D&D (2024) Always prepared spells for the Bard

So while I'm fine with the Bard getting to choose which spell list they want to use, I have a problem that their choices shut them out from certain spells they had before. So my solution is the feature

1st Level: Bard Magic
These spells are always prepared for you when you reach a Bard level below:
Bard LevelSpell
1stCharm Person, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Vicious Mockery
3rdHold Person, Lesser Restoration

More spells at higher levels could be added, but the idea is to ensure Bards get some iconic or useful spells regardless of whether they picked Arcane, Divine or Primal spell lists.

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I share the concern.

The mythologically accurate bard includes:
• fate (precognition, luck, bless, curse)
• outofbody (remote presence, teleportation)
• mind-magic (enchantment, quasi-real illusion)
• shapeshifting (alternate form, healing)

It is hard to find all of these fully in the same spell list.

I think there are too many mythological inspirations for the bard to choose a common list. Also, the low number of prepared spells is a necessary limitation to balance their eventual access to all spell lists.
I would be OK with each subclass adding one or two iconic low-level spells as bonus prepared spells.
For example:
Lore (celtic bard) : vicious mockery and (Tasha's laughter OR Dissonant whispers)
Valor (norse skald) : blade ward, bane, magic weapon

I share the concern.

The mythologically accurate bard includes:
• fate (precognition, luck, bless, curse)
• outofbody (remote presence, teleportation)
• mind-magic (enchantment, quasi-real illusion)
• shapeshifting (alternate form, healing)

It is hard to find all of these fully in the same spell list.
So I would imagine the mythologically accurate Bard would be one of 10+ levels in the class.

I think Heroism should be on that list. That’s like the bard spell IMO.

Maybe in place of Cure Wounds? Not that Cure Wounds isn’t a good fit for bards, but I’d be fine with it as a magical secret or something you take the divine spell list for. Whereas a bard without Heroism just seems wrong to me, at least as much as a bard without Charm Person does.

Thinking more on the subject, if Words of Creation are the big thing thematically for Bards now, then Healing Word being some derivative of the Words of Creation, is something that all Bards should know.
Yep. That, Heroism, Bane, works for me.
So I would imagine the mythologically accurate Bard would be one of 10+ levels in the class.

I share the concern.

The mythologically accurate bard includes:
• fate (precognition, luck, bless, curse)
• outofbody (remote presence, teleportation)
• mind-magic (enchantment, quasi-real illusion)
• shapeshifting (alternate form, healing)

It is hard to find all of these fully in the same spell list.

What do you think of these choices (lore)?

1st level learn vicious mockery, guidance; heroism, healing word, command, bane
2nd level learn detect magic
3rd level learn lesser restoration
4th level learn resistance; calm emotions
5th level learn clairvoyance, dispel magic
6th level learn augury; suggestion, alter self
7th level learn divination
8th level learn locate creature
9th level learn greater restoration, scrying

I think it should generally resemble format of Cleric Domain Spells or Oath Spells, in that it's a bunch of spells (like 2 or 3 for each level) gained at levels when they can be cast.

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