Anyone with experience running Warhammer 4e on Foundry VTT?


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I'm finishing up a multi-year 5e campaign and am thinking of running my next campaign in another system.

I purchased the Warhammer Core rules and starter set for Foundry and I'm really liking what I'm seeing. I've not run Warhammer Fantasy since the late 80s and I'm getting a nostalgia kick reading the 4e rules. I'm finding the system easy to pick up and and seems like it will be smooth to run.

I'm especially excited by how well designed the Foundry WFRP4e game system it. Everything just seems to work out of the box.

But I would like to hear about the experiences of anyone who has run WFRP43 in Foundry. Any issues I should be aware of? With just the game system, the core module, and the starter module, is that everything you need to run the game? Any quality-of-life modules you would recommend in addition to these?

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Jagga Spikes

I have been playing for about half year. System and core modules are very well done. Developer (Moo Man) is active on discord, and a capable and decent person.

I got Core, Starter and Ubersreik Adventures 1. While anything can be built in base system, from scratch, it does save time to get official modules. Most, if not all, tables are present: like hit locations and critical wounds. System has lots of optional configurability in-built: Fast SL (blackjack d100), automatic success/failure (5%/95%, or put your own values), criticals on all tests, initiative options, tons. Also, some community and developers own homebrew, all optional. There is effective character builder, as well. Also, code is accessible and readable, and can be modified if options are unavailable. Modules contain entire rulebook text and imagery.

Note also that all optional rules/fixes that appear in later books (like Winds of Magic overcast, or Up in Arms group advantage) are included in base system, so extra modules add content, but don't block features. For example, vehicles and vehicle modifications can be built in base system.

I would recommend GM Toolkit WFRP4 (which gives bunch of useful macros, for handling advantage and GM rolls), and simple calendar (built in Warhammer calendar). Also, I like bar brawl (for custom resource bars, with separate settings for PC/NPC), and health estimate (adds NPC verbose estimate for wounds resource).

Both thumbs up.
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It’s fantastic. I have core, the starter box and the first two enemy within volumes. Works great. Automation is top notch. Art and text all included in journal entries. It makes running the game a breeze.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I have been playing for about half year. System and core modules are very well done. Developer (Moo Man) is active on discord, and a capable and decent person.

I got Core, Starter and Ubersreik Adventures 1. While anything can be built in base system, from scratch, it does save time to get official modules. Most, if not all, tables are present: like hit locations and critical wounds. System has lots of optional configurability in-built: Fast SL (blackjack d100), automatic success/failure (5%/95%, or put your own values), criticals on all tests, initiative options, tons. Also, some community and developers own homebrew, all optional. There is effective character builder, as well. Also, code is accessible and readable, and can be modified if options are unavailable. Modules contain entire rulebook text and imagery.

Note also that all optional rules/fixes that appear in later books (like Winds of Magic overcast, or Up in Arms group advantage) are included in base system, so extra modules add content, but don't block features. For example, vehicles and vehicle modifications can be built in base system.

I would recommend GM Toolkit WFRP4 (which gives bunch of useful macros, for handling advantage and GM rolls), and simple calendar (built in Warhammer calendar). Also, I like bar brawl (for custom resource bars, with separate settings for PC/NPC), and health estimate (adds NPC verbose estimate for wounds resource).

Both thumbs up.
Thanks! I'll definitely check out the GM Toolkit. After coming down with mod fatigue trying to get 5e to work how I hoped it would in Foundry, I trying to keep mods to a minimum until I know what the offical Cubicle7 mods can do and understand the WFRPG system better. I'm going to ignore any option rules in the system at first as well. I'm just so happy to see a system with actual good support, that I don't want to complicate it playing around with other modules. The only non-Cubicle7 module I've installed is dice so nice. It was a revelation to me that I never seem to need the dice tray mod as I we can just roll any thing from the character sheets. Once I actually start running the game, however, I may install dice tray again if there are rolls I need to make as a DM separate from any existing tables or character sheets. I don't like typing in roll syntax in the chat, I like clicking on graphics.

I'll probably run the Enemy Within campaign as that is available prepped for Foundry.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
It’s fantastic. I have core, the starter box and the first two enemy within volumes. Works great. Automation is top notch. Art and text all included in journal entries. It makes running the game a breeze.
How have you been enjoying the Enemy Within campaign. That's the one I'm planning on running. I've only purchased the first part so far to test (Enemy in Shadows).

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