AI is stealing writers’ words and jobs…

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trappedslider said:
Complain on the Internet?

While I also have answers that get far into the realms of politics as defined by the moderation team, and therefore can't be discussed here, I wonder why those who simultaneously aknowledge that AI is going to remove a lot of jobs, probably more than many realize, AND have concluded with absolute certainty that the society they live in can't, or won't, handle the transition satisfactorily AND live in a uber-priviledged country (which must be the large majority of posters here, since the median per-capita yearly household income worldwide is 2,920 USD, which doesn't leave a lot for savings), don't just buy a few shares of each of the major AI players. If their forecast for the evolution of the economy is that a handful of companies will make half of the world's GDP in revenue in a few years after removing the need for most or all jobs, isn't the smartest move to invest in them and live off the monstrous dividends they will yield, as a member of the millionnaire class of shareholders of these companies that they posit will emerge as a factor share tend to 1 and the other to 0? Certainty over the future is a huge boon to mitigate what might happen in the future, a boon that I, unfortunately, don't have.
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While I also have answers that get far into the realms of politics as defined by the moderation team, and therefore can't be discussed here, I wonder why those who simultaneously aknowledge that AI is going to remove a lot of jobs, probably more than many realize, AND have concluded with absolute certainty that the society they live in can't, or won't, handle the transition satisfactorily AND live in a uber-priviledged country (which must be the large majority of posters here, since the median per-capita yearly household income worldwide is 2,920 USD, which doesn't leave a lot for savings), don't just buy a few shares of each of the major AI players. If their forecast for the evolution of the economy is that a handful of companies will make half of the world's GDP in revenue in a few years after removing the need for most or all jobs, isn't the smartest move to invest in them and live off the monstrous dividends they will yield, as a member of the millionnaire class of shareholders of these companies that they posit will emerge as a factor share tend to 1 and the other to 0? Certainty over the future is a huge boon to mitigate what might happen in the future, a boon that I, unfortunately, don't have.
Maybe some people do not want to support or be involved with something they find for whatever reason objectionable, despite financial incentives to do so? Some people do not have options and must do what they must do, but other people may find the price acceptable.


B/X Known World
Copied from a Facebook post making the rounds.

“Posting this on behalf of a member who would like to remain anonymous:

I’m an art director and supervisor for a large studio. The studio heads had the bright idea before I started to hire prompters. Several bros were brought onto the film project. I absolutely hated myself for not quitting on the spot but stuck with it because it’s mercenary out there. Have a family to feed etc. I decided to use this time wisely. Treat them as I would any artist I had hired. First round of pictures of a sweeping Ariel forest landscape comes through and it’s not bad. They submit a ton of work and one or two of the 40 are ok. Nearly on brief. So first round feedback goes through and I tell them about the perspective mistakes, colour changes I want, layers that any matte painting would be split into.

Within a day I get 5 variants. Not changes to the ones I wanted but variations. Again. Benefit of the doubt I give them another round of feedback making it clear. Next day it’s worse. I sit there and patiently paint over, even explaining the steps I would take as a painter. They don’t do it, anomalies start appearing when I say I want to keep the exact image but with changes. They can’t. They simply don’t have the eye to see the basic mistakes so the AI starts to over compensate. We get people starting to appear in the images. These are obviously holiday snaps.

“Remove the people”

“What would you like them changed to?”

“…grass. I just don’t want them there”

They can’t do it. The one that can actually use photoshop hasn’t developed the eye to see his mistakes, ends up getting angry at me for not understanding he can’t make specific changes. The girl whose background was a little photography has given me 40 progressively worse images with wilder mistakes every time. This is 4 days into the project.

I’m both pissed about the waste, but elated seeing ai fall at the first hurdle. It’s not even that the images are unusable, the people making them have no eye for what’s wrong, no thicker skin for constructive criticism and feedback, no basic artistic training in perspective and functionality in what they’re making.

Yes the hype is going to pump more money into this. They won’t go anywhere for a while. But this has been such a glowing perfect moment of watching the fundamental part fail in the face of the most simple tasks. All were fired and the company no longer accepts Ai prompters as applicants. Your training as an artist will always be the most important part of this process and it is invaluable. I hope this post gives you a boost in a dark time.”

For anyone who claims that being able to drop a few words into a plagiarism machine makes you an artist, read that. Then read it again. Having the skills to create art, change art, manipulate it to brief...understanding of color, perspective, etc...these are just some of the skills required to be an artist. If you don't have those skills, you're not an artist. It's the Dunning-Kruger Effect writ large.


So here is a real question from a real person looking for a real answer:

I am working on a thing, and I want to be able to produce a "beta" version that reflects what the final product will look like, both to get feedback and to gin up interest and potential backers for crowdfunding. In order to do that, I need art in it. It's pretty genre specific and unique, though, so finding stock art has proved difficult.

Is it "okay" (for whatever definition you, the one replying to this post, use for "okay") for me to use AI generated images as placeholder "this is what I would hire people to draw" art?


So here is a real question from a real person looking for a real answer:

I am working on a thing, and I want to be able to produce a "beta" version that reflects what the final product will look like, both to get feedback and to gin up interest and potential backers for crowdfunding. In order to do that, I need art in it. It's pretty genre specific and unique, though, so finding stock art has proved difficult.

Is it "okay" (for whatever definition you, the one replying to this post, use for "okay") for me to use AI generated images as placeholder "this is what I would hire people to draw" art?

Sure. I've done it for myself 10000s of times now if we consider all the images I scanned over said 'nope' and hit 'create' again.

To clarify.

I'm still not an artist.
These tools are based upon theft.
AI tech in any capacity that can replace jobs is going to ruin whats left of our society.
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