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Anime culture and D&D


mhacdebhandia said:
The day they do a live-action version of a given anime is probably the day I'll sit down to watch it.

There have been a few just off the top of my head but I wouldn't really compare most of them to their animated inspriations. You want to see live action anime, watch Kung Fu Hustle.

Boogiepop and Others
GTO :The Movie
Initial D
City Hunter
Wicked City (really quite bad)
Guyver (Rreally, really quite bad)
Tetsujin 28 (Gigantor)

I understand that there are several more, but most (like You're Under Arrest) are not, as far as I know, available in the US. For the most part, they seem to be pretty low-budget.

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mhacdebhandia said:
If merely being animated by a Japanese studio to American character designs really did make a series anime, then we'd all have a deep appreciation for the classic Korean manhwa-yeonghwa series The Simpsons.
Speak for yourself. I think the Simpsons is vastly over-rated by "geek subculture".

As for live action anime; there's actually a live action Fist of the North Star. I've never been brave enough to attempt to watch it, though.


BroccoliRage said:
I do not care for anime in general.

It's weird to say that you don't care for anime, but then go on to list 6 anime shows that you like... I must have a much less stringent idea of what it means to be a fan of something than you do.

I think the vast majority of anime is crap, but still consider myself an anime fan. I figure it goes without saying that when I say that I like anime, I mean that I like anime I consider to be good. Nobody could like ALL of it.


I've always found high-level D&D to feel very much like anime, particularly stuff tooling around the underdark in FR or anything involving Planescape.

As for how much influence anime has had on my game, it's hard to say. I've yoinked the occasional monster or scenario setup, but I wouldn't say I run a particularly "anime-flavor" game.

I ran a -very- anime-influenced Teenagers From Outer Space game, a long time ago...

-The Gneech :cool:


hexgrid said:
It's weird to say that you don't care for anime, but then go on to list 6 anime shows that you like... I must have a much less stringent idea of what it means to be a fan of something than you do.

I think the vast majority of anime is crap

I like some anime, think most of it is crap (whoever posted that face faults link hit it right on the head... I can't stand that crap), and don't consider myself an anime fan.

But I think some anime is great. I am a Lodoss and "Miyazaki fantasy film" fan. ;)


Ranger REG said:
And that's why I'm sticking with Forgotten Realms. :p

Wait, wait, wait - aren't all anime characters balls-to-the-wall powerful, and don't they all do crazy stunts and have crazy powers? Now, switch out the word "anime" for "Forgotten Realms" and you'll hear the same thing said about that setting too.

Is that generalization true about the Realms, even though people have spouted that all over these message boards?
Is it true about anime?

I grew up traveling through Asia, so their cultures influenced by art and stroytelling style. So, I guess you could say that anime has influenced my games. A lot. I still have dragons, and knights, and wizards, and elves, and the like. I can use any D&D adventure from Dragon in my campaign, and not say "I can't use that, it's too cartoony." or "I can't use that, it's too European."

According to many other posts about anime, I clearly don't know what anime is. Educate me:
What works in a non-anime game that does not work in an anime game?


First Post
hexgrid said:
It's weird to say that you don't care for anime, but then go on to list 6 anime shows that you like... I must have a much less stringent idea of what it means to be a fan of something than you do.

I think the vast majority of anime is crap, but still consider myself an anime fan. I figure it goes without saying that when I say that I like anime, I mean that I like anime I consider to be good. Nobody could like ALL of it.

I'm not an anime fan. I don't enjoy drawing the same character with different hair fifteen time over, I LOATHE the writing in most anime (Inuyasha has the clumsiest scripts ever, and the worst dialogue of any television show), and I enjoy most of the American written stuff that sort of falls under the anime umbrella much more than I do. Fullmetal Alchemist and Ghost in The Shell have excellent dialogue for the most part, but they are the exception, not the norm.

I really hate the face-faults, too, it can ruin all the comedy in a scene. I dislike the freeze-frames when an arrow shows up to point out something you should be noticing on your own (thanks for the vote of confidence, anime producer!). One thing that will ruin an entire show for me, however, is that "screaming out the name of the kewl mewve you're going to do" business, god that stuff sucks. Some of the names are insanely long (Iron Reaver Soul Stealer! Grrr!) and it's always the same thing. The world turns to nothing but some horizontal lines and one solid color in the background, while some ridiculous name is being shouted out. I tried to puzzle this out; perhaps it's magic, and these stupid names being screamed are the incantations. But, no; it happens in the sci-fi anime as well. It doesn't make any sense then, as there's nor real justification for it but silly fan-service. Really, if I ran up to any of you with the intention of punching you in the jumblies,and I made sure I screamed, "Fist of Whammo! Fiiiiiiiiist oooooof Whaaaaammoooooo!" every time, wouldn't you start to pick up on a pattern? Why the bad guys don't just step aside as soon as the screaming begins and the world fades to green horizontal lines is beyond me.

The examples of anime I listed are literally ALL I will watch. I have friends who adore anime, and will watch anything as long as it conforms to anime standards. I'm the opposite, I usually won't watch anime, as I've seen so much utter crap bearing the banner: Ronin Warriors, Samurai Shodown, 199X, FLCL, Voltron, Trinity Blood, Paranoia Agent...the list doesn't end. Most of the time it's the writing that really gets to me, but over reliance on the aspects of anime that drive me will make me dislike the show as well. The stop'n'go animation of so much of it (like Inuyasha) also irritates me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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