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AGOT - Winter is Coming - Solo - Chapter 1 & 2


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"It is good to see you have good sense to look for help and trust in those when you aren't familiar with things such as politics. I am also glad to see that your first duty is to your House and the North."

"To few of men nowdays are concerned with protecting others. Most are concerned with how much power they can achieve." The Prince states you sense with conviction.

"Enough of the politics. You have only been here a day and matters of the Throne press you.
Let us speak of other things. How is my son? I miss him."

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"I think that he prefers the heat of the south, but he is well, my Lord. And what are your thoughts on the upcoming tournament? Will you enter the lists?"


First Post
The Prince smiles at your comment. "I would love to enter, but I am forbidden from entering. The King has said I have won enough tournaments. So no I will not enter. How about you?"

You know the Prince to have been a fairly well known and tough tournament fighter a decade ago. He was not the best but he was very good. He is rumored to be a tough and enduring oppenent. It is said he has a good grasp of tactics and strategy.

(Knowledge History test - 12 (roll) + 4 (skill) + 2 (synergy bonus for nobility) = 18 total)


"Well, my father taught me that war is not a game. I can't say that I am fond of tournaments, but I am told that the southron lords would take it amiss if I did not enter. I do not think I will enter the lists, but I may enter the melee. I am undecided."


First Post
The Prince seems suprised for a moment. "When I was young there were no wars and the only way to prove yourself was in the tournament. As I grew older I lived for the tournament to prove myself a warrior. But as you said the tournament is not the real thing. But in times of peace it is the closest one comes. Tournaments are good though. They teach the young the truth of life and death. The young feel a actually blow. Youth is washed out very quickly."

"I will admit to many of the southern lords count a tournament as battle. Too many have not stood on the field of battle. They have not commanded a army and taken the responsibilty of sending men into battle and never having them come back. They look at men as pawns."

"My advice to you is to stay out of the tournament. Stand your ground. It doesn't matter what the southern lords think. Be who you are. If you must enter, enter only because you want to. Do not do it for these lords and do not do it to prove something."

"Besides by not fighting you keep these lords off guard. They do not know you. And what they do not know they fear."


Now I am counseled to stay out of the tournament. I don't think this happens to the heroes in old stories. They always know what to do. "Thank you, my Lord, for the advice. I will take it into consideration." Karrwin pauses before continuing. "I admit that this is all overwhelming and I am not sure that I will be as much help to you as you wish."

The youth instantly regrets saying anything. He will think me weak. Am I up to this task?


First Post
"Time will tell. We all play a role. But enough of the tiring talk. Let us finish the meal in peace and quiet. From there I will escort you back to your tent. I am sure you are tired and exhausted it has been a long day."

The Prince and you eat and drink in relative calm. A musician plays a violen like instrument. Just as the Prince says he walks with you back to your tent and bids you goodnight. You entourage follows not ffar behind.

It is long after dark when you get back. Most your your men are resting or off duty. Things seem to be fine at the camp.


The young man stretches and yawns. What a day. "I'm going to bed," he tells his men. "Make sure you all get some sleep tonight, too. We're going to need it."

He goes into his tent and doffing his boots and shirt collapses into his cot.


First Post
You wake the next morning. You figure it is close to mid-morning. You were more tired than you thought. You can hear the camp and tents full of activity. You can see two guards standing outside the tent.


I slept too long. I can't let that happen again. I am no longer a child. The young man stretches his arms and legs out. I wish there was a godswood here. The solitude and quiet would be nice. He asks one of the guards to find Garth, Maester Jeremiah, and Tyler. While he waits for them he will get a small bit to eat. I don't feel too hungry now. I'm nervous.

Voidrunner's Codex

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