D&D General Are You Seriously Planning to Stop Playing and/or Running D&D Over The Recent OGL Developments?

Are You Seriously Planning to Stop Playing and/or Running D&D Over he Recent OGL Developments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 95 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 122 56.2%


Looks like I’m the lone dissenter here.

While my enthusiasm for D&D has been dampened, I intend to continue to run and play 5e and will continue to purchase the 5e books I like (or receive them as gifts). I am also open to giving 1D&D a look when it is finished.

I am not intending to cancel my DDB subscription at this time.

I will also go see the movie and probably watch the TV show.

I have never been much of a 3PP supporter and this is unlikely to change going forward.

Yes, I do feel some guilt about my position but not enough to change it.

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Follower of the Way
I voted "yes," though technically I'm not running or playing 5e at present, because if I were running 5e, I would be gearing up to switch to some other system as a result of this action, so long as my players were okay with that change. (I would not force such a change on my players unless I literally had no other choice, e.g. if I somehow lost all access in any form to the rules needed for play.)

And if I were playing, I would at least have a chat with my DM to ask if they would consider running some other system instead; if not, well, I'd probably still stick around until that game ran out, but I wouldn't join up with any new 5e games and I would generally hope for (and work toward) a natural conclusion for the existing campaign. Note the "natural"--I don't mean "bum-rush an ending no matter what so long as it has a fig-leaf excuse." I mean genuinely seeking a real and satisfying conclusion (ideally, satisfying for all participants) sooner rather than later, as opposed to purely letting things meander through their own course.

Edit: That said, since I own the 4e books and have access to various resources on that front, I might run a 4e game. Wouldn't run any other edition. It's the one WotC hates anyway, so I see it as biting my thumb at them.


No. This is really a throwing the baby out with the bathwater situation. Hey, if others want to stop playing D&D, that is fine for them but I not going alter my hobby. Just caused AD&D 2nd edition came out, I did not stop playing 1st edition. Only moved to 3rd edition as had been on a break for a few years and was looking to get back in.


Yes: 40%
No: 60%
"Guess I'm the only person saying no"

I don't think that means what you think it means.
I wasn’t referring to the poll results. I was referring to all the comments from people clarifying that while they aren’t going to stop playing, they are going to stop giving WotC money. I seem to be one of the only ones here still willing to do that.


I wasn’t referring to the poll results. I was referring to all the comments from people clarifying that while they aren’t going to stop playing, they are going to stop giving WotC money. I seem to be one of the only ones here still willing to do that.
I am on the fence there. I have been thinking about not purchase future WotC products before this mess, but that was due to me not need what they have been producing and a lack of quality I have been finding in a number of their products. Finding that most of their adventures/campaign have poorly written. Finding much better written adventures in the DM Guild.


Finding much better written adventures in the DM Guild.
Really? I’ve yet to find anything I’ve particularly liked on the DMs Guild. Same goes for 3PP. While WotC’s official offerings aren’t perfect, I find them preferable to any unofficial stuff I’ve bought / looked at. I wasn’t even impressed by the Guild Adepts stuff back when that was still a thing.


This is not a judgment on other people: I have already ended a 5E campaign and started a Starfinder campaign because I think even running 5E supports WotC. It encourages people I play with to buy books and keep the Beyond sub, and I don't want to do that. This is especially true when running at cons. I have one last 5E game to run because I already promised to do so, but that will be it.


Really? I’ve yet to find anything I’ve particularly liked on the DMs Guild. Same goes for 3PP. While WotC’s official offerings aren’t perfect, I find them preferable to any unofficial stuff I’ve bought / looked at. I wasn’t even impressed by the Guild Adepts stuff back when that was still a thing.
Well, everyone has different tastes. Not everything is a winner and I also was not impressed by the Guild Adepts. Howevever, Waterdeep: A Tail of Two Fishies, which I had used to start a campaign was a blast.

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