Amazon's LotR show - first look

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Actors haven't seen their families for 18 months and Amazon big wigs couldn't fly in.

You can fly film crew in but can't really come and go and MIQ is overloaded.


The problem is:

This is not going to be a show adapting previously written material.

I have found that it nearly always helps to base your show on a book etc.

A second question: will this even attempt a Tolkien feel?

I mean, while Peter Jackson with a couple of minor exceptions strived for a Tolkien feel in the first trilogy, he just shat rabbit poop all over the second.

If I have to choose between hysterical action + bad CGI on one hand, and boobs and sexposition on the other hand... I'm sorry but I'm going to have to choose the latter.

Neither gives me a proper Tolkien feel, but if I'm going to watch a multi-season fantasy show I much rather have people act as adults than children, if they can't act like saints, like in LOTR...


I heard rumors they wanted to make it GoT like. If it has the nudity, adult material, and other items from GoT I don't think it's going to be very LotR like no matter how pretty they make it.
Just wrote a post on this subject.

Can they get sufficiently gifted writers to emulate a proper Tolkien feel?

Over-analyzing individual images might be a fun exercise but will ultimately tell us nothing.

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Actors haven't seen their families for 18 months and Amazon big wigs couldn't fly in.

You can fly film crew in but can't really come and go and MIQ is overloaded.
new Zealand is out, the UK is in


The problem is:

This is not going to be a show adapting previously written material.

I have found that it nearly always helps to base your show on a book etc.

I don't know where you are getting that idea from. The series is set in the 2nd Age on Numenor and will involve characters from the written stories, and eventually Sauron, probably both causing the downfall of Numenor and forging the Rings. How do you see none of this being based on Tolkien's work?


I don't know where you are getting that idea from. The series is set in the 2nd Age on Numenor and will involve characters from the written stories, and eventually Sauron, probably both causing the downfall of Numenor and forging the Rings. How do you see none of this being based on Tolkien's work?
Are you talking about Akallabêth?

Yeah, that's more of a story outline than getting a fully-fledged story to work from.

Sure it's more than nothing, but still, the TV writers don't get story beats, much dialogue, deeper characterization etc from it.

Adapting the Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones (the book seasons) yielded great results. Adapting the Hobbit or Game of Thrones (the napkin outline seasons)... not so much.

But I don't want to sound pessimistic, so let's call it "cautious optimism"... :) Better to expect a little and be pleasantly surprised than expect a lot and be bitterly disappointed!



Are you talking about Akallabêth?

Yeah, that's more of a story outline than getting a fully-fledged story to work from.

Sure it's more than nothing, but still, the TV writers don't get story beats, much dialogue, deeper characterization etc from it.

Adapting the Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones (the book seasons) yielded great results. Adapting the Hobbit or Game of Thrones (the napkin outline seasons)... not so much.
Sure, but all that proves is that the people who are good at adapting a detailed story are not the same people who are good at crafting a story from scratch based on only a few setting notes. Plenty of people have done well writing original stories set in established settings.

Voidrunner's Codex

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