D&D 5E Amazon US book sales rank.

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I crit!
PHB is at 379 out of all books sold in amazon US.

I thought it was a good time to capture this after the ICV2 report dropped.

At $26 us.




Book-Friend, he/him
PHB is at 379 out of all books sold in amazon US.

I thought it was a good time to capture this after the ICV2 report dropped.

At $26 us.

View attachment 354632

Pretty crazy numbers considering that we have seen pages from the new PHB even.


I think it’s also a reinforcing feedback loop.

The more WotC called 5e the last edition the more people felt good buying it at the long tail end and the more it appeals to WotC to keep it going.

That and a few people who made those comments 10-12 years ago are no longer there.

And it's come out they did think it would be the last edition. It blew up bigger than they thought.
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It's sitting at #347 as I write this. If the below is accurate, this is just wild.


How many books has WotC printed in the first place? Historically, my understanding is once a new edition has been announced, sales for the old fall off to almost nothing. At this rate, with another 5 months to go, they're looking at selling another 20K of books - just on Amazon.


PHB is at 379 out of all books sold in amazon US.

I thought it was a good time to capture this after the ICV2 report dropped.

At $26 us.

View attachment 354632

Given that this book has a replacement coming out later this year that is pretty insane.

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