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D&D 4E Anyone know a Pro-4e site?


Basic Action Games
Piratecat said:
I'm not sure that we're fundamentally opposed to purely positive 4e threads; they'd take more moderating, but that's doable so long as there's not a ton of them. The best strategy might be to have a moderator start it, or post near the top outlining the rules.

Would this mean then that "haters" could start their own explicitly anti-4e threads, where any positive posts regarding 4e are not allowed? Just wonderin'...

PS-- I'm pretty sure you won't find anything negative written about 4e here.
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Well I'm not out to bash anyone, but I do think a celebration thread or whatever is in order. Its a pretty exciting time for some of us.


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Your most likely to find what your looking for here on ENworld.

Good place, and the forums here are often filled with variables where some just are in the "Haters" side, and some in the fanboi side. Either way. I recommend just reading threads, and if you come across negativity that's unsubstantiated or just trollish, or simply that just bashes 4E. I recommend you just ignore that thread and go on.

Myself, I don't mind the 4E haters too much. The ones who are questioning things in general as it provides me with a little insight into other observations and concerns.

If I find whiny arguments, or just the ever common knee-jerk impressions I just ignore that thread and move on. They are not going to change their opinions at this time and I'm not here to change them. I'm just gathering information and enjoying the time I'm spending on my favorite hobby.

So take it for what its worth. But your going to have to pretty much decide for yourself what's a "Good" thread and what's just ranting of one form or another.


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Ranger REG said:
Lucky you. I'm not excited yet. I should be right about now, as I was with 3e back in January 2000. But nothing.

Hey Ranger REG, in this case, I'm even more excited for 4E than I was for the change from 2nd edition to 3rd. And I've been playing since 1982. So I know the hype of new editions.

This one though, has me more interested from a DM's perspective than any other. Because they've quantified, social encounters, traps, and mobs as it were. Tonight, I ran a preview for my regular group, and saw these folks getting the grasp of the characters and what they could do (using the pregens, and the elven pregen rogue from these boards), and how much fun they had.

I had a blast running a rough outlined social encounter, that used 6 successes, and 4 failures as the norm. For what you ask? Easy, to determine the upcoming encounters for the next day, and if anything good/bad happened to them while they were in town.

And that was based off of easy/moderate/hard social encounters. And let me tell you, it made the town experience fun, and set up an ambush for later on the next day.

Overall, 4E, looks to be really right where I'm wanting to game for the next handful of years.

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epochrpg said:
Would this mean then that "haters" could start their own explicitly anti-4e threads, where any positive posts regarding 4e are not allowed? Just wonderin'...

Already happens. There have been threads specifically devote to concerns, worries and reasons for not liking 4e and moderators have made sure that pro-4e people don't come and take a whizz in their wheaties (I've given someone a 3 day suspension myself for doing just that).

Of course we don't see everything that is going on (which is why we ask people to report problem posts).



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Watch out how much 'positive energy' you want to have. One thing is to keep trolls out, second is to have all the people agreeing with each other.

"I plan to add a 1st level feat adding 20 reflex defense, takeable only by elves, because elves should be nimble"

"Yes, good idea"
"Yes, if it is house feat for 4e, it is for sure balanced"

Good ? No, negative posts should be always allowed. They just should be negative about the thread subject (Rate my feat) instead of unrelated stuff (Who cares about 20 reflex if 4e is a boardgame/book cover has wrong color/Fly is 1 round only).


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RPGNet has tags for their threads that say if something is positive or negative. It doesn't work perfectly but it does help.


I find ENWorld quite positive. While there are always Nay-Sayers, they are still a small minority ... just enough to start some interesting discussions.

I can also recommend the d20 rpg.net Forum. Most of the D&D4 News are taken very positively there since rpg.net has no focus to one specific System and is therefore very open to new Systems and Ideas.


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malraux said:
Or even the WotC/Gleemax concerns and criticism board. That WotC hasn't shut that down says something about them.

To be... fair, that's basically a dumping ground for any threads that are negative about 4e that no one important ever looks in. It's basically an anti-4e ghetto designed to sequester the angry basement-dwelling nerds who will inevitably meaninglessly wail, shout, and gnash their teeth, crying that WotC has ruined D&D forever, away from the more positive traffic.

EDIT: For example, a thread with the premise "I want to discuss the tactical implications of the new Rogue class's abilities" stays in Classes, a thread with the premise "I hate how tightly focused the new Rogue is" is cast to the Concerns and Criticism ghetto.

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