D&D 5E Are you RETURNING to D&D

Are you returning to D&D?

  • I never stopped!

    Votes: 93 32.1%
  • I'm back after playing other game(s)

    Votes: 114 39.3%
  • I'm back after a period of no gaming

    Votes: 51 17.6%
  • I'm not playing 5E and this thread is not for me

    Votes: 32 11.0%

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First Post
Morrus explicitly mentioned this question is directed at 5e players. It's not asking whether you think 5e is worth returning to. It's asking "of those who play 5e, did you come back after a period of not playing D&D." Not every opinion has a place in every conversation; and it isn't censorship to say so.

No, Morrus specifically said "RETURNING to D&D." He has since edited his post to specify 5E. I can neither read minds nor predict the future. It's a failing of mine.


3E (and siblings) left me burned out by too many interdependent, complex rules that broke my old-school DM brain. 4E didn't really meet my needs. We were going to do some nWoD, but it never got off the ground, due to schedules.

5E is the right game, at the right time, for me. It's quick-play, like 1E, and my schedule is open enough that I can handle an every-other-Friday game.

Li Shenron

This is a question specifically for those currently playing 5E. Not for those not playing 5E.

I was wondering how much of a return to D&D there was, either from other games or from a place of no RPG-ing at all, as opposed to continuous play through editions. I know a lot of people played 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E, and now 5E, or jumped on along the way. Others jumped off along the way and may now be coming back.

So if you're RETURNING to D&D from another game or from no gaming at all, let us know! What were you doing before? What brought you back?

Currently playing only PbP, but I played during the playtest, and I'm getting organized to play again at a table this winter.

I quit D&D at the advent of 4e (although I had reverted back from 3.5 to 3.0) and I came back at the launch of the 5e playtest. I am not 100% sure but I think I didn't even check-in to ENW at all during the many-years hiatus, but perhaps you can check that ;)


First Post
Yup, I came back to D&D with 5th ed. I got into D&D years ago during 2nd edition and I gave it a go with 3.XX and its various knock-offs but I just couldn't get into it so I stopped playing. 4th wasn't my cup of tea either. During that time I played a few different RPGs however I really got more into boardgames and non-collectible card games. At Gen Con 2013 I played in a game of D&D Next and I liked what I saw enough to stick around throughout the remaining playtests. Now that 5th ed is officially out, I have two games going, one as a player in Adventure League and another I run for some of my old gaming buddies. Fun times.


Well, I consider Pathfinder to be a flavor of D&D myself, but I'm not sure the position the poll takes on it. So I'm either continuing just in a new edition, or returning.

-TG :cool:


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Well, I consider Pathfinder to be a flavor of D&D myself, but I'm not sure the position the poll takes on it. So I'm either continuing just in a new edition, or returning.

The poll takes the literal position. Pathfinder is Pathfinder. D&D is D&D.


First Post
No, Morrus specifically said "RETURNING to D&D." He has since edited his post to specify 5E. I can neither read minds nor predict the future. It's a failing of mine.

My apologies. I assumed that people would recognize the discussion is about fifth edition D&D, given the fact that it was explicitly posted in the forum section on fifth edition D&D. I should clearly not make such assumptions. And I should realize there are people who have no particular interest in fifth edition or desire to play fifth edition who are perusing the fifth edition forum, and I should respect their right to make constructive contributions to the discussion.

P.S. I'm sorry that you can neither read minds nor predict the future. Buck up, though. With practice, you may still get it.


I had a long stint running 3.5, then playing 3.5. We are currently playing original Deadlands. In December I am running a one off 5e game. Therefore in sense returning. When the group and/or the GM tires of Deadlands I think we will be playing 5E.

Voidrunner's Codex

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