1) rogues can take aim for advantage. Only opponents that can guve you disadvantage can make you lose it.This has all been becried many times, but:
1.) Being able to focus your attack bonus is still significant - even with often attacking with advantage and elven accuracy. The advantage is never as guaranteed as we think, and there are high AC foes where that +2 to hit matters. It is especially meaningfukl ona build that is DPR focused and relies upon 1 attack per turn. Bad luck happens.
2.) You get more than just the advantage to hit. Armor of Agathys on a build with some significant spell levels is a significant benefit. Hex can be significant in ways that a lot of players overlook, especially on a stealth build (give the guard a -5 to their passive perception).
3.) If you feel like any one level of a warlock is cookie cutter, then you might want to ask your DMs to do more with the idea of a patron.
2) Oath of conquest gets armor of agathys too.
3) No problem on our table. If you feel everyone should have a warlock level 1 dip and that is fine, ok.
If you can twist the story to make it fit. Perfect.