Arrow TV Show

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I think you missed something. He killed the guys who abducted him. The BBG that he stole the money from specifically said he put his guys in the hospital.

Okay, I did miss that line. They certainly didn't look just hospitalised - one took an arrow mid-torso and went down with barely a grunt, the other took two hits offscreen and we don't get a good look at where he was hit, but again, he's not struggling in pain, he's just down and still. It certainly looked like they were both killed.

And yes, he killed the later goons in combat, but it was a combat he started, knowing the likely costs involved. Breaking into someone's office by carving through their bodyguards in order to rob them is not self-defence.


First Post
kind of with spoilers

It wasn't perfect by any means. I doubt a kid on an island for five years could have built a computer hacking arrow so quickly and it was too obvious in the wall glowing to not have been located by the criminals. It was a better pilot then Smallville.

I really liked it. I have seen this in a couple of places, but really it points to something bigger. Not only can he do that, but on the island he:

Learned Archery. You would not learn archery on a deserted island, at least not enough to be the class he is.

Hand to hand combat. He is not some raging beast, but is good enough to take out highly trained security people.

Pick-pockets. He was able to snag his sisters drugs without her knowing.

This is also the day and age of the TV slow reveal.

We will learn through flashbacks that it was not a deserted island.

My guess. They are going to work in the League of Shadows on the Island. I am probably wrong on the League, but he learned all these things from someone/group on the Island.



First Post
I really liked it. I have seen this in a couple of places, but really it points to something bigger. Not only can he do that, but on the island he:

We don't know what he learned on the island and what he knew before hand. Now they are going to do island flashbacks every episode so there is going to be a lot revealed, but until then I can only go by what they show us. It could be he learned it, it could be bad writing. It can turn out to be a combination of both.


I thought that the show was very cool.

For me, it hit the right marks. Good blend of "now" and "origin". Seems it will be taking the flashback route to reveal the origin over time which I greatly prefer to a rushed "got to get this out of the way" style origin that you often see in movies.

Like Smallville's approach to Superman, it appears that it will diverge from Green Arrow canon where it wants to while providing nods to the lore. Speedy is now a nickname for his sister. Will she eventually go the route of sidekick? Merlyn is the name of Ollie's best friend. Will he evolve into the Green Arrow nemesis of the same name?

The Deathstroke mask on the beach was very, very cool. It was almost a visceral reaction for me, all from seeing a freakin' cloth mask...

Honestly, while I've always liked Green Arrow, he never made it into my top-tier of heroes. I'm totally fine with them not hewing directly to the pre-New52 canon.

But then, I really enjoy the New52 version of Green Arrow. A more accessible Olliver without the goofy goatee & in-your-face liberalism.

The thing I'm wondering about the most, however, is how much the "super" aspect will be in the show. Will we ever see a Black Canary with Canary Cry or will we keep the more "realistic" street-level tone...

On my watch list.


First Post
We don't know what he learned on the island and what he knew before hand. Now they are going to do island flashbacks every episode so there is going to be a lot revealed, but until then I can only go by what they show us. It could be he learned it, it could be bad writing. It can turn out to be a combination of both.

I can't disagree with that. I do tend to give TV writers a lot of wiggle room, and usually end up disappointed. But, as of what we know right now, he should not be in the shape he is in, with the skills he has.

So, for now I guess it is tune in next week at the same Arrow Time on the same Arrow Channel.


I can't disagree with that. I do tend to give TV writers a lot of wiggle room, and usually end up disappointed. But, as of what we know right now, he should not be in the shape he is in, with the skills he has.

So, for now I guess it is tune in next week at the same Arrow Time on the same Arrow Channel.


Well at the end of this weeks show is a flash back to day 1 on the island, where oliver queen is shot by an archer in a green hood... so there is someone training him.

I was much more impressed with the back and forth with the body guard.


First Post
I'm impressed the body guard fought China White and kind of held his own.

I imagine the other guy on the island will train him, but right now all we know is shot him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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