As long as you do not feel obliged to force things to include everything you prepared then there is no problem. Over preparation only really becomes a problem if it is an obstacle to play. That is, you are delaying play to do more preparation. The other problematic pattern, forcing the player to visit all the prepared stuff. Sound like you are doing none of those things so there is no real problem.
Ah no, I have had the problem before of putting too many side objectives in the player's path, and them wanting to do
all of the things. So I've gone light on side objectives for now. If they pass on them, it won't be a big deal (I hope).
As for having fun, well, right now I'm deep in the weeds of making downtime tasks, modding Xanathar's for my own purposes. I'm having a lot of fun dreaming up complications, like WWE style weirdness for Pit Fighters or, well, if you've ever worked fast food, from my Running a Business section:
1- the local Siegeball game ended early and fans are swarming your business! The employees are freaking out and the customers are angry! A DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check is needed to get things under control.
2- Susie called off again! Not only does someone need to cover her shift (a DC 15 Intelligence check to sort out) but she needs to be disciplined! This discipline is a DC 15 Charisma check. No skill is applied because Persuasion or Intimidation could work or backfire, it's hard to say. If you fail, you have to fire Susie, and hiring and training a new employee will set you back 100 gp (she didn't give the uniform back!).
3- Health Inspectors drop by and you weren't ready! A DC 15 Charisma (Deception) check is required or you'll have to pay a hefty fine to continue operating- 250 gp!
4- an important thing breaks down and needs to be fixed! DC 15 Intelligence (Engineering) to solve, or you have to hire an expert- 250 gp!
5- a spellcaster freaks out at your prices and demands a “I can level this place with a
fireball if I want to!” discount, ie, free food. A DC 20 Charisma (Intimidation) check can get him to back down, otherwise you have to default and lose 50 gp!
6- the week goes well, with no crises. Whew!