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AI is stealing writers’ words and jobs…


Cry havoc! And let slip the pigs of war!
The problem around mass scale AI adoption is one of liability. Even if the technology was fully ready in 20 years, liability is going to be a major drag on adoption. AI isn’t a robot. It’s not ‘predictable’ You can’t show for sure how it will respond to any given stimulus. In any highly regulated industry that quickly becomes a no-go. We cannot ensure AI behaves in any particular way and may never can. Thus, liability is one of the biggest roadblocks.
Malpractice happens right now. I hope you are right but fear you are not.

People are not predictable and are error prone—-if malpractice pays out for human error vs. computer error what is the difference to the people paying?

Sadly AI may may fewer errors and hence be cheaper to insure. I don’t want this stuff to happen…but am a bit of a worry wart.

I am concerned about people and what they will do without a need to do anything. Some will be fine. He’ll, I could play D&D and swill beer indefinitely!

But of course I will be too old to care for myself when I think this hits and d will be retired if alive. Gaming my remaining years god willing!!!
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It’s going to get very very weird and soon.

We will literally have AI psychotherapists for all but a few who want to meet in person. A lot of things we really think “must” have a person will be reproducible with AI.

Everyone is talking about the loss of jobs. I am concerned about the lack of need to do something. We are wired to hunt gather and survive. Even dogs need purpose.

I am worried about a lack of necessity that some relish to fantasize about. I am reminded of some very unhappy heirs to fortunes that never do anything but be rich.

When I see rich people tell their kids they are not leaving it all to them it’s a gift. Enough to go to school and get a down payment on a house? Cool. Enough to never have to do anything is a curse for many.

AI will drive tractors, harvest crops, you name it. It will provide financial advising, teaching, medical services.

I am not a futurist and not a tech guy but it’s decades not centuries away. And while it might take away some inefficiencies I do worry about aimlessness that will have to be countered by all but a few.

We are not really made for this. We weren’t really made for cubicles In the office either, but this will be beyond the pale.

At least I have D&D and beer to act as a balm when it hits! ;)
It's day six of my Christmas break and I'm already at the "What am I going to do with my time today?" stage. I checked in on my work e-mails this afternoon, despite not having been tapped for emergency cover this year, just in case anything urgent / interesting had come up.

I would not do well with indefinite unstructured free time.


It's day six of my Christmas break and I'm already at the "What am I going to do with my time today?" stage. I checked in on my work e-mails this afternoon, despite not having been tapped for emergency cover this year, just in case anything urgent / interesting had come up.

I would not do well with indefinite unstructured free time.

It's been 5 days, and I'm already just looking at what I'm doing for work Jan 2 lol.


Cry havoc! And let slip the pigs of war!
Suicide rates shortly after retirement are grim. It seems unlikely that the numbers for people forced into it are lower.
People will have to work hard to find a purpose. I am all for gaming my ass off and that is cool! But there is a reason older folks get out and volunteer vs just watching TV.

Part time would be fine…and up the gaming time! Work in a soupy kitchen assuming they will be needed…something…


B/X Known World
A whole lot of these “AI is awesome really” takes seem to utterly fail to take the current reality of economics into account. Unless you have a great job with great benefits, you’re SOL and out-of-pocket on healthcare. AI won’t help you. The people with the money will continue to leverage their wealth to make more. They will never allow programs they’ve poured billions into to serve the poor for free. AI is a cost cutting measure. It will be used to replace workers. To save the corporations billions. Not benefit the poor. It’s wild that anyone would think greedy corporations would suddenly turn humanitarian.

Yes, AI in utopian sci-fi works that way. And maybe someday we’ll live in a utopian sci-fi future, but we sure as hell don’t live there now.

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