Ancient Memes Brought to New Life

I am often caught off guard by flashes of internet culture that come back decades later, empowered to ridiculous levels.

The example that directly inspired this thread is that I recently learned there is an honest-to-goodness, full-length, theatrical-released, MPAA-rated movie based on Onyx the Fortuitous. ONYX THE FORTUITOUS AND THE TALISMAN OF SOULS: NOW STREAMING! Apparently coming to streaming soon. I saw this guy decades ago in a couple of wacky (and occasionally NSFW) videos. I didn't even know the character had a name until recently. And, for what it's worth, I'll probably end up watching the movie (as long as it's on a service I subscribe too).

But there are other cases. Gary Brolsma (the Numa Numa guy) has been releasing some new music lately. It's not really my jam, but it's not bad. Rebecca Black also released some new stuff this year (that I don't care for)

A lot of examples come from my kids. For reasons I can't explain (maybe Roblox?), The Duck Song is currently a very popular song for younger generations to sing.

What other old memes have surprised you with new content and followers? Note: This is not a nostalgia thread. Throwbacks and retro stuff doesn't count. New material is needed. And Rick Rolling isn't coming back because Rick Rolling never died; I've been doing it the whole time.

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I was surprised by the fact that the "Cash me outside how bout dah?" girl from the ancient Dr Phil clip was being mentioned non-satirically as having a good song a couple of months back (unfortunately I didn't note which). Apparently she had been correct that she could have a successful career as a rapper.

I was surprised by the fact that the "Cash me outside how bout dah?" girl from the ancient Dr Phil clip was being mentioned non-satirically as having a good song a couple of months back (unfortunately I didn't note which). Apparently she had been correct that she could have a successful career as a rapper.
Good for her. I don't love validating the 'act obnoxious on TV to become famous' avenue towards success, and felt actively squeamish about the apparent millions of people waiting for her to turn 18 so she could start an OnlyFans presence, but I love that people don't have to be defined by a single moment in their early teens (similar for Rebecca Black).

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