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Ariael Duama: Female roguish high elf Rogue/Swashbuckler/Escrimeur [please critique]


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Damn, that dude is burly as hell. I don't think I could offer any advice on how to make him tougher, but it's neat to see both template and prestige class taken in directions I had never considered.

I can't wait to see what you do with the rougish template. :D



requested by D&D author Blackdirge, here's a PC I have created using the Roguish template and the Escrimeur prestige class, both available at ENWorld Online Store. Without further due, after Crystal Ram the martial psiforged Crimson Pugilist and Brottor “Wraithblade” Balderk the armored dread wraith sovereign dwarf Crimson Cleaver, here is a lovely Roguish elven female Escrimeur:

Ariael Duama a.k.a. The Strider of the Great Silver Crescent CR 22
Female roguish high elf Rog 5 / Swashbuckler 10 / Escrimeur 5
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +16; Senses Low-light vision, Listen +12, Spot +12
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan, Gnome
AC 39, Touch 26, Flat-footed 39, Uncanny Dodge, Dodge Bonus +3
(+11 dex, +8 armor, +5 natural, +5 deflection)
HP 155 (20 HD: 5d6 + 10d10 + 5d8 + 60);
Immune sleep;
Fort +24 Ref +31 Will +14, +2 vs. Enchantment effects, Evasion, Scoundrel’s Luck
Speed 60ft. (12 squares), fly 60 ft (good), Acrobatic Charge
Melee +5 speed elven courtblade +41/+41/+41/+36/+31/+26 (2d8+16/15-20/x2 plus 9d8 sneak attack) or
Melee +5 elven thinblade +40/+40/+35/+30/+25 (2d6+16/18-20/x2 plus 9d8 sneak attack)
Melee +5 elven lightblade +40/+40/+35/+30/+25 (1d8+16/18-20/x2 plus 9d8 sneak attack)
Ranged +5 distance elven double bow +28/+23/+18/+13 (2d6+5/x3 plus 9d8 sneak attack)
Ranged +5 distance elven double bow +26/+26/+21/+16/+11 (2d6+5/x3 plus 9d8 sneak attack) with the bow’s second string
Space 5 ft; Reach 5 ft;
Base Atk +18; Grapple +22
Atk Options Sneak Attack +9d8, Insightful Strike (+2 to damage rolls), Penetrating Thrust, Lunging Thrust, Grappling Thrust, Sudden Riposte, Rapid Thrust, Greater Combat Reflexes, Telling Blow
Special Options Dodge Bonus +3, Deadly Finesse (+5), Robilar’s Gambit
Combat Gear 5 potions of Cure Serious Wounds
Abilities Str 18 Dex 32 Con 17 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 8
SQ Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Trapfinding, Trap Sense +1, Grace, Dodge Bonus +3, Improved Flanking, Fighter Feat Advancement, Improved Sneak Attack, Improved Finesse, Master Finesse, Scoundrel’s Luck, Roguish Reflexes, Scoundrel’s Speed
Feats Martial Proficiency (longsword, rapier, [composite] longbow, [composite] shortbow) (b), Weapon Finesse (b), Weapon Familiarity (elven weapons), Weapon Focus (elven courtblade), Combat Reflexes, Daring Outlaw, Improved Combat Reflexes, Telling Blow, Improved Critical (elven courtblade) (b), Greater Combat Reflexes, Robilar’s Gambit (b)
Skills Balance +34, Climb +22, Hide +21, Jump +32, Listen +12, Move Silently +21, Search +13, Sense Motive +22, Spot +12, Tumble +34
Possessions Robe of Arcane Might with +4 resistance bonus on saves (conjuration), Tunic of Thurrinak, +5 speed elven courtblade, +5 elven thinblade, +5 elven lightblade, +5 distance elven double bow, Wings of Flying, Gloves of Dexterity +6, Belt of Giant Strength +6, Amulet of Health +6, Bracers of Mighty Blows, Boots of Striding and Springing
Level Adjustment +2; +3 if she possesses 5 rogues levels or more
Search skill bonuses (Ex) If Ariael merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door, she is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
Evasion (Ex) as rogue class ability
Sneak Attack (Ex) as rogue class ability; (Thanks to the Daring Outlaw feat, Ariael is treated as a 15th-level rogue for this ability)
Trapfinding as rogue class ability
Trap Sense (Ex) as rogue class ability
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) as rogue class ability
Grace (Ex) Ariael receives a +3 competence bonus to Reflex saves, but she loses this ability if she wears armor heavier than medium. (Thanks to the Daring Outlaw feat, Ariael is treated as a 15th-level swashbuckler for this ability)
Insightful Strike (Ex) Ariael adds her Intelligence bonus to damage rolls with any light weapons and any weapons of which Weapon Finesse applies, but she loses this ability if she wears armor heavier than medium. Creatures immune to sneak attacks are also immune to this extra damage.
Dodge Bonus (Ex) Ariael can designate an opponent of which she receive a +3 dodge bonus to AC, like the Dodge feat, but she loses this ability if she wears armor heavier than medium. (Thanks to the Daring Outlaw feat, Ariael is treated as a 15th-level swashbuckler for this ability)
Acrobatic Charge (Ex) Ariael can charge through difficult terrains without slowing down.
Improved Flanking (Ex) Ariael receives a +4 bonus to attack rolls when flanking instead of the usual +2 bonus.
Fighter Feat Advancement Ariael is treated as a 5th-level fighter for the purpose of feats.
Deadly Finesse (Ex) When wielding a rapier, saber, or estoc, Ariael may add one half his Dexterity bonus to the damage roll (round down) on a successful melee attack. The extra damage stacks with any Strength bonus the character possesses. (Note: The elven courtblade is treated as an estoc for this ability)
Single Sword Fencing Style - Penetrating Thrust (Ex) Ariael has learned the art of finding chinks in his opponents’ armor. When using a rapier, saber, or estoc, she may ignore a number of points of armor or natural armor on any opponent equal to his Intelligence or Wisdom bonus, whichever is higher. In this case, she may subtract 2 points. (Note: The elven courtblade is treated as an estoc for this ability)
Lunging Thrust (Ex) As a standard action, Ariael may perform a lunging thrust with the rapier, saber, or estoc. Ariael can target an opponent up to 5 feet beyond his normal reach with lunging thrust (although she does not actually threaten creatures beyond his normal reach), and if she successfully strikes the target, she deals double damage. However, the lunging thrust is a fairly reckless attack, and Ariael suffers a –4 penalty to AC until the start of her next turn. (Note: The elven courtblade is treated as an estoc for this ability)
Single Sword Fencing Style Expertise - Grappling Thrust (Ex) Ariael can initiate a special type of grapple that leaves her weapon lodged in his opponent. To initiate a grappling thrust, Ariael must successfully strike her opponent in melee with a rapier, saber, or estoc. If the attack is successful, she deals normal damage and can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If Ariael wins the grapple check, she has established a hold, and has lodged his weapon in her opponent’s body. Ariael can then inflict full weapon damage each round she maintains the hold (she doesn’t need to establish a pin) with a successful grapple check. If the opponent breaks the hold, the grapple ends, and Ariael’s weapon is forced from the target’s body.
Sudden Riposte (Ex) Once per round, as an immediate action, Ariael can make a single melee attack against an opponent that misses her with a melee attack, provided she can reach the opponent. Sudden riposte can only be used with a weapon that works with the Weapon Finesse feat.
Single Sword Fencing Style Mastery – Rapid Thrust (Ex) At 5th level, Ariael that has chosen the single-sword style can make a single extra attack with a rapier, saber, or estoc when using the full attack action. This extra attack is at her full attack bonus; however, when using rapid thrust she suffers a –2 penalty to all attacks in the round.
Improved Sneak Attack (Ex) Ariael increases the damage die for sneak attacks from 1d6 to 1d8.
Improved Finesse (Ex) Ariael can used the Weapon Finesse feat with any one-handed weapon, in addition to light weapons, applying her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to attack rolls.
Master Finesse (Ex) Ariael adds 1.5 times her Dexterity modifier (round down) to attack rolls with all light and one-handed weapons (including natural weapons).
Scoundrel’s Luck (Su) Ariael receives a luck bonus to all saving throws equal to her Intelligence bonus (if positive).
Roguish Reflexes (Ex) Ariael adds 1.5 times her Dexterity modifier (round down) to her initiative modifier.
Scoundrel’s Speed (Ex) Ariael receives double her Dexterity bonus in feet to her base land speed, round up or down to the nearest 5-foot increment.

Stats Bonuses
Base elite stats: Str 12 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 8
After race & template modifiers: Str 12 Dex 21 Con 11 Int 16 Wis 10 Cha 8

Inherent Bonuses allotment per level and magic items
4th: Dex +1 (22)
8th: Dex +1 (23)
11th: Dex +6 (29) = Gloves of Dexterity +6
12th: Dex +1 (30)
15th: Str +6 (18) = Belt of Giant Strength +6
15th: Con +6 (17) = Amulet of Health +6
16th: Dex +1 (31)
20th: Dex +1 (32)

Final stats at 20th level: Str 18 Dex 32 Con 17 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 8

Class levels arrangement
Rogue 1
Rogue 2
Rogue 3
Rogue 4
Rogue 5
Swashbuckler 1
Swashbuckler 2
Swashbuckler 3
Swashbuckler 4
Swashbuckler 5
Swashbuckler 6
Swashbuckler 7
Swashbuckler 8
Swashbuckler 9
Swashbuckler 10
Escrimeur 1
Escrimeur 2
Escrimeur 3
Escrimeur 4
Escrimeur 5

1st: Martial Proficiency (longsword, rapier, [composite] longbow, [composite] shortbow) (bonus: elf)
1st: Weapon Finesse (bonus: roguish template)
1st: Weapon Familiarity (elven weapons)
3rd: Weapon Focus (elven courtblade)
6th: Combat Reflexes
9th: Daring Outlaw
12th: Improved Combat Reflexes (Dragon Magazine #340 pp 87)
15th: Telling Blow
17th: Improved Critical (elven courtblade) (bonus: escrimeur)
18th: Greater Combat Reflexes (Dragon Magazine #340 pp 87)
19th: Robilar’s Gambit (bonus: escrimeur)

760,000 gp (base 20th)
- 110,000 gp: Robe of Arcane Might with +4 resistance bonus on saves (conjuration) (Eberron’s Explorer’s Handbook pp 153)
- 125,000 gp: Tunic of Thurrinak (Eberron’s Explorer’s Handbook pp 157)
- 98,450 gp: +5 speed elven courtblade (Races of the Wild pp 165)
- 50,400 gp: +5 elven thinblade (Races of the Wild pp 165)
- 50,350 gp: +5 elven lightblade (Races of the Wild pp 165)
- 73,300 gp: +5 distance elven double bow (Arm & Equipment Guide pp 7)
- 54,000 gp: Wings of Flying
- 36,000 gp: Gloves of Dexterity +6
- 36,000 gp: Belt of Giant Strength +6
- 36,000 gp: Amulet of Health +6
- 10,000 gp: Bracers of Mighty Blows (Blackdirge’s Axe Reaver Supplement)
- 5,500 gp: Boots of Striding and Springing
- 3,750 gp: 5 potions of Cure Serious Wounds
= 71,250 gp remaining

Well, what do you think ? Feel free to post your comments !

EDIT: tweak some stuff here and there
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Perhaps unsurprisingly (for those who know me by reputation), my main comment is that the AC is rather low for an epic character. Granted, with the rogue levels, enemies should hopefully not see her coming.

I suspect you'd get more comments if this didn't involve the need to learn a new class (Escrimeur.)

How are you avoiding multiclass penalties with Rog 5/Swb 10?


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One little mistake: Weapon Finesse is a Swashbuckler bonus feat, no need to take it at 1st level.

A solid melee build, but for its level, lacking:
- Decent perception abilities (Darkvision etc.)
- Movement options (Flying, Spiderwalk, teleport...)
- The ability to properly deal with ethereal or concealed targets (NB: concealed targets can't be sneak attacked)
- The ability to properly deal with creatures immune to sneak attacks
- Alternative defensive options (Concealment etc.)

Other weak points, but not that critical:
- Low grapple check for a melee build, and no alternative way of escaping grapples
- Low AC and average HP... won't stand much punishment
- Eberron-only gear
- Meh will save

On the whole: you'd better win initiative...


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moritheil said:
Perhaps unsurprisingly (for those who know me by reputation), my main comment is that the AC is rather low for an epic character. Granted, with the rogue levels, enemies should hopefully not see her coming.

I suspect you'd get more comments if this didn't involve the need to learn a new class (Escrimeur.)

How are you avoiding multiclass penalties with Rog 5/Swb 10?
Well, Blackdirge somehow challenged me to create another character using materials from his books. The Roguish template and the Escrimeur PrC are both taken from D&D 3.5 supplements available at the ENWorld shop. How am I avoiding the penalties ? Simple: I do not. Sure, if I ever play such a PC, I'll be behind the others in terms of leveling up. One easy way to rectify this would be to swap the classes' order: Swb 10/Rog 5

Kat' said:
One little mistake: Weapon Finesse is a Swashbuckler bonus feat, no need to take it at 1st level.

A solid melee build, but for its level, lacking:
- Decent perception abilities (Darkvision etc.)
- Movement options (Flying, Spiderwalk, teleport...)
- The ability to properly deal with ethereal or concealed targets (NB: concealed targets can't be sneak attacked)
- The ability to properly deal with creatures immune to sneak attacks
- Alternative defensive options (Concealment etc.)

Other weak points, but not that critical:
- Low grapple check for a melee build, and no alternative way of escaping grapples
- Low AC and average HP... won't stand much punishment
- Eberron-only gear
- Meh will save

On the whole: you'd better win initiative...
True, the swashbuckler does gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat... and so does the Roguish template. The problem though is the swashbuckler,s bonus feat doesn't state to take another feat if you ever get Weapon Finesse from another source.

Ouch, talk about nailing the problems. The whole idea was to build a PC around two things: Combat Reflexes and attacks of opportunity. Improved Combat Reflexes allows you to make two attacks of opportunity when you are entitled to normally attack once, and Greater Combat Reflexes allows you to make three attacks of opportunity when you are entitled to normally attack once or twice, as long as your Dexterity modifier can permit. With Robilar's Gambit and a high AC, for instance, a 20th-level fighter with 4 attacks might get hit 11 times... on his turn, because each attack causes and attack of opportunity, to which I can make 3 attacks at once (and 2 at the end).

Thanks for your comments, I'll see what I can do to improve that PC.


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JiCi said:
How am I avoiding the penalties ? Simple: I do not. Sure, if I ever play such a PC, I'll be behind the others in terms of leveling up. One easy way to rectify this would be to swap the classes' order: Swb 10/Rog 5

Then you need a lot more than the stated XP to be level 20.

I still don't see how reversing the order avoids penalties. Rogue isn't a PrC, nor is it a favored class for high elf.


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Well, the idea was around the Daring Outlaw feat. I thought to take the minimum rogue levels as early as possible and then continue on as a swashbuckler with the feat.


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JiCi said:
Well, the idea was around the Daring Outlaw feat. I thought to take the minimum rogue levels as early as possible and then continue on as a swashbuckler with the feat.

Oh, don't get me wrong, a lot of people build that way. To my recollection, though, they usually use races where rogue is or can be a favored class.

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