D&D 5E Are you RETURNING to D&D

Are you returning to D&D?

  • I never stopped!

    Votes: 93 32.1%
  • I'm back after playing other game(s)

    Votes: 114 39.3%
  • I'm back after a period of no gaming

    Votes: 51 17.6%
  • I'm not playing 5E and this thread is not for me

    Votes: 32 11.0%

I played 2nd, 3rd and 3.5, tried 4th when it came out and wasn't a fan. We've been playing Exalted for the past 5 years. 5th though has got us back to playing D&D though. As far as I've seen and played, I think it could become my favorite edition. Only thing I really, really, want to see is good solid material for Dragon Lance(I know be patient).

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I played 1e and 2e because they were the only game on the block, but I skipped 3e, Pathfinder, and most likely 5e for the same reason, i.e. to many sub-systems and no parity between martial and caster classes.

My tastes have changed but the game has gone retro.

I am back because of my players, I prefer Pathfinder, been running games in it plus other systems, but a few of them are D&Ders (like there is a difference) and think 5E is the sliced bread of RPGs. So, will be do a Halloween game for 10 to 12 sessions and see where that takes me.

I'm back after playing nothing for several years. I bought some pathfinder books and read them, and I thought they did a very fine job, but because of a combination of things -- where i was in my life, where my friends were, the 3.75E factor of it all -- i never got to really sit down and play a campaign of it.

Now with 5E i'm on board, devouring the books and adventures, experiencing the renewed interest all around the web, seeing the cool things people are doing with the new rules, toying with new digital tools... and I feel like it has me hooked the same way it did when 3/3.5e were coming out.

So far, 61% of current 5E players who responded are returning. That's very interesting! Some selection bias, I'm sure, but still higher than I'd have guessed at.

Been waiting for a long time, back to where we started. I know a few here seem to have issues with certain aspects of D&D 5th Edition, to each its own. For me and my groups (6+) play style & entertainment value it is a Masterpiece. One I know we will be playing & supporting for years to come.

i only chose based on the poll answers. now that i've read the thread. ummm... strike my answer. :doh: edit: i just love taking polls.

Me too. Voted still playing D&D because I am still playing 4e D&D. No firm intention to play 5e but I am reading it.

Proud to say Im back to D&D after 2e. I never quite got into 3 and after trying 4e for nearly 6 months it just wasn't for me.
Happy that 5e gathers a bit of everything but more than anything, returns to me the D&D I loved in 1e.

5e is a homecomming for me, as it appears to be for many others.

Ok, I voted I'm back since path is not d&d. I prefer path over 3.5 and dislike 4th. I was playing path for many years. I will be playing path many more. It will continue being my favorite game and I will spend more time on it. but now there is a place for d&d in my table.
curiously one month after I started dming 5th we started an ad&d 2nd ed campaign. In this table i play. I haven't play like in two years, I just love gming.

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