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Age of Worms: Act I - The Whispering Cairn


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Orin Heartwood, Male Half-Elf Ranger

Orin moves quickly but stealthily through the foothills, his bow at the ready, watching and listening intently for any signs of trouble as the first drops of rain fall...looking up he notices signs that a storm is on it’s way. Realising where he is and knowing he won’t make it back to town in time, he makes his way towards a mine office he recalls is nearby hoping to find shelter there.

OOC: Hide +7, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Spot +7.

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Orin arrives as the storm is starting to gather steam and what he has noticed does not make the young ranger happy. Even through the rain, Orin's trained eyes make out the remains of a crudely built campsite and what appears to be drag tracks in several places along their path, a path which seems to be also leading him to the unused mining office.

As Orin nears the office slowly, two things capture his attention immediately. There is a young man moving slowly at the right side of the building who seems intent on staring at the ground in front of him, and another man clad in a simple white tunic, plastered over armor of some sort, working his shield and spear to keep three avain creatures at bay.

OOC:[sblock] While Orin is no expert yet, the drag tracks he saw were also spaced with claw marks on trees, rocks, and the ground itself. The tracks were those of badgers...[/sblock]


First Post
God of Light, these things are fast!
Chryse pushed back against the door harder, seemingly trying to squeeze through the keyhole. As one of the creatures made another pass at him, he shifted just enough to strike-out with his spear from behind his shield.

[sblock]Attacking the closest stirge on hand. Shortspear: 0 (1d6) x2. AC: 16
May Apollo see his faithful unscathed :D [/sblock]


First Post
Orin Heartwood, Male Half-Elf Ranger

Continuing his stealthy approach to the office, Orin launches an arrow from his longbow at one of the avian creatures besetting the armoured man.

OOC: Init +3; +4 ranged [1d8; 20/x3; 100 feet; piercing; longbow] -- [+1 to hit and damage within 30 feet]


Although the door rattled with each push against it, if there was anyone in the building, they did not seem too eager to come to Chryse's assistance. Keeping his eyes trained on the birds, as well as his feet moving constantly in the muddy ground, he saw one of the creatures racing towards him and struck out with his spear hoping to impale the beast, or at the least deflect its advance towards him.

The tip of the spear caught the bird squarely in its chest and whether it was the sharpness of his steel, or the birds own momentum, it thrashed once before going limp on the blade.

However, the added weight of the slain bird nearly made his block with the weapon miss as the young follower of Apollo struggled to get his spear back into place as the other birds sought a weakness in his defenses.

While the birds both struck Chryse, threatening to knock him off balance from the impact, neither creature was able to find an open spot in the armor he wore.

OOC Combat:[sblock]Chryse rolled a 20, 18 to confirm crit, 10 pts of damage to stirge #1. Stirges rolled an 10 and 11, no hit. Orin joins with an 8 on round 2.[/sblock]


First Post
Down on one knee, Chryse shook his spear frantically to remove the dead bird from the weapon.
Blasted all! he thought as the punctured corpse flew from the shaft with a sickly gurgle.
Wary of the others and still on one knee, Chryse raised his shield to better protect his vitals and stung once more towards the flying beasts.

[sblock]Fighting Defensively: -4 to Attack, +2 to AC. Attacking another stirge. Shortspear: -4 (1d6) x2. AC: 18.
First attack and already landed a critical! Praise Apollo![/sblock]


While he managed to free his spear from the excess weight, the birds managed to evade his off balance spear thrust easily. As he pulled the spear back down to recenter himself, pain exploded in his arm as one of the birds plunged its serrated beak through his forearm with a speed that the young priest was unprepared for. Flaling wildly trying to dislodge the creature, the erratic movements saved him from the other bird, as well as dislodged the flapping bird which sought to gain a footing on his arm with its sharp talons.

As his mind raced, Chryse registered the other bird rising up in the air for another strike before the creature was suddenly pinned to the door above him by a red fletched arrow that seemd to materilize from thin air.

Chryse: 18
Stirge: 11
Orin: 8

OOC: [sblock]Chryse rolled a 3, Stirge #2 rolled a 19 for 2pts of damage. Stirge #3 rolled a 4. Orin rolled a 20, 19 to confirm, did 12 pts of damage to Stirge #3. I do not know if I like these dice I am using. They are far too nice to you guys.[/sblock]


First Post
Orin Heartwood, Male Half-Elf Ranger

His first arrow pinning one of the creatures to the door, Orin rejoices silently, thrilled that he hit the target dead on he fires again as he continues to approach, hoping to repeat the effort against the avian that is still in flight.


First Post
As Chryse prayed for protection by his god, he looked up just in time to see an arrow shot from the heavens themself pin the other bird to the door he so badly sought to enter. Shear awe flooded his features; the pain in his arm forgotten.
"Praise Apollo!" he yelled, as he sprang from his kneeling position at the last bird still buzzing above his head. The same one that drew his blood.

[sblock]Attacking the last stirge. Shortspear: 0 (1d6) x2. AC: 16.
Welcome to the foray, Unleashed[/sblock]
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Lurker (sort of)
Shadow - Rogue 1

Attempting to keep on eye on the combat that is nearby I will try and look to see where the tracks lead to or if there is a quick and silent way inside the office.

Hmm, seems like I am not the only one who is interested in this abandoned mining office. The man in white seems to be holding his own but it looked bad there for a second till the arrow came out of no where to impale another one of those hellish things. If I don't want to share the possible treasure inside I better get a move on. Hopefully no one else has seen me - looking around quickly to see if there is anyone else around and hoping to see who shot that arrow. If I do not find anything of interest inside, if I can get inside I will go out the front door and see if I can help with the fight. There might be a reward in it for me if I save the prophet's life if things turn for the worse.

Voidrunner's Codex

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