The Aerosmith/Run-DMC version of “Walk This Way” has been played on my favorite local classic rock station, but very rarely. I might hear it a couple of times a year. No Beasties, though.
By way of contrast, a now-defunct metal station here would play “Bring The Noise” by Anthrax & Public Enemy almost monthly. Even so, I can’t recall EVER hearing other rap-rock or rap-metal on that station except the biggest of the nü-metal bands and their offshoots & descendants. So you’d hear RAtM, Deftones, Korn, Limp Bizcuit, Linkin Park, 311, and the like, but not Mordred, Hardcorp, or any of the stuff from the Judgement Night soundtrack. And you definitely didn’t hear any of even the hardest rap performers- even those who were connected to any of the bands I just mentioned.
No lessons, just observations. Could be very different dynamics in a different market.