[Adventure] Trouble in Daunton (DM: Nebten, Judge: Currently Looking)


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Well Met and welcome to "Trouble in Daunton." It is a short run dungeon crawl quest. If you are looking for some epic campaign, this is not it. If you just want to get the ball rolling and play, please join. This should be a good adventure for people not familar with the PbP format or new to D&D. If you are an ol' vet of the PbP-scape, this might be a little basic for you. I'm using an old AD&D audio adventure, so there will be audio files that will be sprinkled throughout the game. Beware, they are cheezy as hell. They have narration for the typical classes, but I don't by any means believe that what is voiced acted is what any one you may actually say. This is more for fun and I want to see how it works as my first L4W game.

I have ran PbPs before that have gone on for years in the past. This I pray will not. I post on a constant basis and I expect the same from my characters. I will try to resolve your action immidatly if I can. Initiative is resolved by me averaging the modifiers of both sides, adding that to a d20 roll, highest group goes first then alternate. If you cannot post every 2 days, especially during combats, I ask you not to join in this game. If we are in a combat encounter and you do not post within 48 hours of the enemies posting, I reserve the right to perform the best action for your character with an at-will power or go full defensive. Keep in mind, some of the encounters are so basic I may not develop a map for it.

You can do your own rolls when asked for them. Please use Invisible Castle or EN World's dice roller. If there is something I only want your character to know, I may put it in sblock or PM you. Please only read the sblock if it pertains to you.

If the audio has a name that doesn't work for the current L4W landscape, I will let you know. Such as Threshold=Daunton or Juggling Ogre Inn=The Hanged Man.

For everybody's entertainment, please be liberal with your writing. Role playing opportunities may be few but I don't think anybody wants to see the player of the mute fighter write "I Cleave" for 3 rounds.

Any questions, please go ahead and post them before starting. You may continue with your conversations from The Hanged Man here. When you are ready to go just give me a little *Ready* at the end of your post.

Check back to this post for XP totals and possible treasure found.


The journey to Daunton was peaceful but tiring, and now the comforts of an inn -- a hot meal, a merry song, and a warm bed -- are fitting rewards for the hard day's travels.
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Howler feels something stir in the air. Something that gives him goosebumps. A sly smile crosses his face, and he unconsciously begins to finger the hilt of one of his swords, a wicked looking barbed blade that's simply strapped on to his belt, as opposed to sheathed.

OOC: Tossing a hat in the ring. Level 1 Half-Orc Ranger here.


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Nave stops his futile attempts at being the center of attention and feels a strange feeling pass through the tavern. He squints his eyes into an even deeper, more smug scowl and looks around at the other patrons.

OOC: Level 1 Pacifist (Nave-speak for pansy) Human Cleric, ready to do a bunch of healing.


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GM: OK, you three are in. We'll wait for at least 1 more and then offically start on Monday (going out of town for a bit).

The tavern starts to fill up with an evening crowd as twilight has settled on Daunton. Commoners filter into the main hall as gossip & rumors about events of the day start to create a din along with the hollow thuds of emptying mugs.


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OOC: Im not sure you need another striker, or, for that matter an as yet unapproved character, but my first go at PbP on this site is a human rogue.

A seemingly non descript human attempts, in an obvious manner, to eavesdrop, hoping that once caught by the folks gathering together, to be "let in" to their forming troupe


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Howler eyes the young human eavesdropping on the group. Abruptly, the tattooed half-orc grabs the boy by the collar, his arms easily long enough to do this from a sitting position. He pulls the lad in close and says "Here now! What's this flittin' about 'n' filchin' a list'n? Grimbrood's gory balls if ever'gull in here ain't tryin' to perch this fine dov-er, lady. Well? Drop the scurry on us, sparrow! What's yer colors?"


First Post
Howler eyes the young human eavesdropping on the group. Abruptly, the tattooed half-orc grabs the boy by the collar, his arms easily long enough to do this from a sitting position. He pulls the lad in close and says "Here now! What's this flittin' about 'n' filchin' a list'n? Grimbrood's gory balls if ever'gull in here ain't tryin' to perch this fine dov-er, lady. Well? Drop the scurry on us, sparrow! What's yer colors?"

Vanessa shakes her head a bit as the meaning of Howler's words sink in. She lays a reassuring hand on his arm and flashes him a calming look. She then turns to the newcomer.

"What he means to say is, if you're going to loom about like that you might as well sit down and introduce yourself. My name is Vanessa. This is Howler (gesturing to the half orc) and this is Sir Nave (gesturing to her human companion). Who do we have the pleasure of meeting?"

OOC: I dont think another striker would be bad... but we sure could use a defender. 3 strikers can kill things fast enough to not worry about a controller but we really need a defender to lock down the big bad. and feed me surges.


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Howler lets go of the newcomer with a nearly inaudible snarl. He gives Vanessa a nod. "Lady's got the straight of it. I ain't fond o' slinkin' about, like some damn gnoll."

OOC: Howler is a little durable, but no substitute for a proper defender.


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"Well, there, you folks can feel free to call me Joe" the human pipes up, doing his best impersonation of someone who isn't intimidated by enormous half orcs.

"I don't mean to come across as no gnoll, but I don't wanna go puttin my nose in where it might not be welcome" pulling up a chair, and gaining a bit more confidence, "though it seems I may be able to put in with you lot, iffin you'd have me, so as to go do us some adventurin"

OOC: I am just a striker, and have no defense or hit points to even hint at being a defender - - sorry

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