Dragonlance Anyone know of a 3rd party adventure follow on to SODQ?


My gaming group is loving SODQ, but we will likely finish in another 3-4 weeks ..... after which we are probably done with Krynn if we can't find anything else.

Something that would take us to level 15 or so would be ideal.
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I did find 2 there that appear to be new and maybe linked to SODQ.


My gaming group is loving SODQ, but it is very short and we will likely finish in another 3-4 weeks ..... after which we are probably done with Krynn if we can't find anything else.

Something that would take us to level 15 or so would be ideal.
Not being critical, but hasn't it been out less than a month? Is it really that short?
That doesn't seem like much bang for the buck. I thought I ran campaigns quickly, and it usually takes me 6 months to get through a campaign adventure.


Not being critical, but hasn't it been out less than a month? Is it really that short?
That doesn't seem like much bang for the buck. I thought I ran campaigns quickly, and it usually takes me 6 months to get through a campaign adventure.
It goes to level 10-11. That would take my group 2 years to get through, but other groups can do that in 3 months or less


To the OP, it doesn't seem like any are specifically made to follow SotDQ yet. however, I imagine that will change in the future
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Not being critical, but hasn't it been out less than a month? Is it really that short?
That doesn't seem like much bang for the buck. I thought I ran campaigns quickly, and it usually takes me 6 months to get through a campaign adventure.
I've run three sessions for it, and they've only just gotten to 3rd level. OP and their group must be speed-running it.


Not being critical, but hasn't it been out less than a month? Is it really that short?
That doesn't seem like much bang for the buck. I thought I ran campaigns quickly, and it usually takes me 6 months to get through a campaign adventure.
We have had three 4-hour sessions or 12 hours of playing and are level 6 and over halfway done. For comparison we finished Call of the Netherdeep in five 4-hour sessions so it is going to take us longer than that one did.

It is a fast playing group. It is a 3-person party to start with which helps. We also have a no planning during play rule, unless it is happening in game. If you are discussing what you are going to do in the next room or how you should attack the BBEG that is happening real time. You can say things like warnings or suggestions to other characters, in character, but you can't develop a detailed collective plan on how to take down a castle unless you are doing that in game before you get to the castle and in combat you only have 6 seconds to decide what you are doing and start your move. We also play "touch move", so if you move forward and the Wizard says, wait I am going to fireball there, well you can use movement to get back if you still have it. We don't enforce this for mistakes or misunderstandings (you walked over a river and did not realize it was a river).

I find that what really slows down combat is when players talk amongst themselves, often for minutes on what they are going to do, before they start acting, especially when they create elaborate battle plans in the first round of combat during the first PCs turn.

Edit - The 12 hour time noted does not include character creation, level up time is minimal and there was no session 0 because we have played together extensively. We are an experienced group using point buy so you show up with your character complete and ready to throw dice. You also are expected to have the next level up prepared (know what spells, subclasses, feats you will pick etc), so level ups are usually quick too. The first session included 2 level ups though, we all had level 2 ready to go but not level 3, so level 3 took 15 minutes or so.
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