After Waterdeep what should be the next FR adventure?


I'm thinking the Celestial Nadir, or an 5e update to Desert of Desolution, or a portal hopping adventure across multiple setting to get parts for a McGriffin, I forget what it is called (like one part is in FR, another part is in Greyhawk, another part is in Eberron, another part is in Ravnica, another Dragonlance, another in Mystara, Athas.

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I think they’ll go with pirates, pairing with the ship release in the spring.
It’s a different tone of campaign, but still iconic and desirable.

But that might be the summer adventure. I expect the spring one will be reprint heavy after the lengthy fall schedule. Maybe more updates of older editions.


... a portal hopping adventure across multiple setting to get parts for a McGuffin (like one part is in FR, another part is in Greyhawk, another part is in Eberron, another part is in Ravnica, another Dragonlance, another in Mystara, Athas.

This I like a lot. It would be similar to what I tried to do in my Eberron campaign but with even more variety and gonzo.

Shotgun Paladin b&w.jpg
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Book-Friend, he/him
I think they’ll go with pirates, pairing with the ship release in the spring.
It’s a different tone of campaign, but still iconic and desirable.

But that might be the summer adventure. I expect the spring one will be reprint heavy after the lengthy fall schedule. Maybe more updates of older editions.

Oh, man, I'm not even going to try to guess at their actual publication schedule...


I think they’ll go with pirates, pairing with the ship release in the spring.
It’s a different tone of campaign, but still iconic and desirable.

But that might be the summer adventure. I expect the spring one will be reprint heavy after the lengthy fall schedule. Maybe more updates of older editions.

That could be a fun idea, but if it's Pirates themed I hope it's in the Sea of Fallen Stars and not the Swordcoast, with a nice, detailed map of the Sea of Fallen Stars and it's surrounding nations akin to the map of the North and Sword Coast that SKT got.

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