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An innocent Terrasque?


Henry said:
The thing goes clear past evil and straight to destructive, and should be dealt with if possible. That would be my take on the situation.

Since the terrasque is not evil, I would prefer a solution that involves putting it someplace that's safe for it and everyone else - teleporting it to the Ethereal Plane of Tall Grass and Buttermilk would be ideal ;) . But in the absence of that option, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to destroy it - it would be an evil act to stand by and let it do its thing to people's lives and property if you even think you could begin to stop it.

And I would use Nuclear Powered Fireballs. :p

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Philip said:
The fact that the dilemma was posted, that characters have argued over this, and that posters here are voicing differing opinions proves that your wrong.
Well... read the thread carefully. There isn't much arguing really. Most people agree that the Tarrasque has to die. Everyone else is saying that the characters should imprison or control it instead - which is not an option for the poster. A few are wondering about what kind of alien perspective the other PCs must have to propose such a thing as leaving the Tarrasque alive. Noone is saying, as Daedrova's fellows seem to think, that leaving it alone is a reasonable action. 'cause it isn't. Even you are mostly investigating the problem from the intra-group relationship angle. The only explanation for the other PCs' behaviour is that there is something more going on in the party; maybe they were just waiting for an occasion to give grief to the ranger.

Nuclear-powered spell [Metamagic]
Benefit: the spell's random numerical variables double, everyone in view of any targets must make a Fortitude save or be blinded by the flash, and radiation poisoning inflicts one point of Constitution damage per spell level to every target as well as any creature within ten meters from any target. The spell occupies a slot five levels above normal. ;)


MDSnowman said:
Hehe that an Epic Level Spell or just metamagic feat?

While I do like the Metamagic Feat Zappo has above, I was making reference for Henry to a campaign I ran that he played in, that involved a sort of Forgotten Realms World War II style. The party had managed to recover some special grenades that Germans were trying to unearth from an ancient Netherese site. The grenades had to be set off by hand, and did 20d20 pts of damage to everything within a 1.5 mile radius - unless, as the party found out, they were set off INSIDE a terrasque. Then, only the terrasque and anyone inside took the damage. The turtle dragon\terrasque hybrid in question had to be stopped, as it was tearing up part of London at the time.

Aaron L

First, a Chaotic Neutral character wouldn't give a flying fig about anyone's rights but his own.

Chaotic Good: Doen't want anyone telling him what to do, and doesn't want anyone bossing others around, either. He'll stand up for the little guy being bullied.

Chaotic Neutral: Doesn't want anyone telling him what to do, period. Everyone else can go jump in a lake.

Chaotic Evil. Doesn't want anyone telling him what to do, and very likely to gut you if you try. Everyone else can go jump in a lake, and hell that sounds like fun I'm gonna TOSS you in the lake myself.

Second, the Terrasque isn't a monster, isn;t an animal; it is a force of nature. Comparing it to a hurricane is the correct way to view it. How many innocent lives would be lost by keeping it alive? The only possible excuse for allowing it to live would be if you could imprison it, or if it was a natural predator that, using an earlier example, kept the red dragon population down.

Anything else is irrisponsible. But, Cjaotic Neutral is irrisponsibility personified, so there you go. The two that keft were actually behaving as CN should, they just had the wrong reasons for it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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