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Are you a 3.5e grognard? Post here!

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See my user title.

In case it has changed by the time the gentle reader comes across this post, it currently reads:
"Once and future grognard."

Did anyone NOT get the meaning of that? I could see the writing on the wall. And I could see the shape of things to come. And I like things the way that they are now.

When 2e ended, I was ready for a change. I had twisted, folded, spindled, and mutilated the game, made it do unnatural things, and tried a dozen variants. It was due for replacement.

3e? Not so much. I never had to do a whole lot to make it the game I wanted it to be. And with the plethora of creative publishers, I now have a huge slug of fantastic material to work with. I've barely scratched the surface of what I want to do with it.

The things I heard they were taking out of 2e for 3e were things I felt desperately needed fixed: percentile strength, racial class level limits, wonky multiclassing, kits, disparate resolution systems.

The things they want to take out now are things that I feel make the game work and make it what it is. Multi-encounter resource management, vancian magic, detailed skill system, etc.

Could it be better? Sure. But from what I am hearing now, I'm not seeing it get better. I could be wrong. I was skeptical about 3e when it came out. So I'll keep an open mind. But the way I am seeing things going now, I'll pick up 4e, play it with my friends who have moved on, but for the purposes of my own game, it's 3.5 ad infinitum.

SHARK said:
I guess we are caught in a precarious position. To my mind, there are two salient considerations:

(1) Business: Yes, yes, I'm familiar with the whole marketing thing, profit drive, and the need to generate new sales and so on. I get that. Releasing 4E certainly fulfills those criteria.

(2) Creatively:

However, while 3.5E can use some minor rules tweaks and so on, there are some major problems with changing to a new edition. Creatively, *AS A CUSTOMER*--I haven't nearly exhausted all of the creative fun and potential out of oh, at least a DOZEN books and supplements I have for 3.5E. Not even close.

*I* have a creative "bottom line" if you will. From MMIII, to the Environment books, to PHII, DMGII, and probably two dozen other books, I have not even come close to getting the full use out of them. Why change to 4E?

To do so, would mean that I have essentially *wasted* the last $500-$1,000 dollars I have spent on books over the last two years.

This is SHARK hitting the nail on the head.


3.5 Forever!

[Lurker mode OFF]

My group (that I DM) won't be switching to 4e, as we too have WAY too much invested in 3.5 and honestly what I've seen of 4e so far has totally turned me off. I'll continue to purchase Dungeon Tiles sets and D&D minis for use in my 3.5 game though, so I won't be totally turning away from WotC completely. I'll miss Dragon magazine the most (yeah, I know it'll be electronic now, but to me that's useless - I want my products in my hand.) I can't believe I just got the last issue in the mail. :(

[Lurker mode ON]

Dragon Snack

First Post
Grognard? There are other systems I could play if nobody wants to play 3rd edition...

I've posted before that unless 4th knocks my socks off, it will most likely see me taking my leave of D&D.

My socks are still on.

What I have heard of it (I was at the announcement and at the D&D Q&A) isn't exciting me. Add in the hamfisted and rather sleazy way WotC handled it (come on, could they find a SMALLER ROOM at Gen Con to hold the Q&A at?) and I'm not holding my breath.

I'll still play if my group doesn't update, but at least one of my players is excited about the changes. I have another that says he won't update, but he said the same about 3.0 to 3.5 when he was DMing. The other members just aren't as heavily invested in the game (which may mean they won't want to invest in an update).

The stage is set for bad feelings. Thank you Wizards...

Eric Tolle

First Post
It bewielders me that there can even BE grognards for a game that's only eight freaking years old. Now Traveller, THAT'S a game where there's room to be a proper grognard. Say "Classic Traveller is best" or "They should have stopped with Megatraveller", and people will know where your coming from. Same for original D&D; I can respect a man who's stuck with the same game for 30 years. But 3.0/3.5? get back to me in a decade.

As for burning $1000.00 over the last two years? That only comes down to $42.00/month. A real D&D fan should take into account how much D&D's saved them in dating expenses. :p

+5 Keyboard!

First Post
Kind of getting ahead of ourselves, aren't we, since 4E is still like a year away? Whatever, though. You can count me in when this will apply.

I'll probably eventually give in and switch, but that'll be in my own good time, and after I've checked it out thoroughly and gotten all the play out of the v.3.5 products I sunk so much of my hard-earned money into first.

Dyne said:
The last issue of Dragon magazine finally arrived in the mail today, and as I was looking through it I felt something break inside me. Ravenloft is gone, Dragon and Dungeon are gone, Dragonlance is gone, and now all of D&D as I know it will be gone too. The game I enjoyed for many years no longer exists, just like my gaming group breaking up several years ago. WotC has gradually sucked all the life out of it; even seeing the initials "D&D" makes me feel like I've been punched in the gut.

Yup, but I just got married too, so it may just be time to hang out my dice bag and call it a day.

Someday, I'll surely try out 4e, but I don't think I'll like it much. The online play option is nice, but the rules sound un-D&D.

Only the odd-numbered movies/editions are good . . .

Thurbane said:
When I first made the leap from 2E to 3.5, I never thought I'd be sitting here misty eyed lamenting the end of 3.5.

I feel the same way about the transition from AD&D (1st Edition) to 3.0.

I was no fanboy of 1.5 Edition (that would be the original Unearthed Arcana). Cavaliers and barbarians were cool in concept, but poor executed. Most of the new spells added nothing to the game. The new magic items, pole arm article, and non-human gods I yoinked into my AD&D game.

I never played much 2nd Edition. My first impressions of it were poor (no more demons, no more orc PC's, no more assassin PC's), especially since my PC at the time of the cross-over was a half-orc assassin. So I went back to AD&D, playing it until 2001 or so.

After those mixed to bad experiences, I was willing to try 3e, but only as a player at first. I realized it was complicated and slower, but fun. So, given player pressure, I conformed to the new norm.

When I saw 3.5, I bought it right away and liked it. It was like what 1.5 or 2 should have been -- a very minor change that cleaned up some of the original design problems of 3.0, but had zero compatibility issues. Sure, you pay twice to a similar "hat", but it was NEW hat, and a good one at that. :)

But 4.0 sounds doofy.

So, my theory is: D&D is like Star Trek movies. Only the odd-numbered ones are good.

So go go 5th Edition! Maybe that can be D&D: Generations, where Gary Gygax comes badk to the fold? :p

AWizardInDallas said:
I hate most of the dark, goth, pierced, tatooed eye-bashing 3E artwork. In that I am a grognard.AWizardInDallas.com

Hating 3e art doesn't affect your grognard status one way or the other.

(For the record, spiky armor is the dumbest thing ever . . . )

However, I have every reason to expect 4e will be closer to "Dark Angel" than "Lord of the Rings" in its visual props. Why go tweener rebellion when you could go medieval on our . . . ?

Because nose rings r teh roxor! :lol:

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