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AGOT - Winter is Coming - Solo - Chapter 1 & 2


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Tyler nods his head at your compliment.

The Maester seems shocked for a minute and then comes alive. "I would say that he sums it up very well. It is strange for me to say so, but I assumed you knew most of this. I forget that I have the advantage of being raised in the South. I am not used to the Northern ways yet."

"I would add that from the few conversations I have been present with Maester Garth and your father in Winterfell, I would say your father leans towards the Blackfyre side of things. I believe your father thinks the King is a just and qualified ruler, he just doesn't in the King's Lineage."

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"Yes, things seem much more simple in the north. I don't think that we northerners will ever be comfortable in the south. The blood of the first men still runs strong in us.

"Tomorrow I suppose I will have my first chance to see how things are amongst the royal family. For now, though, I should make sure my men are settled. Thank you, both for your counsel. I will see you again fro dinner."

Karrwin waits for Maester Jeremiah and Tyler to leave. He sits for a moment, drinking his wine, and pondering tomorrow's events. What do we become if we disregard the law everytime it leads to a situation we don't like? Viserys would make a poor king, but he wouldn't be the first. Why must we even get involved? With a shake of his head, he stands and leaves the tent to check on his men.


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As you leave the tent you can see most of the men are settling in and getting the area prepared. About dozen men are on guard duty. Half of those men are stationary, the others are on two men patrols. The servants are busy preparing and taking care of things.

After sometime of walking around you notice the sun is setting and you are getting hungry. The smell of food cooking can be smealt on the field. If one thing seems to be the same in the south it is dinner time.

Most of the men are starting to make there way to the dinner tent. Most of men seem happy, morale is high and things seem to well with the men. A few talk of the strange southern ways.

As you make your way to the dinner tent. Eon stops you. "You have a guest. I think you should see him immediately!"


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As you follow Eon to your entryway of your tent, you notice he seems a little nervous and offset. As you enter into the entryway you see a large group of men standing. You notice the two guards standing to the side wear the royal three headed Targaryen dragons although the colors have been reversed with black being the predominate color instead of red.

A tall man standing almost six and half feet stands before you. He has silver hair and deep purple eyes. The man is in his mid to late thirties. He is well built and has a air of confidence about him.

Eon backs off to the side and states "My Lord may I introduce Prince Daemon Blackfyre."

Daemon nods his head and says "It is my pleasure to meet the son of Lord Edward Stark. Your father and I have been friends for some time. May I introduce the rest of my group."

He take a few steps towards a man who wears the sigil of three orange castles on a black background. The man is warrior who has aged well. Although out of his prime the man seems still to be a danger. As you look in his eyes you can see a man of keen and wit. "This is Lord Gorman Peake, a close friend and mentor."

He then turns and stands next to a man in his early thirties he wears a cloak covering his sigil. The man although not big the man just looks dangerous, you get a shiver up your back. "This is my friend and advisor Ser Manfred Lothston."

He next goes to two men standing together as you look at the Prince and the two men they all seem to be similar, yet different in there own ways. "These are my brothers Bittersteel and Fireball. They will be riding in the tournament."

The Prince then reapproaches you "Excuse my interruption. I know you have had a long day. Would you be willing to join me for dinner?"


And so it begins, Stark thinks.

Karrwin nods at the introductions. "My lords, it is a pleasure." He looks at the prince. "My father has often spoken of you, my lord. I would be honored to join you." I am of the north, of the old blood. I will not be intimidated by these men or anyone else.


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Eon gathers up some guards to accompany you to dinner. You and the Prince make small talk. You speak about your journey south and about his son. After a few moments Eon has half dozen guards ready.

You and the Prince walk out together. He begins to speak about this tent or that. Continuing the small talk. You are headed to the edge of the pavalion area. You see the Prince's tent is huge in comparison to yours and the colors are vivid and bright. His tent seems to be busy with things coming and going.

He escorts you into an area where a large table had been set up. It appears that only the two of you will be eating though. Eon and you men wait outside the dining area. The Prince's guards do the same.

Dinner is served. A large game bird that was marinated in a sweet sauce is served. You also have dishes of fresh vegtables. A soup is also served, it appears to be something along the lines of a wild rice and mushrooms. A chilled wine is served as well.

"I found speaking to your father that is was much easier for me to get straight to point and not play politics. I assume you are the same." The Prince says taking a few bites of food and then continuing.

"I need to know where House Stark stands in the coming storm? I am sure you have heard of the troubles. I do not intend to start a war, but I will be prepared for one." The Prince states looking you squarely in the eyes waiting for your answer.


"Yes, I suppose I am like my father in that regard." Karrwin takes a drink of his wine. I did not expect things to move this quickly. Scratching his beard nervously, he takes a breath. "I would by lying if I said my father was not sympathetic to your cause. However, my father is not here. I am. I bear no love for Viserys for personal reasons, but surely the King must see the kind of man he is. I do not want to see this come to a war. So, tell me, my Lord, your view on what is going on in King's Landing and what you think House Stark can do."


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Daemon laughs for a minute and then looks at you. "For a Stark you have wonderful sense of politics. It is not many that would answer a question with a question. Very well I will tell you where I stand."

"The King has no idea how difficult or dangerous Viserys would be as a King. Viserys has some 'unstableness' to him. The King himself has changed lately. I think this 'unstableness' has start affect him as well."

"As a member of the Small Council I see and hear things others do not. Especially in regards to some of the King'd decsions."

"When I was legitamized by my father he made me promise him one thing. I would protect the Kingdom from both internal and external threats. Not many people know this little bit. If I had a choice I would be a simple man who served my King, but I seore an oath to my father. My father made sure I was Master of Laws so that I could protect the people and the Kingdom."

"As for House Stark, I need to know that if in the future things do come to fighting whose side the North stands. Besides the North having a large army, they also protect the Kingdom from things beyond the Wall. So I will protect from within and without."

"Does this answer you question?"


"Yes, well I do not feel as though I have a good sense of politics. I feel that I am involved in a game and I do not know all of the rules. However, I have advisors I can trust.

"If your first duty is to the kingdom, mine is to House Stark and the north. Keeping the kingdom stable helps me keep the north safe, so my needs appear to be best served by helping your needs. I am with you."

It feels like the right decision, but Karrwin still feels nervous. Have I made the right decision, father? He takes a large swallow of his wine, his hand shaking ever so slightly.

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