bit while talking looking for any blood nearby for a trail. [Search +6, Spot +5]

Voidrunner's Codex

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