D&D 5E All Aboard the Figher Express


In general, keep in mind that the object interactions rules specifically call out the GM requiring actions for these if they represent obstacles or complex tasks. Grabbing and dragging a moving and defending active individual should not be imo treated as a free object interaction. I would require a grapple check, willing ally so advantage and then apply the grapple move and encumbrance rules as is.

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I also probably would have applied the "half-speed" movement penalty to carrying an ally (a la moving a grappled person). After all... whenever a player had ever tried lifting and moving/dragging an unconscious ally I always applied the have-movement as a matter of course, so there's no reason to think doing the same to an upright conscious ally should be any different.

At this point, it sounds like they are just trying to get PCs further along than they normally would. If you don't nip it in the bud you could have a situation where one PC lifts and carries an ally 30' and then attacks/casts, then on the ally's turn picking up the first PC and moving 30' again before attacking/casting. So by the end of the round both PCs have moved double their speed and attacked.

If you're going to allow that, you might as well just give every PC the ability to Dash with a bonus action. (See the [5E] Double Dash thread for details.)


So I have decided that picking up an ally to carry them around costs one attack to grapple, no roll required and no reduction of movement if the target is willing. Because the target is willingly being moved however, it still provokes an attack of opportunity.

The issue with allowing this maneuver as a free object interaction, or even as a bonus action, is that players will be able to abuse this in a thoroughly absurd way by playing leapfrog every round. Imagine two PCs are being chased by a guard. The guard Dashes 60 feet on its turn, then Player 1 picks up his buddy as a free action and Dashes 60 feet. Player 2 now picks up Player 1 and Dashes an additional 60 feet, effectively doubling their movement speed and making it impossible for the guard to catch up. Now make the PCs Rogues with Cunning Action... You see my point?

With my houserule, a Fighter can still make attacks after the carry provided they have Extra Attacks, but you have to take the Attack Action so you can’t Dash on the first turn carrying someone unless you have Cunning Action, Expeditious Retreat, or Action Surge.
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One of my players decided to pull a questionable move. He's playing a high STR Fighter, so he figured it would be perfectly reasonable to be able to pick up his medium sized ally as an object interaction and carry him 30 ft. before making his attack. I allowed it at the time because I wasn't sure if it was against the rules and he's an experienced DM, but it seemed pretty fishy and open to abuse. How would you rule this? Is he pulling some shenanigans, or is this kosher?

'Medium sized creature' is not an 'object' and picking someone up, and moving them 30' certainly isnt incidental to that movement.

For mine, it's a Grapple check (likely unopposed seeing as he is your ally) as part of the Attack action, followed by 1/2 movement (as normal for being grappled) and then you can release them (as normal for grappling) and continue with the rest of your attacks (if you so desire).

If your target doesnt resist, then it's an Attack action (auto grapple), interrupted by a half move (during which both you and he are grappled) as you drag them along, at the end of which you can release them, and then make any additional attacks allowed due to Extra attack.

Its logically consistent.

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