Any DM's not allowing Spiked Chains?

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If you can't keep your temper and be polite, best to leave the thread. You know the rules! So please be civil if you want to continue in the discussion. :)

Wes, welcome to the boards! Personally, I think spiked chains are pretty cool - but none of my players have ever chosen one.
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I think the trip rules are too strong in 3.5. In my games we use a DC 5 Jump check to stand from prone (move action) without provoking an AoO. A Tumble DC 35 does the same as a free action.

Other than that point, I see no reason to ban the spiked chain as a DM. I don't, and none of the other DMs in my group do. In fact the spiked chain sees precious little play... much less than most weapons, to be sure.

Felon said:
What is so "silly" about a chain weapon...

Well, the biggest part is, that you can use it from within a crowd picking out exactly who you want to hit. And after you hit something, you can just do it again and again and again. It's not like the chain is going to wrap around something... but maybe it's incorporeal. ;)


A spiked chain is not a very realistic weapon so I usually discourage its use, although I stop just short of banning it completely. I never give it to NPCs and I see this as kind of a truce. If my PCs start abusing it, then I will too.

Greg K said:
Ban it along with several other weapons, riding dogs and most alchemical equipment
Does anybody play a fighter in your game? How do your fighters cope with losses of several of the things that let them be even slightly competitive with spellcasters?

Nail said:
Watch Kill Bill, Vol 1.

See a neat live-action spiked chain fight. You'll get the idea..... :]

The spiked-ball-on-the-end-of-the-chain isn't exactly a spiked chain, however. But yes, whenever I DM spiked chains morph into chained spiked balls. It helps he visualize it as a weapon, instead of a complicated way of suicide.

Following the death of my archer in the World's Largest Dungeon, I created a spiked chain monkey (half-orc Bbr1/Clr3/Ftr2 with Cbt Expertise, Imp Disarm/Trip and the PHBII cleric option to spontaneously cast domain spells (Strength) so that I can get Enlarge Person and Bull's Strength on demand - aiming for Exotic Weapon Master).

His purpose was specifically to support the dwarf and elf fighters rather than to deal raw damage. So far, through a level of playing (just picked up Ftr3) he would hardly be labeled as overpowered. He is useful for the AOOs, but plenty of creatures can't be disarmed or it isn't worth the risk in trying to trip them (large or larger, stability bonuses, massive strength etc).

So not bannable in our experience (I'm the first player in either of our two 7-player groups to have taken a spiked chain since 3.0 was introduced).

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