[Adventure] Underneath Hadeys' Door: DM ScorpiusRisk, Judge Renau1g


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Illariona and Kamotz quickly pool their findings for the room and find its not as empty as led to believe by first sight. The end of the hallway is false, and is in fact a doorway, leading further down the tunnel. While by no means new, it would appear this was added after the original construction. Additionally, the ceiling above the secret door has been rigged to collapse when the door is opened, but should be relatively simple to disable.

[sblock=ooc]For the future, if you wish to detect traps I need a perception, unless magical in nature. I don't want to accept thievery as a way to detect traps. You can use thievery to disable, learn more about a trap, or even to aid in detection.[/sblock]

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*Hunzu moves to the doorway that is nearby to him. He watches down the hallway as he leans against his polearm. Waiting to see what exactly the others may find.*


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Careful of the ceiling. says Kamotz, This isn't meant to be blocked off. I'm sure we could brace the ceiling, or at least divert the falling chunks. Kamotz steps out of the room, remounting Whiggins, Sound of Stone, help Illarion with this trapped door.

Still adjusting in his seat, Kamotz looks at the blind elf, Illarion, I think you've become turned around, the southwest door has the rags under it. The south east door is next after we clear this area. the shifter holds the torch high, spilling light on everything nearby.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"But should we go in now that we know this is here? Or clear the rooms behind us first? You know, to see that there is one more empty room?"


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*Connecting his mind with the rest of his party. He speaks.*

"I believe the sorcerer is wise in his way of thinking. Eliminate any possibility of something or someone attacking us from the rear. Though is it not wiser to tackle the most dangerous room well we are all still fresh. Then to wait until the others are cleared and we are tired and weak? An interesting predicament is it not."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"You don't know that the blocked room is most dangerous. It may contains nothing more then yellow mold or some simple rabid animal or one ghoul whose stench is contained inside. Hmm, I sound very optimistic today. Must be all the cheerful company. Let's just get it over with. Open the door please. Then we open blocked one then we go on. Agreed?"

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