Advice on a homebrew adventure.


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Well this friday night I have a friend coming over, and we are staying up late playing Pathfinder, but anyways for the night I am making a homebrew one shot adventure that my friend will create a character for and use in the rest of adventures I run. Sadly it will probably be a party of 3 3rd level characters, 2 of which will be run by me.

I am using the free software maptool to make the map and we will play on my big flatscreen tv. I have the mapmaking and story under control but I need some questions for the adventure.

1. Will a standard hydra from the bestiary be a fair final boss for the adventure for a party of 3 3rd levels, and if too hard or weak what adjustments should I make?

2. The party so far is a human monk(my friend's character), and an elven paladin (character run by me), I need ideas for a another 3rd level character which will also be run by me. BTW the characters run by me will be thrown away after this adventure, only my friend is keeping his character after the adventure.

3. Lastly what would be some good treasure and how much money to give out at the end, any low level magic items useful for a monk?

Thanks in advance.

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Many suggestions abound.

Pathfinder generally assumes 4 PC's in standard adventures. How about letting your solo player run an NPC sidekick (pun intended), or perhaps even a second PC?

1. According to the, a Five-headed Hydra is a CR 4 monster. This assumes four standard (ie. non-optimized Warrior/Rogue/Wizard/Cleric) PCs with a level 4 average will give it a good run with some loss of resources and probably no deaths. Three level 3's may well get murdered unless they're optimized with high scores and level-appropriate gear... unless the hydra has less heads.

2. A second Warrior type or a Warrior-themed Cleric may be what you're looking for; the Cleric could easily be themed with your Elf Paladin. What you need are meat-shields, people with either high AC or high HP, or both. A Rogue might also be useful, as she could use the Paladin or the Monk for Flanking damage.

3. Again, according to the treasure tables, 900-1200 gp worth of stuff is appropriate. Throw in 1d3 mundane (non-magic gear/equipment or alchemical items) and 1 minor magical item.

I defer you to @Dannyalcatraz for all things monk-related.

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